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this is bullshit

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  • Usoki
    I appreciate the effort you put into trying to pretend that you were the victim here. 9.5/10, would read again.

    Five out of your 50+ rooms had the potential to be funny, if it weren't for the fact that your grasp of the English language gives whiny emo pre-teens a run for their money. The rest of it is complete shit, hence the low scores from everyone who is not you. If no one can figure out why the dog is important, it's not our fault. It's your fault for doing a shitty job of explaining that part of the 'story' on top of doing a shitty job in general. But, wait, we're supposed to completely forgive all of your faults because you're using a cell phone, that's right. Gosh, if only someone could invent some sort of personal computational device capable of connecting to the internet that you might be able to use. Maybe it could have a 'keyboard' and a 'monitor', that'd be cool.

    You spell like words are meant to have optional letters. You are a true visionary.
    This is still my favorite quip out of the entire contest. Cracks me up every time.

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  • End Master
    Lol. Thanks for the laughs TK. (DEP's ban hammer response was amusing as well)

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  • donteatpoop
    So basically if you manipulate what people actually rated and throw out an entire voter ballot, you come out with a win? Brilliant math.

    "I'm going to wait until the contest is over for more than a month and then come gripe about the results."

    And yes, banned again.

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  • MadBaggins
    okay, so, then in your results thread you talk shit about me, like i tried to rig the results

    looks like you tried to disqalify the one guy who voted me up

    and you didnt even send me Paulines vote. I don't see that anywhere

    Heres what the points look like when they are adjusted to be fair

    left out who i think is DEPs vote cause it is clearly unfair

    other numbers in my posts this thread''

    USOKI: 27.9
    BATC: 27.2

    so really I should have won u fucking asshole. That's w/o my voting for myself, and I don't see why that is a prob;lem. you probably voted for yourself. I should have had 31.7 but I dont even need it. maybe like 29 with my vote & your bullshit numbers.

    you might have just made some of them up, I dont know.

    anyway its not like you are living up to your end if you had won. You said you wuold put out the next theme soon & that was like a month ago, ur at least 2 mos late. you need to be on the douchebag list or whatever u call it for sure/

    Im sorry for ranting but this is rediculous, you guys can do better than this. fuck

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  • MadBaggins
    then theres this piece of shit

    Writing Style - 3
    Plot/Creativity - 2
    Enjoyment* - 5
    Theme - 1

    “On the other hand, you have a joint in your hand.” Brilliant line. Also, the ending where my mom is giving head to a dog in an adjacent room brought tears to my eyes. Well done. You spell like words are meant to have optional letters. You are a true visionary.
    I think this is donteatpoop b/c it so fucking petty & spiteful. pretty sure hes the one who keeps banning me.

    i dont think u even read it. everything you say is from the first 1-2 pgs. here, if you want to mark it down for somtheing might as well be the part where u get castrated

    lol check that shit out. later matt eats ur soul

    anyway your vote is just like random numbers. so much lower than the other. and you complement w/ the last 3 sentences but your vote is so low. this is clearly not right & needs to be thrown out.

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  • MadBaggins
    Plot/Creativity: 11/20

    Well I mean…There really isn’t much of a plot here. It just seems like random events connected to each other for the sake of vulgarity and violence. I don’t mind that, but this story is by no means an intricately weaved web of storytelling. I don’t think a lot of what happens in Trash Day is creative as much as it is extreme and done for shock value. Once again, I appreciate that and the gratuitous amounts of violence and deprived sexual acts. I live for that stuff. But as far as a well thought out plot, this misses the mark a bit. There is somewhat of a storyline here I’ll admit, it’s just not of a high caliber. I doubt ThreadKiller cares about a deep plot anyway.

    Enjoyment: 8/10

    Call me a sick twisted bastard, but I liked this story. Bunches. Bunches of oats. Every murder, every fist fight, every depraved sexual act. I loved it. I laughed and masturbated furiously to it. The randomness and extreme violence of the story is what made it so enjoyable to me. EndMaster was my favorite character in the story and I think he was yours as well. Keep adding on to this story or make another one in the same spirit of this one. Because this is a story I see myself going back to for a good hearty chuckle. Here is one of my favorite lines…”You are a worthhless waste of skin. your mother is in the next room giving head to a dog and your about to get your ass kicked” I’m not sure why, it just made me feel like such garbage reading that. I mean you insult the reader, insult their mother who is into beastiality, I’m about to get my ass whooped and to boot the story is over. You really know how to pile it on when someone makes a wrong choice, don’t ya Thread Killer?

    Writing Style: 6/10

    Sorry, but I got to knock you down for the terrible spelling and grammar, maybe you were going for the juggalo way of speaking? But besides that, I thought the dialogue was hilarious. Spell check and edit some stuff and you have a true gem on your hands.

    Theme: 5/10

    Hate to give you such a low score, but you only really used two characters instead of the required three, and the ones you did use were ones of your own creation, not anyone else’s. You get four points alone for End Masters role in the story. He is the best character and your degradation and hatred towards him is incredible. He meets his requirement of molesting a horse BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS. GLORIOUS! I was dying of laughter at how he was portrayed. Candy and pictures of kids and animals falling out of his robe?! I salute you sir! The Juggalo on the other hand, gets one point for being in the story and doing pretty much what I expected him to do. He is a juggalo doing juggalo like things and being an all around asshole. The third character is the stray dog whose requirement of finding something key to the plot is not met, therefore netting zero points. I really REALLY wish you used more characters in this story. It would have been funny to me to see how you used other people’s characters instead of just your own. If I were you I would go back and add every single character from this contest into the story. It would seriously be epic. Have some of them get set on fire by Matt, or get raped by End Master. You could turn this story into a true masterpiece.
    good fucking god. why is this so long. you have no clue how this looks on a phone

    skimmed it thouhg.

    The Juggalo on the other hand, gets one point for being in the story and doing pretty much what I expected him to do. He is a juggalo doing juggalo like things and being an all around asshole. The third character is the stray dog whose requirement of finding something key to the plot is not met, therefore netting zero points.
    dunno what u wanted from him. but the dog DUG UP COKE FOR TZHe PARTY. WHY IS THIS NOT GETTING THROUGH

    i have to add 1 pt minimum for that, cause u were wrong

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  • MadBaggins
    I took a page out of Usoki's book and waited to read this till I had a free night and a few beers at hand. A good buzz helped smooth away the grammatical issues and accentuate the humor. There's still a significant buzz going on right now, as I review this. Don't worry; that's effectively points in your favor. I was drinking a beer called Tiger (Singapore) if you're wondering.

    Writing Style: 4.5
    Plot/Creativity: 6.5
    *Enjoyment: 6.5
    Theme: 6

    Your writing style is an atrocity. I can't think of any other way to put it. Your constant misspellings and grammatical errors are enough to distract me from the story. I understand you claim to have done everything on a cell phone, but still. Your pacing and dialogue actually weren't that bad, which did save you some points.

    I don't know that the plot/creativity was worth a 6.5 by itself. It was so off the wall that it made up for a lot of the deficiencies, though, effectively masking the repetitive theme of violence and bigotry. Which brings me to the next point.

    I have to admit that your singleminded hatred of the forum members (and seemingly of the reader/protagonist) was amusing. I laughed out loud several times. It was so utterly shameless and ridiculous. I really had to look to find the stray dog, and Matt's character is two-dimensional (and it doesn't look like he ever got humiliated), but the character of Endmaster is so absurd that I gave you some points back for the theme.

    This has all the literary merit of pornography drawn on wet cardboard by a fourth grader, but I still found it enjoyable on some level.
    I dont even want to read all this again. fuck. this guy was drunk while he voted though. Id argue harder for disqualfication but his points were ok

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  • MadBaggins
    started a topic this is bullshit

    this is bullshit

    I come back here & i see this shit


    i will get to the rigged voting threead later. for now I go cote by vote. here is the 1st one.

    Plot/Creativity- 4
    There... really is no plot. It's just a guy who hangs out with his dick friends, and gets abused. And then he abuses other people, but by the end he's back to being the group's whipping post. On the other hand, all of the Infinite Story references were pretty hilarious, so... there's that. I guess that's pretty creative.

    Enjoyment- 3
    Well, all of the Infinite Story references were kinda funny. And the portrayal of EndMaster as a horse-loving pervert is pretty hilarious. And... that was about it. I might have given you more points here, but then you put in the long alleyway four or five different times.

    *Writing Style- 1
    I don't even have to explain this one. You fail at the English language. End of story.

    Theme- 5
    You get points for including EndMaster. I have to admit, I'm quite impressed at how well he was included in the story. Well, let's be honest, it's really the only think that actually happens in the story. Neither Matt nor the Dog have their story conditions met, but at least they are there, I guess. They're... in character, I suppose. Even though the dog is just there as a throw away.
    that is a lot of fucking text. first off what is w/ you saying it has no plot? my story is about a guy who gets in fights & then goes to a party. urs is a guy who sells his soul. the other one is about ppl in a jungle. they are all pretty basic. i will let that one go. but you said it was creative& then give it a 4.

    okay so, enjoyment. seems like u enjoy the hell out of it excpet for alleyways. i put those in ON PURPOSE. they are SUPPOSED TO BE irritating. its ironic dumbass. still just for that u gave it a 3. i am going to bump it up by at least 1 cause ur comment is out of line w/ the score

    writting style, i told you, i use a CELL PHONE. thats why the spelling is off. give me a fucking break. infact, I should get an across the board bump of 2 for that. except one guy he understood,

    either Matt nor the Dog have their story conditions met, but at least they are there, I guess. They're... in character, I suppose. Even though the dog is just there as a throw away.
    THE DOG ISNT A THROWAWAY. he has his stuff met. he finds coke in the ground, MAKING THE PARTY POSSIBLE. this quote from you is a lie.
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