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JS/CSS Libraries updated - modest design changes - report any rendering issues

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  • Cricket
    Ja, more clicking and took a bit longer with the sidebar instead of at top or on the right pretty much. At the time I could only speak for mobile. So that is why I specified. Tested it on desktop right now. It still has a bit more effect on mobile than on desktop because of the smaller screen and different layout combined with the ad placement on the actual sign in page, even if it is the same number of clicks.
    It's fine though. That was just my honest impression when I logged in.

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  • severenz
    Mizal, I agree that the profile/my account menu was confusing before. Hopefully the changes I've made improve the clarity.

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  • mizal
    New story and profile menus are nice. I'll get more use out of the story one but it was a little unclear for new people I think how the public vs private profile stuff were accessed before.

    Seems like something has changed every time I log in here now.

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  • severenz
    Originally posted by Cricket View Post
    I noticed the design changes. They look pretty nice. A bit harder to sign in on mobile, but otherwise fine.
    What exactly do you mean by "harder on mobile?" The login form was not changed. If you mean, having to click a couple more times to get to the login form, that's true for all devices and resolutions. That was a small sacrifice I was willing to make for the nav organization and simplification I made.

    Looking forward to your response.

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  • Cricket
    I noticed the design changes. They look pretty nice. A bit harder to sign in on mobile, but otherwise fine.

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  • JS/CSS Libraries updated - modest design changes - report any rendering issues

    I've upgraded JQuery, JQuery UI, and Bootstrap libraries. Included with this is some modest design/UI changes. You'll see these mostly in the site header and the story menus.

    There are still some modest style tweaks I'll be making in the next week. If you find any functional issues or significantly poor renderings, please post on this ticket.

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