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  • Originally posted by Hi! My name is: Katie View Post
    I fell asleep during Black Death... so I wouldn't recommend it, but maybe I just didn't make it to the good parts?
    You were half asleep when we started it, and you missed a lot of the good stuff as well as the thrilling conclusion.
    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


    • Originally posted by Usoki View Post
      It's boring to have a hero that can't ever be defeated, so they have to come up with some really dumb stuff to try and make it work.
      Well, there's technically suicide, or maybe old age. I don't think anyone has resorted to that yet. Luthor works more as an antihero than a villain, I think; too bad none of the movies went that route.

      Dr. Manhattan and Adrian of the Watchmen had kind of a Superman/Luthor vibe. I think it worked out better, though; Adrian's intelligence evened the playing field (at least superficially), and that both characters worked together and wanted some of the same things for the world gave them a chemistry Clark and Lex share, to an extent (although it's rarely touched upon).

      With most of these things, you always know who the hero and the villain are, and their roles don't change, which gets old.
      Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


      • The best Superman plot came from Marvel's rip of off Superman; The Sentry. He was used by government agencies to commit terrible attrocities, they manipulated him into doing this shit while he thought he was doing things for the betterment of mankind and really he had no idea what he was doing. Then he realized what had happened, went ape-shit, and turned himself over to a maximum security prison for supers where he spent his time in solitary.

        If DC ever did something like that with Superman, it would be worth watching. More drama than action, really; but at least it's interesting. Instead of the invincible Superman. No one can bond with a character that cannot be defeated.

        I mean, I know he came out during a time when the nation needed someone like him to give hope even in the form of fiction; but he should have been killed off long ago. It's not like DC doesn't have some quality heroes; The Flash (why are there not more movies about him?), Batman, Nightwing, Green Arrow, and Blue Devil (how cool would a demon hunting super hero movie be?). But instead they focus on the supid ones, Superman & Green Lantern (watch out for the color yellow). At least they were only joking about Aquaman on Entourage and not actually filming it.

        Batman is pretty much the only thing these assholes got right. I mean, that and Watchmen.
        The organ is grinding but the monkey won't dance.


        • Originally posted by donteatpoop View Post
          It's not like DC doesn't have some quality heroes; The Flash (why are there not more movies about him?)
          The Flash is another one I still don't see having a lot of credible villains. The dude is so fast he can vibrate through walls and travel through time. He's even faster than Superman. How the hell is someone like Captain Cold or Gorilla fucking Grodd supposed compete with that? I mean unless the super villain also has comparable speed, I'm not seeing a true threat to him.

          Yes, I know, it's a comic book. Suspension of belief and all that, but still, he seems pretty overpowered.
          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


          • I don't think apoth's 'Breakin' post is getting the credit it deserves.

            Thank you, apoth.

            Thank you.

            Thank you.


            • Yeah I never understood how a super intelligent gorilla could stop a man who nearly runs at lightspeed. I would think the fights in a flash movie would also just be ultra-lame. He's too quick and the audience would never see the action unless they matrix styled the fights for every single fight scene. I'm sure that wouldn't go over well! I'm sure with the right group though, a decent Flash movie could be produced.

              Anyway I did go see Captain America and my consensus was that it was pretty good. I personally thought Thor was a bit better and I wasn't a huge fan of Captain Americas ending. Seems like they are trying too hard to tie all these movies into "the avengers" while sacrificing what could of been a great cap movie into just a good one. Anyone who does see the movie though , make sure to watch the scene after the credits are finished rolling.


              • Saw Cowboys & Aliens. Pretty cool, I can't say anything bad about it.

                Also saw Sucker Punch. Wasn't really as bad as everyone said it was. It probably could've done with some better songs though.
                Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                • Broke into someone's Tahoe and stole a toddler.

                  Not a movie, but I was eating popcorn.

                  The market has TOTALLY fallen out on the toddler market though.

                  Fucking China.

                  Again, not a movie. But I was eating popcorn. Thank God for the Ohio river and its undercurrents. And the Amber alert system malfunctioning.


                  • Originally posted by End Master View Post
                    Saw Cowboys & Aliens. Pretty cool, I can't say anything bad about it.
                    Same here, but for Captain America. It was a thankfully entertaining movie. Much better than that pile of dog shit that was Green Lantern. I'd even be willing to say it's on par with Iron Man.


                    • Saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Best Planet of the Apes movie I've seen so far.

                      Next on my must see list is the new Conan movie coming out soon and I also want to see the John Carter of Mars movie coming out next year.
                      Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                      • Conan and Immortals both look very slick, but I'm worried one or both will be repeats of the Clash of the Titans remake debacle, so I've got reservations. Actually, that's pretty much the norm with me for any new movie nowadays. =\

                        That said, Jason Momoa did well as Khal Drogo, so hopefully he's just as competent in the Conan remake. Will the same be true for those around him, writers, director and FX artists included? Only time will tell.


                        • Saw Rubber.

                          The concept of this movie is weird, but rather simple. There's this tire and it somehow comes to life and starts killing people. Though its not killing in the traditional way you've expect a sentient tire to kill people. It's killing them by using its psychic powers to blow up their heads. (Basically like Scanners)

                          To top it off, the movie breaks the 4th wall right from the start by having an audience watching all the events of the movie unfold in the middle of the desert. Every once in awhile they're arguing or commenting on what's going on.

                          It's basically a B-movie masquerading as an art film, or maybe its an art film masquerading as a B-movie. Doesn't really matter, I mostly liked it for the spectacular head explosions and some of the dialogue was amusing.

                          I suppose one could go on an intellectual tirade about how the movie was going for a David Lynch feel and some sort of post modern deconstruction stuff etc etc, or someone could just say it was a dumb concept that sucked. But I wouldn't really agree with either statement. It probably should've been a little shorter and it might've even worked better if they hadn't gone the whole film within a film role. The ongoing theme is the movie has "no reason", but I think they sort of defeated their purpose by breaking the 4th wall, movie acknowledgment, etc. which sort of explained "no reason".

                          At any rate I still liked it better than most horror movie attempts of trying to be "clever". (Like Funny Games or the Scream series for example) And I'm glad to have it for my weird movie collection.
                          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                          • I always wanted to see Funny Games.

                            I'm not into horror movies anyway.


                            • Saw the new Conan movie recently. I liked it better than I thought I would. My only major complaint is one I've made before about movies... it REALLY didn't need to be in 3D.

                              Conan's main sidekick sucked compared to his in the original movie, but fortunately he wasn't in it as much and his warrior woman/love interest had sort of a dull personality, but really you're seeing this for the fighting and killing anyway and it does pretty well in that department.

                              The villain was slightly a little deeper than the usual "I'm getting ultimate power to world the world" sort of thing (Not much deeper, but for a movie like this he a least had a secondary goal which was just as important to him), there was an slight incestuous tone with his witch daughter, and he had more than a few unique henchmen, so the bad guys were cool. Ron Pearlman was good as always even for the short time he was in the movie.

                              There haven't been any good sword and sorcery movies lately and this one did a suitable job.
                              Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                              • Awesome, End. I'm a little less anxious now.


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