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Merry Christmas, etc.

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  • Merry Christmas, etc.

    Hello Infinite!

    I just wanted to drop a Merry X-Ball now before things get really hectic around the Master House. So, Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year too. And while I'm at it, here's an advance- Happy Birthday, Valentines Day, Easter, 4th of July, and Labor Day. I hope that covers me for the year, my New Year's resolution is to procrastinate less.



  • #2
    Right back at ya, toots! I'm in a somewhat holly/jolly mood. Christmas Day is always a great excuse to binge drink. Followed by New Years which is another great, socially acceptable time to drink until I wake up the next day and see my liver sitting on the couch next to me, smoking a cigarette, saying, "We need to talk. I'm leaving you, and I'm taking the kidneys."

    The end of a decade...

    As I reflect on the last decade I can't help but think;

    What a horrible era in which to spend the 'best' years of this wretched existence I call a life.

    And then I think, well, least I'm not stuck in that shit-hole continent called Africa!! WOO HOO!!! And at least most my teenage/childhood years were in the '90s - which were, let's face it, way cooler than the 2000s. Remember pagers? Forrest Gump? Slow internet connections?

    Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year/Decade everyone! Count your blessings!

    And if the 2000s were anywhere near as horrible for you as they were for me - Hope the next ten are at least a little better than the last. If any of you die, I hope it's really quick and painless!

    Okay, I guess the 2000s weren't so bad. Except for all the Adam Sandler movies. Oh, and MY resolution is to stop masturbating to naked pictures of DEP's mom. Wish me luck!


    • #3
      Does this mean I should stop sending you the pictures, Chubby? Or is this a resolution you want to try breaking despite the temptation staring you in the face?

      Oh, and merry christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate everyone. Even megaman.
      The organ is grinding but the monkey won't dance.


      • #4
        Indeed, Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays and whatnot. The heavy snow nixed our travel plans, so this Christmas will be spent at home. I'll have a nice and unproductive time as I play far too much Wii.
        Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
        Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
        And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


        • #5
          Hope everyone's having a great time! As for me, I've been blessed with "Fallout 3". It's great so far!


          • #6
            Ah yes, Merry Christmas to all of you, especially if you are not christian.
            Click it now.


            • #7
              Just popping in here briefly from vacation to tell everyone Happy Voodoo Day.

              And when we drove through Youngstown, we had our dog take a big crap there in DEP's honor. Can't promise if anyone didn't come by and eat it though.

              Anyway see you all later.
              Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


              • #8
                Merry Christmas/happy whatever holidays people here celebrate.


                • #9
                  Merry Christmas guys! I got a Kindle woo!

                  I guess I'll be spending the weekend reading books instead of working on my story, oh well...any recommendations?


                  • #10
                    Anything by Cormac McCarthy makes for a very good and fast read, so long as you don't mind his "archaic" writing style (admittedly, a lot of people do). Kind of like Faulkner writing about things that are somewhat exciting. In particular, The Road, All the Pretty Horses, and Blood Meridian are good.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                      Anything by Cormac McCarthy makes for a very good and fast read, so long as you don't mind his "archaic" writing style (admittedly, a lot of people do). Kind of like Faulkner writing about things that are somewhat exciting. In particular, The Road, All the Pretty Horses, and Blood Meridian are good.
                      I actually like that "archaic" writing style. I don't believe I've ever checked McCarthy out.

                      I've been reading some Jack London lately. Hadn't read any of his work since high school, so it was nice re-discovering him.

                      I've actually been reading a lot of non-fiction lately, on top of that. My latest was the diaries of Lewis & Clark. Well, a book that details their voyage with many an excerpt from their diaries. What a fascinating tale. It really is exciting and oft times hilarious. As history should be. Their description of the great plains was like reading a firsthand account about the garden of Eden. What an amazing, unspoiled continent this was!

                      It's amazing how quickly we plowed over it and 'conquered' it. We lost so much in the process.

                      I find myself more and more attracted to that whole "wild side" lately. City life just isn't for me. I'm not naive enough to believe I could "live off the grid" for any extended period. But I really do enjoy the wilderness and have a real longing to explore some tucked away corner I haven't been to.

                      I've had some amazing experiences in Colorado, but it just isn't enough. Anyway, cheers!


                      • #12
                        I guess I'd recommend McCarthy to you, then. I believe you liked the film No Country for Old Men, which was based off one of his novels, so who knows? You might end up joining the fan club.

                        As for "archaicness", the only punction he uses are periods, the occasional comma, and the very rare colon (I think I might have seen him use an apostrophe once, but I can't remember). I love his dialogue, though, and his metaphors/analogies are usually very interesting.


                        • #13
                          Well, dear Yazz, you always had me...

                          One little moment in that zombie story of yours. One little moment. Pure brilliance.

                          Anyway, YES:

                          I loved No Country. How could you not? I'll check it out. Something you said. McCarthy. I promise. No I don't. But it is a thorn wedged deep into the tempest of my mind. Until then....

                          Guys...I'm thinking....

                          I'm thinking.



                          No. Nipples.

                          Consensual sex. Where'd everybody go?


                          EDIT: Happy New Year! Yaaaaay! We did it!!!! Shhh.
                          Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 12-27-2009, 08:43 AM.


                          • #14
                            It's so nice we have the old coherent Chubby T back for the holidays.

                            I hope everyone had a great one and look forward to what the following year brings... I for one hope to write more (although not necessarily here), since this last year was light in that area for me.
                            Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dragavan View Post
                              I for one hope to write more (although not necessarily here)...
                              We love you too, Dragavan.

                              And I didn't write that zombie story.


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