Anyone else finding the spambot's advertisement titles a little amusingly contradictory at times? One moment it's trying to sell us viagra, next it's telling us how viagra causes heart attacks. Recently it's been trying to sell "healthy cigarettes".
Still surprised it hasn't started shilling sex toys yet though. After going through loans, savings, credit, gambling, prescription drugs, and cigs I'm sure the "Mr. Big Dick Cream" porn spam links will be showing up soon.
Still surprised it hasn't started shilling sex toys yet though. After going through loans, savings, credit, gambling, prescription drugs, and cigs I'm sure the "Mr. Big Dick Cream" porn spam links will be showing up soon.
It tried to sell "Kamasutra Contoured Condoms" ("super thin," cheap, and made in Mexico, no less) in its very first post, along with a number of age-related products (gabapentin, anti-wrinkle cream, menopause gum) for reasons I'm not going to guess at. I replied to the thread with some snark, which seems to have set it off.
I have to wonder why it's programmed with nonsense rather than coherent advertising, though, and those numbers (countless other spambots seem to use the same format). Obviously it's optimized to get search hits in some way, but I'm assuming there's also a monetary goal here.
I'm impressed that anyone knows Dragavan's real name.
Katie straight up posted a visitor message asking "Where are you?" and he probably answered. I'm guessing End just printed out the address after that and showed up at his place.