That is an agrument for another place and another time. And it's one that you won't be able to win around here, JJJ. I will admit I enjoy the thought of variables, but only because I have 22 duplicate rooms to keep track of a variable manually. This problem could also be solved by simpling asking the reader a question, and having them choose the answer- but this allows the reader to choose the correct path even if they didn't earn it, which my perfectionism says is unacceptable.
Having random number generators and item inventories is just silly to me. And that's why I'm a member of IS. I am also aware that this view means I'd be in the minority over in CYS. If I ever wrote anything over there, it'd be ridiculously linear in comparison.
Thank you for editting out the script jabber.
Having random number generators and item inventories is just silly to me. And that's why I'm a member of IS. I am also aware that this view means I'd be in the minority over in CYS. If I ever wrote anything over there, it'd be ridiculously linear in comparison.
Thank you for editting out the script jabber.