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IWT 10 - Results

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  • mizal
    Kind of late, but congrats Bat! and etc. We had some really good entries in general this year, it's usually blindingly obvious who's going to win right from the start but there was some good competition between you and Ves.

    I'm going to pretend to myself that at some point I'll get around to writing reviews for you guys okay?
    Last edited by mizal; 03-28-2014, 07:09 AM.

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  • BatCountry
    Thanks DEP!

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  • donteatpoop
    Congrats Bats!

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  • Usoki
    Well, yes, but given how long it took for everyone to vote, do you really find it all that surprising?

    In theory, I'll get around to the critiquing response this weekend.

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  • Vesnic
    Where are the other people's commentaries? I look like an exhibitionist here being the only one to post my critiques, begging for attention and affection. I'll have you all know, the unspeakable desolation suffered by my artist's soul at my crushing defeat has sent my heretofore excellent looks crashing to a fiery, hellish nadir. My skin is a pale shade of chartreuse, my ebony locks have fallen out by the baker's dozen and, worst of all, the news of my unbearable shame has actually switched my left and right feet so that I now walk like a duck and bray like a donkey. My life has become empty and utterly pointless, devoid of all justification for its ongoing existence.

    This is your fault, Pooky. You have made me ugly. I screamed when I looked in the mirror this morning. Garfield's teddy bear you are not. You're a monster. The very least you could do (and Usoki too) is post your own commentaries so the world can see how much kinder and gentler I am than than you herd of heartless hinds. I can forgive anything, really, but stripping me of my once peerless beauty through such unfathomable disregard for my inherent superiority?...UNFORGIVABLE!

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  • End Master
    Really I still thought you were going to win. Usoki seemed to mention in passing that your story looked impressive and Bat hinted that his own story wasn't as fleshed out as he would've liked.

    I was actually most surprised by Mizal's entry which was pretty damn detailed and I wasn't expecting a high fantasy epic like story, but more something that had a lot of one sentence pages since she kept saying she was having writer's block and just suffering from general laziness.

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  • Vesnic
    Nobody is ever happy when I win! Doesn't anybody love me? I'm just cute little Ves, just a lost little girl in a big world who needs love and understanding and support! Why don't any of you love me? You must love me! Please! Love, love, love, I need love! Love me! Please! What must I do for you to love me? I'll make sure to lose every contest from now on if it means you'll all love me forever and ever and ever and ever. Just one of you, doesn't just ONE of you love me? Just the teensiest bit? Oh pleeeeeaase!

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  • End Master
    I'm glad Bat ended up winning, now I can continue to embrace my sloth and keep the tarnished crown with still having the most IWT contest wins under my belt laughing the entire time!

    Orcus on his throne and all that.

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  • BatCountry

    I'm actually pretty surprised I won. We all contributed decent entries this year unlike last year which really only had two entrants. Four good stories is a nice turnout for sure.

    I really thought Ves was going to win to be perfectly honest. Her eloquent words flow like diarrhea from a sickly buffalo. Everyone did a great job though. And thanks to EndMaster and Locke who voted even though they didn't have to. Always nice to have constructive input.

    Kind of suprised at Mizal though...Second year she contributes a story and doesn't vote. What's the deal girlfriend?! Are you too scurred to rate our stories? I don't think Usoki knows where you live so he can't drive over and ravage you with a nine iron. Double heaping of SCORN for you young lady!

    Anywho, I shall be quick to make a thread for the next contest. I will say for right now, mull over some ideas in your heads. I can't promise I'll go with it, but any suggestions will be appreciated.

    I will most likely be a cruel and despotic leader.

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  • Sponge.
    38.73- Ves
    38.73- Usoki
    U get a 2.1 for speeling.
    You'll have to forgive me for choosing not to use his ballot in my calculations.
    looks like you deceived yourself from the second, could of had that at least

    and you didnt make the contest, so , no reason to stay there

    I think you rigged this

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  • Vesnic
    Hey, congratulations Bat! I really think you deserved this win. Your story was engaging and funny when shit was getting heavy and, most importantly, there was enough of it there to really call it a story.

    Which brings me to my own work. Some of the commentators have mentioned in their critiques that it seems I just had no idea where I was going with this one. The funny thing is, I did far more outlining and branch creation for this story than for any other before it; I just completely lacked the time to execute it. I threw my hat in late in the game and sorely underestimated just how much of that dystopia called "real life" was going to get in the way.

    The good thing about losing though is that it will put off my imminent suicide for at least another year, as I will now have to return and CRUSH YOU ALL TO DUST.

    So, am I more likable now that I've entered a contest which I haven't also won?

    EDIT: Oh, and Bat, I do encourage you to get the new theme rolling as soon as you can. And remember, it's always best to be as undemocratic as possible. But it's your call of course, oh Mighty Liege Lord of the IWT10!

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  • Locke
    Given that you took so much time to post the theme, end submissions, and calculate the results - and also lost; let's not forget that - Bats is already well behind schedule. I think there's something wrong if the IWTXI thread takes more than a week.

    SHAME and SCORN should also be updated. I'd do it myself, but I've been on the list for awhile.

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  • Usoki
    The critiques have been distributed. As always, the first critique is mine. It's only fair I tell you what I wrote about your story, since you were forced to tell me what you thought about mine. The rest are in a random order- or as random as you can get when there are only 3 or 4 other voters.

    And with that, I am done with IWT 10. It's always a pleasure to collect and calculate votes, but I will freely admit I'm glad to pass control of the contest proper over to BatCountry. Now begins the part where we pester him to come up with the contest theme as soon as possible, so that we can procrastinate on it for 10 months or so.

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  • Usoki
    Also, I received a very delightful message from Threadkiller:

    jsut give them all 2's

    every person, all ratings, give them 2's. that is what i feel they deserve (except U get a 2.1 for speeling.

    I dont have time to give details & shit

    but tell donteatpoop to fuck off, keeps fucking banning me

    & quit being such a little bitch about it

    You'll have to forgive me for choosing not to use his ballot in my calculations.

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  • Usoki
    started a topic IWT 10 - Results

    IWT 10 - Results

    The results are (finally) in. And the winner of IWT 10 is... BatCountry! It was a very close race, but in the end BatC managed to squeak out a win over Ves to claim both Victory and Redemption.

    Let's take a look at the breakdown, shall we?

    40.625- BatCountry
    38.500- Ves
    38.250- Usoki
    35.100- Mizal

    38.97- BatCountry
    38.73- Ves
    38.73- Usoki
    35.10- Mizal

    So what is this weighted versus unweighted crap, you ask? Well, it occurred to me that, of the three of us who contributed and voted, our average scores were coming in at different ranges. The idea of someone losing a contest because they were more generous with points than the competition is a pretty depressing thought. So, the unweighted is a straight average of all of the votes. The weighted adds in a number where the writer votes on his own story, and that number is the average of the writer's three votes. So, yes, Ves was the most generous writer/voter of the three of us, but ultimately that had no impact over the will of the people.

    So, there it is. IWT 10 concludes 2 months late with BatC as champion, Ves as runner up, and mizal keeping SCORN.

    Remember, you are encouraged to create a thread reviewing and responding to the critiques you received. Or at least a post responding to them.
    Last edited by Usoki; 03-05-2014, 12:23 AM.
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