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  • Omegle

    Well, I finally found my calling in the world. Trolling on Omegle.

    The average user's intelligence is much lower than usual and you can usually convince them you're an FBI agent if you play your cards right. Hell, you can even be some religious bigot on it and piss of a bunch of gay people.

    Right now I'm linking everyone to child pornography. The responses are incredible.
    And on this day, not a single fuck was given.

  • #2
    Surely you're not linking to real child porn are you?

    I mean while I'm sure you're just doing it for the lulz, remember THE MAN is never in the mood for your shit. Don't get yourself arrested.
    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


    • #3
      Nope, while I was lurking I came across a page ThreadKiller linked to that was child porn but was shut down. They have my IP address regardless now so I figure I might as well fuck with other people while I'm at it.
      And on this day, not a single fuck was given.


      • #4
        Well fuck, man. Post a link!!!!!!

        I mean, I like to spice it up. A little kiddie on ki.....

        You know what!? Even I'm offended!

        Shame on you threadkiller (you know who you are)!!!

        Child porn? Damn.

        You know its bad when chubby is calling you out for being a sicko!!!!

        I may be a tough boy but I have a fucking SOUL you big, sick, dummies.

        I'm glad you're pissing people off tho, playa. Right-o, old sport! Jolly good!

        Child porn, though? Damn.......that's pretty fucked.

        You guys are fucking sickos.


        • #5
          Well I feel like an idiot. The link I sent was to a picture pretending to be the FBI haha. It was the Lolita picture on imagefap.
          And on this day, not a single fuck was given.


          • #6
            You'd better be careful, Playa. I actually do have some pretty close ties to the FBI, and even though I know you're just a little virtual delinquent pulling shit online, they speak the truth here when they say it IS possible to take things too far. I do NOT have a sense of humor when it comes to kiddie stuff. I think that's the lowest of the low, and the law thinks that way too. Anyone who so much as links to it deserves to be promptly incarcerated. There's a reason we have laws in this country protecting kids. Because there are so many sick fucks out there who'd do awful things to them, and then there's all the mama's boy whiner types (I'm NOT saying this is you, but that is sort of the general profile) who've never experienced anything truly terrible in their lives, yet who feel free to perpetuate this evil (and yes, it is EVIL) all in the name of a cheap thrill or two. There are better, smarter, more original ways you can have your "fun" online without contributing to one of the most heinous crimes known to mankind. If you're gonna be a troll, you need an equally strong sense of self-preservation and an up-to-date understanding of the law.
            My sanity, my soul, or my life.


            • #7
              Yeah, stay away from the CP. I think they're even making stuff like Lolicon (or whatever hentai subgroups that involve kids) illegal in some places now.

              Besides, trolling works better if you don't use pics of any kind, usually when links and pics start popping up, its a pretty big tip off immediately of what the intention is. I think the shock value pic stuff worked better in the 90s when the internet was still "new", nowadays you just get mods deleting everything and banning people.

              For a short term troll, one way of doing it without getting banned immediately and still have your cheap giggles is to take a similar stance with the majority save for ONE glaring difference and continue to argue the point with a calm seriousness.

              One example of something like this was something I saw on Stormfront once.

              One guy pretty much was doing the whole white power thing, but then he suddenly insisted that it was okay for white guys to fuck women of different races as long as they didn't produce offspring. He had nazis immediately jumping on his shit screaming race traitor. He even tried to use the argument that it was okay since white slave owners used to have sex with black slaves. Then he added that white dudes were naturally "conquerors" so it was their right to sex up any woman they wanted.

              Then he pissed off the female nazis even further by saying under no circumstances was it okay for white girls to screw guys of other races regardless of whether they produced mixed babies or not, since white women were supposed to remain pure for the white race or some double standard like that.

              Pretty funny, but of course fanatics do tend to be easy targets. And it was using trolling as a force of good!
              Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


              • #8
                I came across a page ThreadKiller linked to that was child porn but was shut down. They have my IP address regardless now
                i knew idget someone with that. u dumb bastard hahaha

                and then u admit to it lol

                I hope u get fucking throat cancer


                • #9
                  Why is it always throat cancer? Why not prostate cancer? You know, to vary it up a little

                  But seriously, what the fuck is the point of being a serial troll? I just still don't get it, even though I've talked at length about it with End and I know he did this for many years when he couldn't fairly be called a "kid" anymore. It's just that, in my view, it kind of sucks and fails in all possible ways.

                  1.) Trolling fails at comedy. Except in certain very rare and skillfully executed situations, trolling tends to be maddeningly predictable, infantile and repetitive. If you're doing it for a few "cheap laughs", then it does actually have to be amusing, right? It seems to me like the kind of thing that would be funny once or maybe twice, but then get really old, really fast.

                  2.) Trolling fails at human communication. There are countless examples, from absolutely everywhere a "dialogue" occurs online, where trolling has completely derailed an otherwise viable and potentially interesting or enlightening conversation. People who would otherwise be ignored get their 15 minutes of fame by saying something inflammatory or hateful or whatever it is, so it's ultimately an extremely selfish act because it prioritizes the individual spotlight over the collective conversation.

                  3.) Trolling can KILL. Seriously, I get more and more turned off by this sort of thing when I see stories about people who have killed themselves because someone else had nothing better to do than destroy another human being piece by piece...apparently out of sheer boredom. This is borderline psychopathic behavior, and again the fact that it's become so widespread, almost acceptable, kind of scares the shit out of me.

                  I think the whole process just makes people increasingly more inward and alienated. It's poisonous not only for the people affected by it, but for those who do it. As a regular "hobby", I believe it really and truly sucks. I can see it being a springboard for more worthy creative endeavors, but the truth is it's usually just a sad shout in the wind, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
                  My sanity, my soul, or my life.


                  • #10
                    Well someone if someone is trolling like Threadkiller then there is really no point to it. Trolling is pretty stupid unless you do it with subtlety and intelligence.

                    That's pretty much while I don't troll people on Facebook, people tend to get pissed off a lot more since you know them. Something that would irritate a stranger on Omegle could send someone you know into a fury just because they know you and think you are personally disrespecting them.

                    Trolling for hate isn't much fun anyways. I don't really find as much pleasure in pissing people off as I do in destroying them with logic. They may feel angry afterwards but it isn't my goal.
                    And on this day, not a single fuck was given.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Vesnic View Post
                      But seriously, what the fuck is the point of being a serial troll?
                      There is no point in being a serial troll. You most likely either:

                      A. Got a case of immaturity, which does tend to infect the male of the species a lot more. So its mostly teenage or young adult guys that either grow out of it or get bored with it. It's usually harmless for the most part.


                      B. Got a case of sociopathy (which also tends to infect the male of the species a lot more). In this case it tends to be meaner spirited.

                      1. The comedy portion is of course subjective. One would think fart jokes or a guy getting hit in the balls are only amusing once or twice to some as well, but if the movies are any indication that doesn't seem to be the case. A lot of people REALLY like the same joke over and over.

                      2. Human communication isn't really important to the troll other than the responses he's getting. The more responses and the more emotional they are the better obviously. You're right of course in that it's incredibly selfish, but that's sort of the point. To ruin everyone else's fun. If you're actually getting people egging you on, then its just a bonus.

                      There's also the problem you've mentioned in other threads in general and that's the majority of society are idiots and they'll fall for it most of the time. Or even if they do recognize it, they'll get pissed and argue with the troll anyway.

                      3. I'm not sure if it's really becoming that acceptable considering they are starting to crack down on internet bullying a little more, but when someone is seriously focusing on destroying someone, then they aren't really trolling anymore and they've just moved on to internet bullying and harassment.

                      I'm definitely guilty of 1 and 2. Probably 3 to a limited degree though I was really too apathetic/lazy to actually harass someone. I just tended to use past forum information against people that I was already arguing with and I felt deserved it. But then I do that in real life arguments as well.

                      Though that being said, I'm not still not entirely sure if I classified as a serial troll or not back in the day. I used to do it mainly out of boredom in between classes and mostly to other places that already had a lot of assholes already on there. (Like a gaming forum or humor forum) Then I'd go long periods of time without doing it at all. ("Spree" trolling perhaps?)

                      I hung out at a "flame forum" a few times where the whole place is just a troll ground where they were deadly serious about the "hobby", but by that time I got bored with it and didn't see the point of making a full time hobby out of it.

                      You're definitely right about the poisonous to the self thing. I saw many a "flame warrior" actually get so fucking caught up in their little wars and such that they'd have complete break downs online. When you've got a group of malicious assholes that lives to insult/torment/prey upon weakness its basically like an internet prison and they'll pounce on any scrap of info that they can use against you. You won't get any sympathy anywhere either, because're one of those assholes that was doing it to a horde of other people. Karma and all.

                      I think that's the other reason why I stopped, besides the fact I was getting bored with it. I have a tendency to get a bit focused and probably a little too much enjoyment when engaging in negative behavior and I kind of figured if I continued, I was either going to end up wasting all my time arguing/flaming/trolling/etc. with a bunch of other sociopaths forever or even worse someone would actually manage to get to me via harassment and I'm the one having a breakdown online.

                      Yeah, I didn't want to be "that guy". I figured I was ahead of the game at that point, I had my laughs, so I might as well leave it all behind on a high note.
                      Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


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