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IWT 9 - Character Grab-Bag

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  • Usoki
    Okay, so there's a dog in your story. Whoopty-damn-doo. It doesn't count as a used character unless it digs up a plot important item. Just like Matt doesn't count unless he insults a customer, and burns someone's house down after getting embarrassed. Or how Endmaster doesn't count unless he molests a horse. (I have little doubt that you included that special condition.)

    And, maybe you did have the dog dig something up. I wouldn't know. I am way too sober to read that thing right now. I'll get to it eventually.

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  • MadBaggins
    Originally posted by End Master View Post
    I say TKs story counts. You really need at least three entries anyway.

    i keep telling u there is a stray dog in the s tory. m/b u didnt read it tho

    here maybe this is more ur speed

    oh wait i guess that one got away AHAAHAHAHAHa


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  • BatCountry
    I love how EndMaster is in Threadkillers corner despite the absolutely abysmal, depraved and twisted things he was saying about him in his story. But I guess he is kind of honoring End in a way... End is almost like some sort of super being that takes everything thrown at him to be killed. He fights like a beast, while simultaneously giving sexual pleasure to a horse. It's fantastic.

    I applaud you for taking it all in stride EndMaster. A lesser man may of been offended or retaliated in some way, but you have taken the higher road. Or...maybe you are just secretly planning some sort of elaborate vengeance that will strike Threadkiller when he least expects it?

    And there is a stray dog in TK's story, so he does have all 3 characters required.

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  • End Master
    I say TKs story counts. You really need at least three entries anyway.

    Besides he actually made the effort and was determined enough despite getting banned twice.

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  • MadBaggins
    there is a dog in there somewhere

    after the alley. he was in the lsit

    find him yourself

    or go back to jerkin it to beastiality lol,

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  • BatCountry
    I say Threadkillers story should count. Maybe give it a penalty for not using three characters, but I haven't read all of it yet so there still may be a character in there. It's freaking hilarious and I'm not sure why, but everything with EndMaster just had me dying.

    Kudos Threadkiller. Good stuff. Oh man, anything is better than that Jedi/Sith story...yeeesh. I thought that mudkip story was better. At least it ended quickly.

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  • Usoki
    Whelp, after a brief skim of each story, it looks like Relic definitely qualifies. The characters he listed were definitely there, and I see sections of the story which look like they line up with the needed special conditions for at least most of the used characters, if not all of them. The room count does indeed take some time to update, but it now shows 23 rooms, so... it qualifies. Hooray.

    Trash Day, on the other hand... I'm not so sure. I only see Endmaster and Matt in there. By the strict guidelines, there need to be three characters in the work. Impressively enough, though, Threadkiller did include scenes involving horses and house fires, so... there is that. I'm tempted to let it slide and count it as a submitted work, though, simply because of the sheer amusement factor of the whole thing. I suspect End will be flattered.

    There's also the fact that I wrote two rooms in June, but didn't get around to writing any of the rest of it until January. BatC... I dunno how much pre-planning happened, but all of the rooms were created today. And Threadkiller... most of it seems to have been done in October. Which, depressingly enough, is quite impressive, even if the rooms do have the appearance of a drugged out juggalo monkey slamming its fists on a drunken typewriter. (And it's still not as bad as Zac6251's stupid Jedi/Sith story.)

    I'll try and get the official voting thread set up sometime this weekend. Let's shoot for Monday, February 4th as the deadline? Like you say, there aren't that many stories to read this time around, and I suspect that they're all short. I guess we could extend it if need be, but as long as we get votes from Locke and possibly one or two other random people, I'll call that good enough.

    Once again, I am really eager to just get this whole mess behind us. It's a great idea, and a really good challenge... we just don't have the needed level of dedication.
    Last edited by Usoki; 01-17-2013, 11:52 PM.

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  • Usoki
    Oh. Oh good. Threadkiller posted a story. And it meets the room count requirement. How...nice. So, I see you've got Endmaster and Matt the juggalo in the story. Who's your third character?

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  • BatCountry
    Yeah, my story says 15 rooms right now but I counted and there is at least 20. 23 or 24 I think...And what a surprise another story entered in! So that's 3!

    Are we saying what characters we used? I'll follow your lead Usoki.

    I used Raoul, Bailey, Wren, Skye, Lucas, Damon, Zo'ileninaath. Some characters are more major than others but...there ya go.

    When are the ratings due? I'm sure it won't take long with just two stories to read haha.

    Glad I entered but damn I'm realizing what a lazy last minute piece of shit I am. Gotta start early for next contest! Hopefully more people enter. I like reading a bunch of stories.

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  • MadBaggins
    id have said something earlier but some faggot keeps bannin gme

    my stry is going to shit on ur parents & rape your dog.

    Trash Day motherfucker

    & if you lose you have to tape a shoe to your head & hop around in a circle on one foot while gargling ur own semen, mastrubating to Mozart, and tryign to order a pizza.

    or if your female just show us your tits.

    sorry for bad grammer, i do everything on my phone. so deal with it.
    Last edited by MadBaggins; 01-17-2013, 11:03 PM.

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  • Usoki
    I dunno, mine's pretty awful too. But at least we both finished on time. And down to the wire, too, hoo boy.

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  • BatCountry

    Here it is. On time. Relic. It sucks. But I did it. So thats better then almost everyone else who entered. It sucks because its linear and I wasn't able to expand on most of the branches. I will add to it in the future because I personally kind of want to finish it.

    So there it is. Congrats on the win Usoki haha.

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  • Usoki
    Ten minutes. Bat Country, is your story prepped?

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  • Usoki
    It's the final hour. Post 'em if you got 'em.

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  • Usoki
    Locke, you are a silly. In the event that looking on the prior page is too tricky... 2.5 hours left.

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