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that was the end
that was the end
Jamal slapped slurp from Susa and paved down to slimeslat Gribble on some gooze. Z-Boy made spiky clock on Jamal middle of the trip , as well as looked down his pants with a sly gromp from skillet. " Come here nigga ", jammered Z. Jamal caught a fly trick and stumbled and bounced on , jimmying the violin in his pocket rocket , fixing it. Turtling like a hare jumped Jiggy- Jamal as rental crews WESTSIDE kept on walkin ' and talkin' and gawkin ", as bluebird Keepin ' fly and dry. Retain Stacks of planks zero , why does he not fig. elephant insurance be packaged and strapped so did he . Jiving cold turkey , Jamal made a flip flop and turn his story to Z. sliding his hands full with glicking, pressing Glock , boom went the dynamite , rocking socks on Z- man pulling up dem pants with a slap . Z fell and rumbled and crumbled into ' pile of crying rivers boltin ' big Burch 9 - Milla milli roll . Church bells crack -A-lackin ', Jamal continued Stackin'.Tags: None