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Major Milestone

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  • apotheosis
    Another milestone. HOID has become the first story ever to surpass 500,000 room views.

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  • apotheosis
    Ahhh, thanks for letting me know. I keep a fairly active census of doors in the hallway going to make sure no one tries to end it or do anything else abusive. Congratulations on making it that far, your finger must be in good shape from all that clicking.

    EDIT: Also, this is completely unrelated, well, almost completely, anyway, I still haven't gotten a response from NYC Police even though I sent him a message over a year ago requesting that he ask Sev to make me the editor of AMM considering he is rarely on the site anymore and I am the number on contributor to that story. I want to monopolize as many rooms as possible... mwahahahaha....
    Last edited by apotheosis; 06-22-2008, 02:58 PM.

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  • End Master
    Hey I managed to get to the end of the Hallway. (So far)

    It ends with some nonsensical "Candy f.l" choice written by some guy appropriately named blahblah

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  • apotheosis
    I will. That is sort of a "back-burner" goal that I will work on when I need a way to procrastinate. I'm more preoccupied with my novel right now ever since a few days ago when I decided I should continue work on it. This is the one from Nanowrimo... still at 60,000 words, but I've done some reading and revision and feel ready to continue it.

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  • End Master
    You'll still need to write more rooms in HOID if you want to beat the current top "Most rooms written by one person in one story" title. Though I assume you'll get it eventually.

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  • apotheosis
    started a topic Major Milestone

    Major Milestone

    For the first time since I joined the site, the average rooms per story has exceeded 20. Due to the thousands of abandon one or two room stories that litter the site, the rooms per story average has been very low. Primarily due to Hall of Infinite Doors massive room growth, as well as a few other stories that have come up in size recently, such as a few of Endmaster's pieces, a couple of other random stories such as forest dweller, bob's life, escape artist, one word story, and several others, the average has been slowly but surely pushed up until now when it finally broke the mark for a legitimate story, 20 rooms. Right now it is 20.06. Hurray for everyone's hard work, keep on writing!

    I think our next major goal should be to hit room ID number 100,000.

    Also, just as a random side-note, I recently updated my census of HOID and right now it has 2055 doors and 541 sections in the primary hallway.
    Last edited by apotheosis; 06-09-2008, 12:47 PM.
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