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  • Vesnic
    Originally posted by ChubbyTeletubby View Post
    Ummm...I think Vesnic has one too but I have yet to read it. Don't even remember the name. I've been slacking these last couple years.
    Horror in the cinéma vérité style. It's called The Country from Hell. It won the contest last year. I'd be honored if you'd give it a read.
    Last edited by Vesnic; 10-13-2011, 06:41 PM.

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  • ChubbyTeletubby
    Good to hear, Cat. I've always enjoyed your work.

    From Darkness It Comes by Dragavan is pretty cool.

    EndMaster has a slew of horror/thrillers. All of them awesome.

    Ummm...I think Vesnic has one too but I have yet to read it. Don't even remember the name. I've been slacking these last couple years.

    DEP has a couple, too. Anything by DEP is worth a read. On of my favorites of his is his first story, Ninja Epidemic.

    Don't forget to rate what you read, as well. Some asshole gave 'Darkness' a 5 without so much as a reason. I feel like a dolt for rating it a 9 instead of a 10, myself. It's worth a read, Cat.
    Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 08-09-2008, 01:42 PM.

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  • Cat2000
    started a topic Just want to say...

    Just want to say...

    ... I'm currently working on three new stories, but they're on private until they're a bit more substantial. Just so you don't think I'm not doing anything ^^.

    In the meantime... any suggestions for good horrors/thrillers I can read here?
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