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  • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
    I've sorta had a secret thing for Kurt Russel movies ever since "Gladiator"
    Kurt Russell?

    Don't you mean Russell Crowe?

    Unless you meant you've had a secret thing for Kurt Russell movies ever since Escape From New York.
    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


    • Haha, yes -- I meant Russell Crowe. Whoever played the protagonist.


      • I've been hearing mixed stuff about the new Robin Hood movie too, some people are saying it might as well been called "Gladiator 2" but others say it isn't similar at all.

        I think it's supposed to be like that King Arthur movie a few years back. Showing Robin Hood before he became "Robin Hood" so to speak and mixing some very shallow historical stuff along with the myth.

        I'll probably wait for it. I like the "historical fantasy" action movies, but I tend to like the ones set in ancient times better.
        Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


        • Russel Crowe needs to die a horrible death.

          On a completely unrelated note...I can't tell you how much I don't want to see the new Robin Hood.

          Anyone who goes to see this fucking travesty on opening night needs to die a horrible death as well...on another completely unrelated note.


          • Just saw A-Team.... had a blast... Leave brain at door and just enjoy the movie for what it is. They did a great job both recreating the characters and being true to them at the same time.

            And if you stay through the credits you get a couple short nice additional scenes for fans of the old show.
            Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


            • I suppose this suggestion will be more for Ryan since I know he's interested in PA settings.

              I finished this series called Jerimiah. I heard about it before, but I didn't have cable so I never watched it until recently. It was done by the same guy who did Babylon 5 if you're familar with that show.

              The basic concept is this virus killed everyone over 15 leaving the kids to fend for themselves, but it takes place another 15 years after that happened so everyone's a grown up now.

              The world isn't excessively as bleak as far as some PA settings go (Certainly way more hopeful than Road Warrior, let alone something like The Road), but I think they did a good job of balancing the total chaos/rebuilding ratio. It managed to capture my attention a lot better than Jericho.

              I liked season 1 a lot, but apparently the creator was having arguements with MGM who wanted to take the show in another direction or something and it sort of shows in season 2 which is still good, but there's a few dud episodes during that time.

              They only did two seasons, but it doesn't end on any real cliffhanger and they more or less tie up the major stuff so you won't get pissed if you finish it.
              Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


              • Is anyone else looking forward to the next Twilight movie? No? Just me. Well, ok then. I have a love hate relationship with the book series and the movies. I am annoyed by how many other better books are passed over so people can read Twilight. Nevertheless having discovered the series long before the mania began I feel a sort of affection for it all, just because a younger version of myself kind of liked the first book.

                Personally I'd rather see the Anita Blake series on film, but that's never going to happen.

                Maybe I am more into the Twilight series since the summer is producing nothing else of interest? I hope so, I feel like I need an excuse or else I'll have to wallow in my own shame and that's no fun!

                I might go see The Last Airbender and the Sorcerers Apprentice, but those aren't out until July.

                And why are they doing a Paranormal Activity 2? Granted, the first one was creepy and kind of sort of fun to watch. It slightly exceeded my LOW expectations, but a sequel? Oh no.


                • Thanks, End -- I'll try to check it out before the end of summer. I have to admit that my list of movies/series I want to rent (but never do) is building pretty damned high, though.


                  And I'm totally not looking forward to next "Twilight" movie. I'm sure the books are probably a little better than everyone makes them out to be, but if I ever read one or watched one of the films and word got out... oh man. It'd be the end of me.

                  I liked "Paranormal Activity", though, so I'll have to check out the sequel (my list is getting taller again!), even though I doubt it could be as creepy as the first one.
                  Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 06-18-2010, 10:34 AM.


                  • Toy Story 3 ruled. Best one of the trilogy.

                    If they insist on making any more Toy Story movies they'll probably ruin it, so I hope they end it here.
                    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                    • I loved the new Toy Story 3D. I didn't think I would like it as much as I did. Toy Story 2 was kind of a step down from the first one, and I was afraid Toy Story 3 would just suck. BUT, it was so much fun! I really enjoyed it.

                      The short before the movie was a lot of fun too. Day and Night.

                      I want a Lots-O-Huggin Bear so freaking bad!!!


                      • +1 more movie to Ryan's List.


                        • Sadly I will have to see the new Twilight movie, but the rest of you can run. RUN! RUN! BE FREE!

                          The key thing for me to get through it, is trying to look at the positive aspects from what I've heard about the books such as:

                          The whole story is about an emotionally abusive relationship which borders on potential murder anytime the girl gets a paper cut.

                          The werewolf becomes a pedo. The vamp probably qualifies as well, but the werewolf "bonds" with a baby whereas the vamp is just fucking a dumb ass teenage girl.

                          The girl wants to kill her little vamp baby (KILL THE FETUS!) Later I think she gets some sort of pleasure nursing it too or something, but I'm not sure about that one.

                          People get genuinely pissed off about the books (for various reasons) to the point where you wonder if Stephanie was just trolling everyone. The funniest of these is when people say the series is going to fuck up young girl's perspective of what a "healthy relationship" is. (Yeah right, like there hasn't been years of stuff like that way before Twilight came out)

                          Despite all this, I'll never ever EVER be able to look past one thing...

                          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                          • Yup. Toy Story 3 was damned good. A little short, in my opinion, but definitely a great film to cap off the trilogy. Aside from having a good plot/characters/etc., I liked how detailed and clever the animation was.

                            I'm not gonna lie, though -- that baby was just fucking scary.


                            And the Night and Day short was clever/artistic/whatever, too.


                            • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                              Yup. Toy Story 3 was damned good. A little short, in my opinion, but definitely a great film to cap off the trilogy. Aside from having a good plot/characters/etc., I liked how detailed and clever the animation was.

                              I'm not gonna lie, though -- that baby was just fucking scary.


                              And the Night and Day short was clever/artistic/whatever, too.
                              Big Baby gave me nightmares! Some people think Monkey was creepier, but I'd take Monkey over Big Baby any day.

                              I want my very own special edition Lotso Huggin Bear!


                              • Yeah dude, that thing was fucking creepier than Hell. I'm predisposed to be a little scared of the mokey too, though, after watching "Euro Trip".


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