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  • #61
    Sorry for my snarky answer earlier. I agree with Dragavan, that it's unfortunate that American movies (at least the vast majority of mainstream ones) tend to be so literal. In terms of Pan's Labyrinth, it's interesting to note that both Spain and Latin America have strong literary traditions in magical realism, which has carried over into film. I think it raises a lot of interesting philosophical questions about which is the "realer" reality: the one determined by external events or the one created in the mind and lived in the perceptions that are unique to each individual? Imagine Ofelia's obituary: it would of course leave out all the details of her magical realm and just tell the grim story of a little girl who suffered and died. It would be an incomplete story, a partial truth. However, if the story was told strictly from a fanciful perspective, it would perhaps lose its credibility in the eyes of many viewers and be labeled as a mere fairy tale. After all, the Spanish Civil War did really happen and caused an unfathomable amount of suffering, especially in its aftermath. It's really wonderful that the movie challenges the viewer to attempt to accept two contrasting and sometimes contradictory storylines simultaneously. Now it's been awhile since I've seen it, but the most poignant scene for me, the one that really embodied the theme of the whole film, was when Ofelia's mother destroys the creature that was kept hidden in a bowl under the bed. It was devastating to watch because this was an official denouncement of the fantasy realm, and I think even a foreshadowing of the mother's death. I hope I'm remembering these facts straight...I really should rent it again.
    Last edited by Vesnic; 10-03-2011, 05:16 AM.
    My sanity, my soul, or my life.


    • #62
      Originally posted by donteatpoop View Post
      Dude seriously, you need to watch Tideland. Talk about a chile needing to escape reality.
      I just watched this on your suggestion. I don't exactly know what to say about it, as I can't clearly form an opinion of it yet. On one hand it's very good but on the other it's a horrible movie. I am very glad I saw it, but I will never watch it again. I did like it but I can't ever seeing myself suggesting that anyone watch it. The thing creates such a strange set of contradictions within my brain it almost hurts to think about how I am going to write my review.

      So thanks a lot for suggesting it DEP.
      Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


      • #63
        Originally posted by Dragavan View Post
        I just watched this on your suggestion. I don't exactly know what to say about it, as I can't clearly form an opinion of it yet. On one hand it's very good but on the other it's a horrible movie. I am very glad I saw it, but I will never watch it again. I did like it but I can't ever seeing myself suggesting that anyone watch it. The thing creates such a strange set of contradictions within my brain it almost hurts to think about how I am going to write my review.

        So thanks a lot for suggesting it DEP.
        That's the same feeling I got watching it (except for the not suggesting others watch it). It's so good, but so bad. It's an experience, for sure. You're right though, it's a 'watch it once' movie. How fucking uncomfortable was it to watch the girl play with her fathers corpse, or come so seemingly close to strange sexual tension with that retarded kid? Such an uncomfortable story.
        The organ is grinding but the monkey won't dance.


        • #64
          I recently watched "Alien Nation" because it was on cinemax. It was fairly silly and dumb. Don't watch it unless you have nothing better to do.
          Click it now.


          • #65
            Originally posted by donteatpoop View Post
            watch the girl play with her fathers corpse, or come so seemingly close to strange sexual tension with that retarded kid?
            Why am I only just now hearing about this movie?!!?

            *puts it on the viewing list*

            Alien Nation was alright. I used to like watching the Alien Nation series that they had a long time ago. Too bad they cancelled it after one season, since it was interesting how they expanded on the alien culture and such.
            Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


            • #66
              Alrighty,I finally seen The Bourne Ultimatum and I must say it kicked ass.Despite certain voiced opinions otherwise around here,I had to watch it twice.I am not sure exactly what else any one would be expecting from an action flick like this,but that is just what you get,awesome action sequences.This has got to be as good as the first one.Not to mention it fills in alot of those eagerly awaited tidbits from Bourne's past that every one wants to know and still manages to dangle a few unanswered questions in front of the audience (just in case they opt for part four later on).Apoth after careful consideration of your review of this movie I would advise one of two things;either give up the booze when planning to watch a movie or start getting regular testosterone injections to help flush out the weazey in you.
              This movie kicked ass.Yes I had to say it again.

              As for the movie Tideland;I have tried to watch this silly movie three times now since reading about it for the first time here,and I just cant seem to stay awake.This movie is so artsy fartsy,so wanting to be a movie of merit,it puts itself to sleep.Watching a little nine year old girl hook up her daddy's heroin rig is just so...hollywood.I cant believe I am going to try to watch it one more time before completely writing it off as a waste of film.
              Last edited by Nappi; 08-19-2007, 06:48 PM.
              "Defects are always more tolerable than the changes necessary to correct them"


              • #67
                Maybe I should just pass on this movie; everyone seems to say it sucks despite having its moments. Is it acting, or is it just so horribly random (Even for an art film) that they ignored a plot and its like they just put a bunch of stuff together, and thought they were trying to be “deep”?
                Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                • #68
                  Originally posted by End Master View Post
                  Maybe I should just pass on this movie; everyone seems to say it sucks despite having its moments. Is it acting, or is it just so horribly random (Even for an art film) that they ignored a plot and its like they just put a bunch of stuff together, and thought they were trying to be “deep”?
                  It is not horrible. It is a movie with amazing acting and strong themes, but is hard to watch (not due to boredom on my part, but just disturbing themes). It is seen through the eyes of the nine-year old girl, so not everything is "real" and the farther she gets from stability the more off it gets. But I will admit that it does have slow parts. It was meant to, but some would be off put by them as they are so set in the hollywood "Wizz! Bang!" fast cut action style of movie making these days. This is NOT a hollywood movie. I still won't recommend it to most people, but I am very glad I saw it.
                  Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                  • #69
                    Don't listen to nappi, EndMaster. He kept falling asleep because he needed a nappi. (Sorry, bad pun, I know).

                    It's worth watching. I didn't find it to be "Hollywood" at all. It's almost an anti-hollywood movie.

                    It was brilliantly done by the director as well as the actors. The main character was portrayed by the most brilliant little acter girl I've ever seen. She really did a bang up job. The movie is creepy/wierd and definately worth seeing.
                    The organ is grinding but the monkey won't dance.


                    • #70
                      Just the very sound of that brilliant little actor's exaggerated southern accent mixed with her annoying high pitch voice should have been enough to keep me awake,fortunately Morpheus prevailed.
                      I didnt mean that the movie itself was "hollywood" just the derelict cliches' that are the characters.I believe this was actually intentional.The picture itself is very well done with beautiful photography and detailed sets and the like.
                      "Defects are always more tolerable than the changes necessary to correct them"


                      • #71
                        I watched a bunch of Woody Allan movies recently. My favorites of his are Sleeper, EYWTKASBWTATA, Match Point (cause of Scarlett) and Annie Hall... though I saw Sleeper and EYWTKASBWTATA a long time ago when my tastes were less mature so I might not like them as much anymore. Banana's was pretty funny, but I made a bad association to that movie since it was my very first time throwing up from drinking as I watched that film. Manhattan was alright, though kinda eerie since it predicted his whole underage girl thing...
                        Click it now.


                        • #72
                          Just watched Pathfinder. It was better than I expected.

                          Naturally with any of these historical “epics” you have to throw real facts out the window, this one though seemed almost more like a fantasy movie mainly due to how they portrayed the Vikings.

                          The Vikings all basically looked like “sword & sorcery movie bad guys” or for the geek inclined; they looked like Chaos Warriors/Anti-Paladins, complete with spikey armor bits and skull helmets with big ass horns. Not to mention they’re all pretty big and they’re completely ruthless as well.

                          The guy who played The Kurgan in Highlander is the Viking leader, so he was certainly approps for the part.

                          There’s a lot of action from beginning to end for the most part. A lot of brutal kills, coupled with the environment looking pretty harsh gave the movie a grittier feel.

                          I remember the American Indians AND the Swedes/Norwegians complaining about the movie when it came out. The Indians were complaining about how the movie portrayed them as having needed to be “saved by a white guy” and the Swedes were complaining of how they were basically being portrayed as bloodthirsty armored ogres.

                          Of course I ignored such things and enjoyed the killing. Be sure to watch the Unrated version for maximum carnage!
                          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                          • #73
                            Anyone in the mood for a little lusty French transvestite dwarf sex?
                            Last edited by Vesnic; 10-03-2011, 05:17 AM.
                            My sanity, my soul, or my life.


                            • #74
                              If you're after violence, Old Boy and Bittersweet Life (sort of Korean gangster movies) deliver. As do Banlieue 13 and Crank (was quite funny as well, actually). Leon: the Professional was really great. Oh, and the Cube movies. I like something calmer, though. The first half of Perfume was amazing (the last half was good, but it's like they completely switched gears: the magic is gone); I like the Fountain (most people seem to disagree with me there, and the dialogue WAS pretty stilted in a couple of areas, but I liked it anyway), Existenz, Dark City, Pi, Ghost World (kind of a chick flick), Frequency, Thrill Seekers, and anything Wes Anderson directs: Rushmore, Bottle Rocket, Royal Tennenbaums, Life Aquatic.

                              Mall Rats and Haggard were funny (though Haggard was rather crude, too). Wedding Crashers and Dumb and Dumber were also funny (I tend to like stupid humor now and then, though the subtitled version of Battlefield Baseball was a bit too long on the stupid and too short on the humor). Dead Poets' Society is an old favorite. I'm not a movie buff, so my free opinion is worth everything you paid for it. In fact, I very rarely see films, especially as most these days are little better than that last Fantastic Four movie (I can't believe my friend talked me into going. I want my money back. Never pay to see it. Don't even download it. If you find a copy, spit on it, then burn it). The same friend once had Kung Pow: Enter the Fist playing in his home, so I should've known better.
                              Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Vesnic View Post
                                Anyone in the mood for a little lusty French transvestite dwarf sex?
                                Are you still talking about movies?

                                Speaking of French art films, there's another I can recommend. Quest for Fire. It's probably the best "cave people" movie I've seen. Even if you're not into the whole art/scenery of it, there's some violence in as well. (These weren't polite times after all) There's no dialogue either, well none that you can understand.

                                Locke: I’m pretty sure Old Boy is held in high regard around here. (To all that have seen it anyway) I'm sort of glad the proposed American translation of it is in production Hell, because I know it would get changed all the fuck around and ruined. Though I heard there’s a shitty Bollywood version of the movie which sucks. That version is also considered a blatant rip off the original since they didn’t even get an “okay” for remake/translation rights.

                                Mallrats was funny, but I probably still liked Clerks better for the Kevin Smith movies.

                                Definitely right about Battlefield Baseball. I might’ve liked it a little better if it hadn’t been as long. It had its moments though.

                                Liked all the Cube movies. (Yes, even Cube 2, which everyone else seemed to hate passionately)
                                Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


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