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Calling RPGers...

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  • apotheosis
    Heh, the classic giant ocean on one side and mountains on the other with forest in the middle.

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  • donteatpoop
    They're almost done finetuning the map.

    I think it looks freaking awesome.

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  • apotheosis
    It interesting but a tad bit to involved. Maybe at some point in the future I'll take a serious look at it.

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  • donteatpoop
    Works now. Sorry about that.

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  • apotheosis
    Broken link.

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  • End Master
    Link doesn't work, and I'm getting pop up blocks.

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  • donteatpoop
    started a topic Calling RPGers...

    Calling RPGers...

    I just started playing on a “play by post” site that is in the early stages of development. For those unaware of what “play by post” is, it’s role playing via forum posts. The site I joined is called Adylheim, they’re in their second month over there (successful proper use of all three versions of “their” in one sentence! *high five* Yeah!) They have two main fiefdoms created. And players are allowed up to two characters.

    Hope some of you take me up on this, being there in the early stages means (if desired) you can help create some of the world.

    You bastards.
    Last edited by donteatpoop; 04-19-2008, 05:06 PM.
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