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  • Have had some Inception-inspired lucid dreams lately. Wont bore you with the details. Needless to say, I was wearing a digital watch. I couldn't tell the time. I knew I was dreaming, yet somewhat cognisant. Created worlds, sex objects, ect...

    Quite amazing. But unfortunately...boring once in the 'real' world.

    Saw 'Jack Ass 3-d'

    Nearly threw up.

    Not as good as Jack Ass 2.

    Still a worthy attempt. If only for the fact that I nearly threw up. I came SO close.


    Too many dong shots. Like Eminem, they lost the PASSION of their younger years, and it shows. That's all. Youth and poverty are GREAT inspirations. Once those are gone, it's kind of downhill....unless you really got some kind of creative edge. Which only one in 100 million do.

    It's true.


    • Saw the new "Paranormal Activity", although I think I'm one of the few here that liked the first one.

      This one was basically the same; it had a wider cast of characters, and the demon's motives were given a little more foundation (a mistake in my opinion, but still not a big deal), but it was still just video camera footage of paranormal stuff. Also, 95% of the movie is a prequel.

      So if you didn't like the first one, you probably won't like it. If you did like the first one, you'll probably think it's alright (like me). The characters are better (the two from the first movie annoyed me endlessly [especially that damn Micah]), but the what little novelty there was is gone.

      And the ending was a little bit corny, I have to say.


      • Saw 'Jack Ass 3-d'
        Haggard is the only Bam-related movie I've liked (Nitro Circus was okay during those rare daytime doldrums when the alternative was Oprah or a soap opera - is that a Bam thing?). Haggard was terrible and ridiculous (and quite quotable), but they hit that perfect edge that made it funny and good, too. The sequel, Minghags, is the worst movie known to man, topping Manos: the Hand of Fate and the Wesley Willis documentary.

        Because I found Haggard so hilarious, I WANT to like Bam's other stuff, but there's just nothing there.

        Inception was better than most of the stuff at the box office, but tried to cram too much into its runtime. There were a couple moments near the end I actually found moving, which is rare. I was hoping for something that would "wow" me like the first time I saw the Matrix (I was 12), and in that I am always disappointed. Several segments of the Animatrix and the movie Ink (the latter for sheer poignancy and aesthetic beauty - comparable to the movie Perfume) came close, as did Fight Club and American Beauty when I saw them, though those two have lost stature in my mind over time.

        Avatar was cool and stimulating for the obvious reasons, but it's not quite the same thing.
        Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


        • I dislike Bam.

          Always have, always will. I dislike his parents. They are in on the joke. I wish them all the best. But they're in on the joke. In such a way...

          It's not funny OR clever.

          Never has been, never will. How it has turned into such a profitable venture is really beyond me. But then again, so is everything else I see in human culture.

          Bam himself is a worthy sort of athlete. He just isn't funny. Unless you're stupid. He's funny if you're stupid.

          It's a factual happening that is indeed actual...


          (P.S. he looks like Justin Bieber. Same haircut and everything. Also he has a peg leg - Locke, that is. Also, he doesn't enjoy nachos. Not sure why.)


          • End and I watched the first Paranormal Activity. It isn't one of our favorite horror films, but we are both pretty enthusiastic about seeing the second one. We liked one of the alternate endings better than the ending they used in the theatrical release. Maybe it will be the same way with this one? I'm a sucker for a good ghost story, sometimes I even watch those corny ghost hunting shows even though they scare the bejeezus out of me.

            I haven't seen Jackass 3. I really liked Steve O on Dancing with the Stars though. Love that song. I'm also kind of looking forward to watching The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia which was produced by Johnny Knoxville. But, I don't have any interest in watching Jackass 3. Maybe I'll catch it on Netflix.


            • I'm assuming it's the throat-cutting ending? Heh, I actually liked the theatrical ending best, just because it was more mysterious. But yeah, ghosts/supernatural is probably the only genre of scary movie that can manage to creep me out from time to time, so I'm always seeing those kind of films.

              And... In honor of Halloween week, I've changed my avatar. Pretty classy, eh guys? Well, Halloween is on Sunday, actually, but I didn't want to only change my avatar for one day.


              • Also, he doesn't enjoy nachos. Not sure why.
                Surprisingly, you got that part right. It's the cheese, by the way.

                In honor of Halloween week, I've changed my avatar.
                Now I'll never find Waldo.
                Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


                • Surprisingly?

                  Fuck you.

                  AND your nachos.

                  Wait. What?

                  I'm looking forward to the next new movie.

                  *dies of kidney failure*


                  • Apparently they've been doing a REAL "Where's Waldo?" contest in downtown Chicago every July since 2009. Some people dress up like the characters and everything and then they go hang out in The Loop until Waldo-watchers find them.

                    Sucks that I stayed there in the summer of '08, since I would totally have gotten in on this Waldo-hunt. Can't imagine it'd be TOO good, though, since I'm sure impostors come from everywhere. Still, it'd make for a good story.


                    • Jack Ass 1 was sort of amusing, since they were actually trying to do different "wacky" stunts in that one.

                      Jack Ass 2 just seemed like it was primarily going for the gross out factor (eating cow shit, drinking horse jizz, shitting themselves, etc) and it got a little boring midway through. I imagine Jack Ass 3 will just be more of the same.

                      Bam is pretty annoying no matter where he is though.

                      Yeah, I liked the throat slitting ending in Paranormal Activity better, the theatrical ending seemed a little Hollywoodesque. Though I wouldn't have minded seeing their original ending for the movie where she gets shot by the cops. Still, I probably like the movie a lot more than I thought I would considering I hated Blair Witch Project.
                      Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                      • Saw "Due Date" and about half of "The Expendables". The latter one was predictably bad, and "Due Date" was predictably not all that great. I think I'm just not a big fan of Zach Galifianakis (although I liked him in "The Hangover).

                        I heard that "Saw 3D" is pretty awful, too, although I'll still probably be seeing that one eventually -- I'll just wait until its out on video.


                        • My aunt dragged me to see Tangled this weekend. Despite what the trailers had tried so fiercely to make me believe, it was actually good. The animation was absolutely gorgeous, with the plot being a throwback to classic Disney, but in a good way.

                          Also, hurray for cute animal sidekicks that don't talk. This is a trend I want to see more of.


                          • TRON: Legacy

                            I WAS going to see 'The Fighter' but at the last minute changed my mind and saw Tron instead.

                            I'm glad I did. The movie is visually stunning in 3d, the music score by Daft Punk is SICK, and the plot isn't as horrendous as some critics make it out to be.

                            Definitely one to see in the theaters. At least download the soundtrack. Electronica at its best.

                            EDIT: Without the soundtrack the movie's visuals would have fallen flat, however. The plot is awful, don't get me wrong, much like Avatar. When I'm at home, chilling out and watching a flick, I like understated movies like Reservoir Dogs or Office Space or American Beauty or even My Dinner With Andre. When I'm in the theater I like to be blown away. Ever since I saw the first Matrix in 1999 this has been my mantra. Many flicks I find to be spectacular on the big screen fall flat when released on DvD. TRON will surely be among those.

                            It could have been so much more. But the setting was spot on. The visuals were clean and stunning and even understated at times. It was worth the 12.50.

                            Alas, if only I had had some shrooms...

                            EDIT #2: And really the opening scene was one of the most vivid scenes I've ever seen in my life. It was like I was right there. For about three seconds I felt like I was RIGHT there. Every reflection, every detail was spot on. It was even more amazing than my Avatar experience. The new 3-d has been gimicky and overpriced, but it has its strengths.

                            As I said before, my last time seeing a 3d flick was a year ago. Since then it has gotten a little out of hand. But it has its place. I felt that Tron employed the 3d as expertly as Avatar did.

                            That opening scene (for me at least) was worth the 12.50.
                            Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 12-18-2010, 09:54 PM.


                            • Saw True Grit with my parents. We all thought it pretty good (the Coen brothers rarely disappoint), but my parents said that it was almost identical to the original. Except that that the original was a little bit better.

                              Since I haven't seen the original myself, all that I can really compare it to is No Country for Old Men, which is a much better and more interesting film in my opinion.

                              It had good acting and scenery, but the plot just isn't all that great. And Matt Damon wasn't exactly perfect for his role.



                              • Recently saw Jakass 3d. It was funny as hell. If the Jackass guys annoy, you won't like it. But if you are amused by them it's damn funny. Much better than the second one.

                                Also saw Machete the other day online. Holy crap is that movie great.
                                The organ is grinding but the monkey won't dance.


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