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Pro-America Ranting - You Know You All Missed It

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  • Pro-America Ranting - You Know You All Missed It


    So when I heard a cum sucking Arab/Persian(Same FUCKING GOD DAMN DIFFERENCE), on BBC news, felt the terror that only God/and/or the American fleet can inspire when one of our Nimitz-class aircraft carriers floated by the straight of whatever you call it....

    I felt good. Why? Cause it's FUCKING EARTH YOU MENTAL RETARDS!

    While our own society is in the fucking DUMPS, I can AT LEAST still look at our Military Presence and smile.

    You fucking morons probably have no idea though.

    We are the New-Rome. How would you like it if we weren't???

    I can guarantee you it'd be worst.

    I LOVE our military. I LOOOOOVE the way we fucking RAPE ANYONE who comes CLOSE to FUCKING WITH US.

    There's a lot of smelly, delicate, PUSSIES who want to rant on and on about how great empires go broke because of military expenditures.

    I think, in OUR CASE, it's quite different.

    Quite, so. We've made many blunders. But there's NO ONE who can come close to facing us in a blunt battle.

    This is what Starcraft and a fifth of rum does to me. Sorry.

    But you'd have to be smart enough to do your homework to understand. I'm at least smart enough to know we live in the strongest EMPIRE EVER TO OCCUPY THIS REGION OF THE GALAXY.

    Should make you proud.



    FUCK THE MUSLIM WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would face ANY kind of death JUST to see them ALL die like they should...

    I'll stop now. OMH is trying to rape my asshole.....
    Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 01-28-2012, 10:13 PM.

  • #2
    Nice try, ChubChub. But if you're so pro-American, what the fuck were you doing watching that crumpet-snarfing, tea-bleeding, scone-snogging BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION?

    Hmmmm? Shouldn't you be turning your little dial to a little station called FOX? Hmmmm?
    My sanity, my soul, or my life.


    • #3
      I'm not about PROPAGANDA.

      So, FOX? No. No, no, no.....

      REAL news? Yes. Fox is a blemish on our society. A blemish we can consume. As we consume so much. So, so much. And will continue to consume.

      See, I differ with the tree-huggers. This is all part of the natural process. American Society is but the most perfect reflection of the beasts we are. We are violent, disgusting creatures. As is nature.

      The world is in a MAJOR shift.

      North America, as always, will win. Why? Because.



      That's what we do. PLEASE,


      disprove me. This is a violent, indifferent universe.

      And America, despite its many flaws, is the best thing goin for............................................... ..........................

      many miles.


      Think it over.


      • #4
        Don't forget!

        We live in a





        Such as it is. I shouldn't be be viewed as the crazy one. If you have enough brain activity going on to realize that I'm NOT crazy, good for you.

        If not? Good for you.

        Either way, we live in a very STERANGE univerese governed by laws I can GUARANTEE YOU NEITHEIR THE CHRISTIANS, THE JEWS, NOR THE MUSLIMS HAVE ANY SAY OVER.

        I wish only death on all those that consider any of those religions their template for existance.


        Because I have a brain in my skull.

        But unlike my foes, I would be willing to co-exist.

        They are not.

        Therefore, DEATH. Pretty elementary,

        EDIT: Wow. 2 hours later I'm sober and I'm like wtf? Im a seriously fucked up person.

        Sorry, guys.

        I did make some valid points though. Just saying.

        I am a fucking idiot, though. Christ. This is what rum does to my brain. But then like an hour later I'm normal again.

        Look, I had ten bucks burning a hole in my pocket.....EVERYONE abandoned me today. What's alonely boy to do but drink and then post some dumb, redundant shit?

        SHUT UP.

        Mmmmmmmm......thank God for codeine cough syrup....


        Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 01-28-2012, 10:17 PM.


        • #5
          Bashing the sand dwellers is good and all, but you're slippin' Chub. No pro-american rant is without a proper tirade on those inscrutable godless commie Chinese. Even North Korea would've been acceptable.

          But other than that...

          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


          • #6
            Coming again to save the mother fucking day.

            I AM slipping.

            That was awful. I'm sorry. I'd delete it all, but what's done is done.

            Well....I guess I really do have some pretty aggressive feelings toward religion, and ESPECIALLY Islam. I really have no pity for the whole region. I really hate them. Not in a close-minded, evil sense. More like a "You guys keep acting like a bunch of fucking pieces of shit, therefore that's how we'll treat you and if it means another hundred years of war so be it - the WEST will always win. Get over it" sort of way.

            Then again, tell that to the soldiers who've actually had to fight this fiasco we call a war. I have no right to say anything on the subject. But, this is what forums are for. Venting.

            And while I agree with the likes of Ron Paul on quite a few things, military spending isn't one of them.

            I say keep pumping money into the military industrial complex.

            It not only encourages innovation, it also keeps the God damn Chinese Chinaman stuff.

            Stupid Chinamen.

            And Chinawomen.

            Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 01-28-2012, 10:50 PM.


            • #7
              I thought I'd mentiopn again just how much I hate the "people" who live in the "country" of Afghanistan, in particular.

              Why can't we just gas the whole country?

              These fucking idiots need to die. Seriously. I'm turning into Hitler.

              Exchange Jews for Muslims.

              Women, children, "men" - the whole of them. they just need to die. Every one of them.



              • #8
                I'm amused. I especially like the "religion can't explain shit about our universe" bit. It immediately made me think of this.
                Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


                • #9
                  Sheesh, Chub, I know you've always held what could be called "conservative" views, but the fact that you keep rubbing in the fact that you hate Islam, Afghanistan, and pretty much anything non-Western makes me wonder how much you're actually "kidding" about any of this stuff. You rant and rave, apologize, then make essentially the same rant, so clearly it's at least a preoccupation of yours.

                  I know you're a pretty well-read guy and you don't need me to tell you that Islam has a very rich cultural history and that if it hadn't been for Islamic scholars keeping the intellectual fires burning while their Western counterparts were too busy fucking pigs in peat bogs, then there never would have been what we now call the Renaissance. Likewise, without the Western monastic tradition dedicated to preserving the knowledge of antiquity, a great deal of ancient learning which we now take for granted would have been lost. Can you imagine a world without Plato or Socrates?

                  My point is that religions have complex histories. They have inspired both the best and the worst in human beings. Monotheism tends by nature towards absolutism: the idea of one and only one. These religions can thus become radicalized fairly easily, and all three major monotheistic religions have blood in their histories for this very reason. Islam is perhaps especially prone to this, but I do not believe that it is Islam itself which has caused so much suffering in the Middle East. I think "Islam" is just an easy target word to describe a huge and complicated set of political, economic and social circumstances that have coalesced to form the volatile region that exists today. If there's ever going to be any progress forward, the focus needs to move away from the religious excuses and towards the actual events that have served to destabilize these countries. If it were nothing more than a matter of the "evils of Islam", then how was this same religion able to generate poets, artists, scientists, and others who have contributed beauty and learning to our species? Why is it that Jews and Arabs lived in relative peace, side by side, for centuries? How could they have worked so closely together, as they did in Spain, before sharing the common burden of exile in 1492?

                  The painfully short view of history that is taken in the news is utterly counterproductive. I don't claim that the people now being painted as devils by our hyper-sensationalized media machine are entirely blameless, but nor is their reasoning completely impenetrable. How would we feel if we all woke up tomorrow to find ourselves occupied by a foreign power which had no respect for us or for our sovereignty, and which seemed merely to be using us as a base to better access a highly prized natural resource?

                  Would anyone in power care at all about the Middle East if it weren't for oil? Why is it that we only topple dictators in countries that pose some kind of economic or political advantage for us? America needs to stop deceiving itself. We are not the altruistic freedom fighters we make ourselves out to be. The fact that we not only lie as a matter of course but seem to genuinely believe in these lies, on an institutional level, is more than a little disconcerting.
                  My sanity, my soul, or my life.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vesnic View Post
                    America needs to stop deceiving itself. We are not the altruistic freedom fighters we make ourselves out to be.
                    This is especially true if you look at everything we did the South American theater, especially through the 80s and 90s. We "secretly" toppled several democratic leaderships and placed dictators (who were more apt to align themselves with us) in charge. We even had a special training center set up to train south american dictators how to maintain power (it was called the School of the Americas, seriously, and located down in Georgia).
                    Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                    • #11
                      People can't take a joke. Sheesh.


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