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300,000 Words

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  • xnull
    With little to do in Florida (except make fun of my stepfather for almost dying), I am sure the Flesh Door and 2023 will grow in length.

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  • Leblanc4prez
    I aim to serve. I shall add more rooms Uno Momenta

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  • apotheosis
    started a topic 300,000 Words

    300,000 Words

    That's right. For the first time in recorded history, Infinite Story has a story that has surpassed a word count of 300,000, and that story is Hall of Infinite Doors. It has also almost attained a room count of 3000, less than a hundred rooms away currently. I would go on a writing marathon to get it to that goal but I don't want to break my current contribution of rooms to the story which is 1111 contributed. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible, and I challenge any writers out there to break one of HOID's records.

    Here are some comparisons:

    -53% of the size of War and Peace (which I someday hope to beat)

    -If printed out as a novel, it would be over 1200 pages (with 250 words per page)

    -Over four times the length of Necromancer.

    -39% the size of the Holy Bible (Old and New Testaments combined)

    As for quality... it varies wildly, but there is some good entertaining stuff in there. Feel free to contribute and help make the hallway even larger!
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