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Hello and a Question

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  • Hello and a Question

    I made this account a while ago but I didn't use it very much before. I've started using it more so hello to everyone!

    I also have a question about writing stories that may or may not deserve a slap in the head. If I have already made a room with 3 choices, for example, and I either want to reduce the number of choices to 2 or increase it to four, is there a way to do that with the "edit room" button and without deleting and remaking the room with the desirable number of choices?
    Last edited by Genesis; 04-28-2009, 07:43 PM.

  • #2
    Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a way around this right now. The owner is working on a new version of the site that may be able to do such things, but until we see the final version of that, we are stuck having to remake rooms to add or remove links.

    If anyone else knows a trick to this, speak up... but I don't think there is.
    Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


    • #3
      Yeah, that's one that you can slap us on the heads for.

      Get ready to copy/paste into a new story. It's a pain in the ass, but that's all there is. Remember to copy/paste from the "writing" section of the room, and not from the webpage itself, as the webpage copying wont copy and coding that you've put into the story (such as italics, bold, font styles, etc)

      Oh, and welcome. Glad to see you finally step out of the shadows you fucking lurker.
      The organ is grinding but the monkey won't dance.


      • #4
        No stupid questions. Only stupid features. (Only kidding, Sev)

        You'll find everyone very helpful here.

        I am the village idiot. If you feel frustrated with the system that is in place, simply launch random assaults against me.

        I need it. Badly. I thrive on abuse. Please...

        abuse me.

        Oh. And also write a cool story or two.


        • #5
          You pathetic cocksucking teletubby.

          EDIT: Shit.. I think I might have encouraged it.
          Last edited by JJJ-thebanisher; 08-12-2008, 01:08 PM. Reason: Revelation
          How we paid such close attention
          To each sweet and stuttered breath,


          • #6
            I posted a trick to this long ago.

            The trick relies on the fact that severed rooms do not get deleted.

            Make a room with several choices, and then delete that room. You will now have several severed rooms (rooms which are not reachable through normal "here are your choices" means).

            You need to use your "severed rooms page" and note what the URLs of each severed room is.

            Create a new room. Write your portion of a story inside of it. Choose to end the story at this room.

            Use BBCode to create links at the bottom and also a "Choices" header above the links. I found I can use BBCode to make a room appear to have choices just like any other despite the fact that the room is technically an ending.

            You can make as many links as you want to various severed rooms (to continue your story) and you can always make more.

            Essentially you can make stories that have hundreds of choices. These choices are not limited to the typical ones you are limited to with the site. You can point them at your own personal website or at google or even at another story or a forum post.

            An additional advantage to this: you can edit the number of choices a room has very easily. You have 4 but you want to only have three, go for it - super easy to do.

            A disadvantage to this: The webmaster's scripts will display the data about your story. Your story will seem to have very few actual rooms and will seem to have many severed rooms. Yikes. Apoth might disagree - but most people think it is about the story rather than the numbers. I can fall either way.

            I posted this method on our old forums - it was lost in the destruction. If anyone needs an example story I can make one.

            Oorrr... you can not do such a roundabout thing and just recreate rooms like everyone else and hope and pray for the day we can delete and add choices easily.

            "The Secret" was right. You were thinking about adding Megaman to your ignore list. And it almost came true! The universe sends you this hyperlink to make your job a lot easier. Click it now.


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