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Collab story?

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  • mizal
    There's an issue with write permissions right now that I'm hoping Sev will be able to take a look at soon, but always happy to have someone new contributing.

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  • Shadowdrake27
    Oh yeah, credit for my anonymous page would be nice, haha.

    RoxCavier, the game is called Rift Station: Open Worlds by Mizal.

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  • RoxCavier
    I just started something but... I'm open for collabs!

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  • ninjapitka
    No worries. I thought about tagging you, but I figured you had more important things going on. It would be nice to edit submitted pages because I think the spacing is off on one or more of them. We might want to resubmit the "anonymous" page too, so the number of contributors is accurate.

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  • mizal
    Originally posted by ninjapitka View Post

    It's still making me wait for your approval. Also, I planned on having all my links as open (o), but I don't have the ability to edit a submitted page. Meaning, I can't go back and remove the "o" after adding a page to a link.
    Just noticed this, sorry for the wait.

    I double checked and I definitely have you listed with read/write permissions for that story. I'll try to figure it out when I'm at a computer and if not I guess that's a bug to mention to Sev.

    I'd assumed you'd be able to edit pages you wrote yourself too.

    If you add another page, just tag me on the Discord for a faster response.

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  • ninjapitka
    Just saw that, thanks a bunch. Just gave you read and writer permissions so you don't have to wait on me to approve every page.
    It's still making me wait for your approval. Also, I planned on having all my links as open (o), but I don't have the ability to edit a submitted page. Meaning, I can't go back and remove the "o" after adding a page to a link.

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  • ninjapitka
    There might be an anonymous submission from me...normally my browser is automatically set to be logged in, but I had to reset it for, uh, security reasons. Actually, I typed it in the IS editor, so maybe I was just logged out to inactivity.

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  • mizal
    Just saw that, thanks a bunch. Just gave you read and writer permissions so you don't have to wait on me to approve every page.

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  • ninjapitka
    I submitted a page on the death row link.

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  • mizal
    Read it again lol, I said it was much better here than on CYS. We don't actually have a way to just open a story up to random contributors there because of the way publishing works.
    Last edited by mizal; 11-28-2019, 02:26 PM.

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  • severenz
    Originally posted by mizal View Post

    since the way co authoring works here is much less annoying than on CYS.
    Are you just a glass-half-empty person or do you have some ideas for co-authoring improvements? If so - start a site suggestion thread... thx

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  • mizal
    I went ahead and expanded out both of the options for accessing holographic simulations. There are now, I think, 37 links, including four open for anything without any prompt attached. (And room left for making more.)

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  • Cricket
    Let no one say I am lazy.

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  • mizal
    I can't believe Cricket went through all the trouble to Photoshop that fake thing that anyone can just go and see isn't actually there.

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  • Cricket
    Screenshot (32).png

    Very cool

    Screenshot (33).png


    Screenshot (34).png

    Odd choice in wording.

    Anyway, now I know what to do when I have those bouts of inspiration that only last an hour and lead to another unfinished story idea

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