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  • Yes, I figured the actual shock of what the doctor does to those people wouldn't be that impressive -- even when I first heard of the idea, it didn't really surprise me, given that there have already been a ton of super-shock horror movies (like Saw... Maybe just Saw, actually) since 2003 or so. Maybe way before then. I don't know.

    I'm glad to hear it's still good, though! How did you finally get a copy?


    • Surprisingly I found it yesterday in Best Buy of all places. I wasn't even looking for it at the time, but when I saw it I figured I'd grab it. It was about 15 dollars.

      The copy I got was the unrated director's cut, so I'm guessing I saw the most "shocking" version of it.

      I can see how it would probably disgust or shock most people, but if you're the sort of person that's already seen horror movies like this and actively seeking more of them out, yeah it's not the worst thing out there.
      Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


      • I saw "The Social Network" and it was really good. Maybe slightly overrated, but good.



        • How to Train Your Dragon was pretty awesome, and the 3D was done just right. Might have liked this one better than even Toy Story 3.



          Looks like I gave "Toy Story 3" a 9, so maybe this one was a little worse; I don't know, though, they were both really good. I don't think I've seen a good animated Dreamworks film since the first "Shrek", either, so that's kinda cool.
          Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 10-09-2010, 04:30 PM.


          • It's not something I'd feel the need to go out and buy, but I certainly wouldn't object if it were a gift. It's just that there are many other things I'd rather get first. That being said, I appreciated that it was a viking movie- they're starting to run out of 'fresh' settings for animated movies, so the change up was nice. The opening was pretty well awesome, and I really loved how the ending was happy, without being a flawless victory.

            Still... I hated pretty much all of the support characters. The heroine, aside from taking far too long to win over, wasn't all that appealing as a person. The other kids were obnoxious, terrible, and really not all that funny. In fact, that was pretty much the entire movie- really not all that funny. Certainly it was upbeat and charming, it made you happy as you watched it, and it was enjoyable... but I never found it laugh out loud funny.

            And there's nothing wrong with that, I guess. Shrek was the same way to me. To each their own.
            Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
            Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
            And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


            • Aw, I thought this one would be right up your alley, Usoki. I agree with pretty much the whole post, though -- I just enjoyed it more for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm more of a plot-over-characters kinda guy.


              • Well, it was up my alley- one of the best movies I've seen in theatres all year. It ranks in at number two- but I've only seen five or so.

                And when I say "I wouldn't buy it", keep in mind I only own about twenty DVDs. There were plenty of positives, but they were all intangible, adding to that fun, charming quality. And- again, I highly appreciated that the ending came at a cost. I thought that added much more depth to the cheesy happy finale.
                Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


                • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                  I saw "The Social Network" and it was really good. Maybe slightly overrated, but good.

                  Going to see this on Friday, super excited. Haven't seen INCEPTION either and I really want to see it as well.
                  How we paid such close attention
                  To each sweet and stuttered breath,


                  • Oh, "Inception" was far-out; it's too bad that you weren't able to catch it in the theater, just for some of the cooler dream-sequences, but it's awesome anyway. Not sure exactly why everyone loves it so much, but the idea of having vivid lucid dreams and/or creating whole dream worlds does have a strong appeal. Everything about the movie was just good.

                    "The Social Network" did what I hoped it would and focused on the lives of Facebook's creators, rather than trying to send out a message about how Facebook is good or bad (I have to wonder about some of the critics who said that this movie puts Facebook in a bad light... Sure they don't exactly make Zuckerberg look good, but that's as far as it goes). Ultimately it's a just a story about two friends who use their brains to achieve success and then how they finally get driven apart.
                    Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 10-14-2010, 10:45 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                      Oh, "Inception" was far-out; it's too bad that you weren't able to catch it in the theater, just for some of the cooler dream-sequences, but it's awesome anyway. Not sure exactly why everyone loves it so much, but the idea of having vivid lucid dreams and/or creating whole dream worlds does have a strong appeal. Everything about the movie was just good.

                      "The Social Network" did what I hoped it would and focused on the lives of Facebook's creators, rather than trying to send out a message about how Facebook is good or bad (I have to wonder about some of the critics who said that this movie puts Facebook in a bad light... Sure they don't exactly make Zuckerberg look good, but that's as far as it goes). Ultimately it's a just a story about two friends who use their brains to achieve success and then how they finally get driven apart.
                      For some reason, I felt my self cheering for Zuckerberg, and I don't really know why. I think maybe it's that I see a part of myself in him, minus a bunch of the asshole. I really liked the acting job done by Jesse Eisenberg but the real strength was in its direction and production. I knew Fincher would rock in the directors chair (this movie isn't on the caliber of Fight Club but it's still great) and I think Kevin Spacey did a great job producing it. High quality team behind the movie, that's for sure.

                      I also loved how they went and grabbed Trent Reznor for the soundtrack, awesome choice.

                      Finally, I really liked how the trailer for the movie didn't include all of the best parts.

                      I think that all things considered, the movie rocked for what it was, but I should have known going in that the ending would be a little disappointing and the like.

                      I give it a 7/10, it was a good movie.
                      How we paid such close attention
                      To each sweet and stuttered breath,


                      • I leaned somewhat on Zuckerberg's side as well -- I think mostly because (as he was depicted in the film) he was the heart, brain, and soul of Facebook. I didn't like how he screwed his good friend over, and maybe the twins even deserved some credit, but he's still the one who actually went out there and got the ball rolling.

                        But I liked Eduardo, too.

                        I know what you mean about the ending being disappointing -- it was a bit too sudden and unexpected. I thought they'd at least finish the lawsuit.


                        • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                          I leaned somewhat on Zuckerberg's side as well -- I think mostly because (as he was depicted in the film) he was the heart, brain, and soul of Facebook. I didn't like how he screwed his good friend over, and maybe the twins even deserved some credit, but he's still the one who actually went out there and got the ball rolling.

                          But I liked Eduardo, too.

                          I know what you mean about the ending being disappointing -- it was a bit too sudden and unexpected. I thought they'd at least finish the lawsuit.
                          I thought Eduardo got what was coming to him.

                          Don't cut off a man's accounts without telling him, that's not fair business and could easily have fucked with the whole operation, so that he got fucked with seemed fitting. Still, I think it was righteous to settle with him.
                          How we paid such close attention
                          To each sweet and stuttered breath,


                          • Yeah, they both had a couple dick moments; the main difference (at least how the movie portrayed it) is that Eduardo never intended to screw Zuckerberg over, but just regain some authority over the company (after all, he was supposed to be completely in charge of the business side of things, like they had agreed). And he started funding again right after Mark confronted him about it.


                            • [QUOTE=Ryan_DuBois;12124]Yeah, they both had a couple dick moments; QUOTE]

                              I think that statement describes most friendships. It's just the majority friendships don't have that kind of money at stake.
                              Pervus the clown is my hero.


                              • Absolutely. I'm fortunate to say that I rarely (if ever) fight with my current friends anymore, but I know what you mean. I see my roommate and a couple of his buddies fighting and apologizing like every week.

                                And, of course, when two friends go in on an important project together there's usually going to be a bit of a power struggle.


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