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Thought Provoking Conversations

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  • Thought Provoking Conversations

    Today, me and my friend had an hour long conversation about everything from philosophies to conspiracy theories and it was probably the most thought provoking conversation of my life. The most interesting topic of these conversations was about the difference of dark and light.

    Basically we went on for about half an hour about whether lightbulbs produce light or take away darkness. As a disclaimer, don't take any thing I say too seriously because this was more of a brain storming session to get our mind's thinking than anything*. Well we basically talked about how maybe light isn't real, maybe it's darkness that's real and humanity just chose to believe light was real** since it was simpler and they saw dark as evil. HP 7 really served as an inspiration for me in this discussion.

    We talked about how maybe everything is naturally darkness and instead of producing light, we are actually taking away darkness. Well, we eventually came to the conclusion that since our eyes are made to register light instead of darkness, light is the one that is real.

    In hindsight, I think we may have just gotten a contact high from all the weed our friends were smoking on the car ride over there.

    So while we're on the topic, what are some of the more thought provoking conversations everyone has had?

    *I'm going to repeat this, I realize our conversation may have been extremely stupid or illogical. Please don't take it too seriously since we were just brain storming.

    **Obviously both dark and light are real, but I don't quite know how to explain what we meant by if they were "real" or not.
    And on this day, not a single fuck was given.

  • #2
    Light bulbs do not, essentially, produce anything. They transform one kind of energy into another - electromagnetic radiation - a portion of which stimulates receptors in the eye.

    To a bat, "light" is sound. What a human would call darkness - an "absence" of "light" - a bat might see as an average "day."

    So "light" as you are referring to it is just energy in a form our senses can use. Pass that energy through a hypothetical filter that increases its wavelength, and - even though the room is still full of energy - what was visible is now ultraviolet. It's "moving too fast" for the receptors in our eyes to interact with it, so we call it "darkness."

    I think what you're asking is whether the basic state of the universe is energy/matter, or space/"absence," the apparent "nothing" between worlds and between particles.

    Essentially, is there such a thing as a perfect vacuum? To which I have to answer: no. And even in a (hypothetical) perfect vacuum, particles are constantly being "created/destroyed," which is to say, matter is present, and it is changing.

    Light and darkness are the same. Life and death are the same. Existence is.

    We define the world largely by what is useful to our senses, by what we are immediately interacting with, day to day. It's the best any "individual" can do. That's not what it is, though. There is no birth, only change. There is no death, only change.

    Everything is everything: the world like a world like a world.
    Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


    • #3
      I just realized that in my post, I said HP 7 was an inspiration for the discussion. I was wrong, it was actually HP 5.

      For those of you who don't know what HP 7 and 5 are, they're games in the Homo Perfectus series over at CYS.
      Last edited by Playa988; 05-25-2012, 02:55 AM.
      And on this day, not a single fuck was given.


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