Hi, I just joined this marvelous forum section of the site and figured I should introduce myself. I am donteatpoop, and I try to dabble my pen in everything; every genre of stories, as well as every format of writing... Except essays, I don't like essays.
Check out my stories, I have a few posted. Drop me some comments and what-not.
(by the way, due to my vehement hatred for emoticons, smilies will always be disabled. Mwyahaha.
Oooo. And we can do polls...
Which of my stories is the best?
DRAT. After I hit submit, I figured out how to add more options in the poll. If only I had actually read what it said... *sigh*
Check out my stories, I have a few posted. Drop me some comments and what-not.
(by the way, due to my vehement hatred for emoticons, smilies will always be disabled. Mwyahaha.
Oooo. And we can do polls...
Which of my stories is the best?
DRAT. After I hit submit, I figured out how to add more options in the poll. If only I had actually read what it said... *sigh*