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The Jolly Racism Thread

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  • The Jolly Racism Thread

    Have you had enough of multiculturalism? Do you think it's a tremendous failure that has ended in little more than superficial homogeneity mixed with deep personal recrimination? Do you have a few particular minorities in mind (or majorities if you're a minority) who make you mutter things under your breath that would make even Archie Bunker blush? Are you rather dismayed by the drooling masses' confusion of political correctness with genuine consideration for one's fellow man? Or woman? Or thingperson trans-homo tranny-queer interstitial sentient someone?

    Well, I sure am.

    I haven't exactly joined the National Front yet or had my eyes dyed blue, but seriously, some of this shit is just ruining my days on a more or less regular basis, like the example below.

    I just had a horrible experience on the street. I had almost made it back to my apartment after running some errands when these three ugly little Arab peacocks rounded the corner. At first they were all fairly close together, but I swear they took one look at me and fanned out as wide as they could, three abreast, forcing me off the path where I had already been walking before they decided to grace the same sidewalk with their presence. I did not want to be pushed to the side, so I maintained my course. As happens more and more frequently these days, they didn't move even the slightest bit to avoid me and I ended up brushing shoulders with the one on the end. It was not exactly a collision, but this guy was itching for a fight because even before we had passed each other, he actually hooked my arm with his elbow, turning me around so he could rudely ask me, "Are you blind?" I said "Why would you ask me if I'm blind?" And he said, coming at me like he was about to pull a knife or something, "Because you bumped into me." I said, "I could say the same for what you did." To which he said, "What?" pumping up his chest like some stupid little bird. The three of them were all teenagers, all of them my height or shorter, and such a bunch of disrespectful little shits can hardly be imagined. I'm quite good at gauging this sort of situation and in this case I actually felt afraid. There was something unhinged about this asshole. What the fuck is wrong with Middle Eastern men? Any other culture in the world would tell them they must make way for a woman, for their elder, be a good citizen, have an ounce of respect, humility, anything at all. But in their lovely society, they can murder any woman who doesn't fall at their feet in utter submission. Little dole scum shitbag probably has a permanent visa to stay in the country too.

    But I bet you a million dollars my alma mater would call me out for this reaction, saying it lacked cultural sensitivity, even as I'm sitting here shaking because an innocent visit to the bank might have meant a blade in my belly.
    My sanity, my soul, or my life.

  • #2
    If they were middle eastern you probably could call national security on them. Our country hasn't gotten quite so squeamish about rounding up a few sons of Allah for Guantanamo style questioning.

    I don't really have any excessive racist thoughts at the moment though. Just a general loathing of political correctness and social justice warrior types that seem to infest the internet. Happily I don't come across too many of those in real life.
    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


    • #3
      Well, our country isn't my country at the moment. I somehow omitted to mention that I've been living in Germany for awhile now, having recently completed my Masters in Berlin. No calling Homeland Security to complain of the sidewalk terrorists. Unlike the UK, there is also very little in the way of public surveillance here, so I'd be lucky if any of it got recorded. However, unlike totally pussified Sweden, Germany at least has been slowly coming to grips with just what an unbearable clusterfuck Europe has become, a revelation which mostly expresses itself via bus-stop graffiti telling all the foreigners to GTFO. The absolute suppression of anything resembling real discussion or probing self-examination has created a very familiar sort of slow-simmering resentment and building hatred in this country. Not that I exactly blame them, but we all know what happens when Germans are given too much lead on their big doggy leashes.

      I don't know where to draw the line anymore. Things feel so skewed, so absolutely upside-down. There is an endless cycle of evidence that these people are here to take, take, take, making no effort to assimilate or even to integrate, and far beyond simple ingratitude, many of them want to blow us sky high. That's not a revelation. That's not news. So why am I looking around me furtively, even as I'm writing this from the privacy of my own toilet? Why can't I speak this demonstrably true fact aloud, in public?

      Europe has become a very strange place. I barely recognize it from just a few short years ago. A certain critical point has been reached and now surpassed and the evidence is everywhere but we're strictly forbidden to talk about it. I read an article from Cologne written by a young woman who was riding the train one evening when she noticed a couple of Muslim guys staring at her. They were speaking to each other in perfect, unaccented German, meaning they grew up here; but they came up to her as they were exiting and said, apropos of nothing, "We will kill you all. We will destroy you and your country. It will be soon." One doesn't exactly say, Danke, auf Wiedersehen! to that, does one? That was here in Germany. If the same story had happened in Sweden, as I'm sure it has, it would not even have been printed, for fear of "inciting". Well guess what guys, we're all pretty fucking incited at this point! I haven't met anyone in a long time who wasn't in some way a walking tinderbox, absolutely just ready to blow. It's only a question of when, who and to whom, and with how many casualties.

      Oh, and another under-reported fact is that Swedish police are afraid to patrol neighborhoods of their own cities, scared to even pull over a speeder for fear of reprisals from both the individual's extended family and their own cultural mandate-bearing bosses. These speeders, muggers, rapists, drug dealers, etc. etc., are the same people receiving automatic asylum, free housing, free healthcare, generous stipends and incentives to pursue education and cultural opportunities. What exactly is Sweden of all places atoning for? For the general evil of the White Man over a long period of time and in many diverse ways since White Man is no more a cultural monolith than Brown Man? When in the history of our entire species have indeterminate guilt-based reparations ever been successful or fostered a better future? When have they ever even made sense? What the fuck is going on here? Does it have something to do with Sven the Bureaucrat's great-great-great-etc. grandpappy going hog-wild a thousand years ago and killing some other white people? Why are so many people, governments and entire nations actively engineering their own certain downfall?
      My sanity, my soul, or my life.


      • #4
        Yeah, I've read pieces here and there about all the excessive cultural oversensitivity going on in Europe in recent years. I remember being surprised to see that places like Sweden and Norway having a sudden influx of African immigrants. (I wonder why they started going there of all places though)

        Heard the Netherlands is sort of in the same boat as Sweden and seems like the Switzerland is about the only country that's more or less attempting to keep their culture intact (And they got called a bunch of Nazis for it) If Drako was here, I'm sure he'd go on about more about the decline of Europe and Greece in particular (He's a Greek fascist).

        My grandmother who grew up in a small town in England and left later after marrying my grandfather keeps up with family over there and general goings on in England and she has no desire to ever go back there. She's said the place sounds like its changed so much now that she'd rather remember it how it was rather than what its become. (She identifies more as an American now anyway having lived here so long)

        As far as Germany is concerned, it is sort of baffling. It's like the German people don't have a "moderate" switch. If they aren't burning Jews in an oven then they're riddled with white guilt.

        Sort of funny since their partner in war crimes, Japan which also became a country of pacifists doesn't have that collective "atonement" problem (Hell, they don't even acknowledge they committed any atrocities in the first place. Lol).
        Last edited by End Master; 11-19-2014, 03:54 PM.
        Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


        • #5
          Just in regards to the OP, dude was probably just pissed off that a woman touched him and now he has to go home and take 42 cold showers or whatever so he can be clean again.

          Muslims are just massive assholes all the time, end of story. (That's not racist, I'm talking about culture not ethnicity....if a white guy becomes a Muslim than he's just as much a misogynistic dick too.)

          I quit going to my favorite pizza place recently because the guy behind the counter acts like any woman that tries to hand him a credit card or take her receipt is holding a live rattlesnake or something, he'll also cut you off like an impatient jerk if you try to do the usual polite Texas thing of discussing the weather.

          Oh and one time a cab driver refused my blind aunt service because he 'couldnt touch dogs or women'. Real classy guy.


          • #6
            Re: all of that: Yeeeeeesh.

            I do get a bit irritated whenever I see the word "agency" brought up in relation to women's rights or how they're perceived in the media, etc. Not that I don't think they should have any, I just sort of hate the overreliance on that word, and wonder if things like that muddy the conversation somehow.

            Per Ves' string of pointedly vague identifiers above, certain camps get a little carried away with appeasing the trans community and its myriad subgroups with their thousand and one terms. Seriously, I don't give a shit if you're genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, bigender, trigender, cisgender, pangender, intersex, a womyn, a boi, an androgyne, a two-spirt, etc., etc., just don't make me learn all these stupid tags! Who really wants to start adopting ze and hir, et al. into their lexicon? It's like Carlin's bit about language, like the phrase "differently abled" — these things just sound unpleasant or convoluted most of the time. I guess the only upside is that at least it's people making an identity for themselves, as opposed to shittier people hiding awful things behind "weasel words."

            That's about it. *shrug*


            • #7
              Oh geez, you get accused of a hate crime if you say anything critical about the non-hetero folks.

              Hell, you're probably more likely to get accused of being "something phobic" before getting accused of being a racist nowadays.
              Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


              • #8
                "Dogs and women". Wow.

                I had mentioned my alma mater in my last post.

                Well, here she is, in all his/her/its/whutz/putz/? glory. Pronouns are a bitch, aren't they? Notice if you say she/it very fast, it just elides into "shit" - a perfect summation.

                The article is long and tortuous, yet cyclical and verbose. I swear 3/4 of it is just filled up with all that jargon.

                I wrote this in response when my old professor friend linked me the article, for what it's worth:

                "Well, that article was … long. You know, I had actually seen it on my news feed when it first came out. I read a paragraph or two, got disgusted, thought something to the effect of “same ol’…” and forgot about it. With your redirection, however, I have made my way painfully through the whole thing and boy am I in a bad mood now. In an unaccountably bad mood, really. Why should I react so strongly? I guess it amounts to seeing my alma mater willingly flush itself down the toilet.

                First and foremost, does anyone have a sense of humor anymore? A healthy appreciation for the absurd? Did anyone have a good chuckle at the fact that one of the women who became a man is in fact named POON? I know I did. But I was alone in the safety of my own apartment, where no one would judge, “hate on” or otherwise ostracize me for my opinion, which according to all the little cowards interviewed for this article, is a fate worse than death. Deference to another person’s feelings is one thing. Sensitivity born of compassion is a beautiful thing. But here I’m seeing only a lot of zipped mouths and fear, terror of overstepping the ever-encroaching line, with that most horrible of consequences that you might lose a “friend” or two on Facebook. You might not be universally loved. Your outward façade might be compromised. Quelle horreur!

                I think that any movement or cause based in a minority identity and vouchsafing unashamedly for that identity, must keep in mind the proviso that if this minority someday becomes the majority, or is otherwise mainstreamed into the majority, then the members of this group will find themselves in the position of perpetuating the very same exclusive behavior that they railed against in the first place. That is, to quote some wise peasant from long ago, just the way the cookie crumbles. If there is a moral high-ground to be had in being a minority or even an oppressed minority (and this too is debatable), then that ground must be ceded upon admission to the big leagues. The price for acceptance is the loss of your specialness.

                However, I’ve noticed that this loss of specialness is quite the stumbling block in many cases. I recently read a gay critique of a movie that represented gay characters as average suburban neighbors. The author railed against the temerity of shows like American Family or Will and Grace for showing gay people as, well, people. Don’t we know gay people are special? They are another breed entirely, mythical as unicorns, rare as diamonds. Yet if anyone other than a gay person points out this otherness, then the pendulum swings full force back in the original direction, back to the dark ages of smoky underground clubs and fatal beatings. People who insist upon playing both sides of the court annoy me, irrespective of their race, color, creed, gender or gender confusion. This sort of after-the-fact whining really casts the whole crusade in doubt. Was it really about inclusion, or did it have much more to do with domination, with ego, with cultural hegemony or any of the other fancy terms that all essentially mean “kick the stuffing out of thy neighbor”?

                Another disingenuous aspect of this whole sordid mess is the supposed celebration of “diversity”. Nowhere have I seen less diversity. Nowhere have I seen a greater obsession with sameness or a greater conviction that enforcing sameness is the road to utopia. Here I am referring to that most dangerous of all breeds of homogeneity, that is, of sameness of mind and the revocation of permission to be freely of one’s own mind. When was there ever really a discussion about any of this? Any real or substantive diversity, with its concomitant willingness to risk unpopularity for the sake of an idea or an ideal, was stamped out of Wellesley long ago, if it ever existed. It certainly wasn’t there in my time and I can’t say I’m surprised by all of this. It’s simply the worsening of an iron-clad trend that was already well established when I passed through those vaunted halls. In all these interviews with students, I see the self-righteousness without the reflection, the overarching concern for personal reputation, the fear of being on the “wrong” side of history like the fear of wearing the “wrong” pair of jeans. In the professors interviewed, I see a lamentable caution bred of a very real fear of reprisals. Say the “wrong” thing and you’re out, apparently. This is what academic freedom has come to? Tongue-tied sociology professors who can hint only at a sense of irony while buckling up the rest? I thought the sociologists were once among the most verbose and politically incorrect types on campus. Apparently my thoughts need readjusting.

                Speaking of readjusting thoughts, the purely Orwellian “sensitivity workshops” are both hugely amusing and colossally frightening. These people can maul grammar all they like, destroy ancient concepts like brotherhood or sisterhood until there’s nothing left but some neuter dust blowing away in the wind. But what gives them the right to invade the mind and, dare I say it, the spirit? Educators once aspired also to be moral instructors, a concept that has become so unfashionable as to be almost laughable in any modern context. But what has taken the place of moral guidance and formation? It seems to me, just some top-down garbled nonsense sent through the political machine, spat out and then enforced, with no real choice, upon the unsuspecting and undefended. What’s worse, the people who peddle this crap are either too dishonest or themselves too blindfolded to see that what they are doing is in no way democratic, is in no way diverse and is in no way open to criticism. They are bearing the very standards of the thing they claim to hate most, all in the name of making sure no one’s little toe is trod upon.

                Life is by nature uncomfortable. The world is full of people who don’t give a damn about you or your needs or even your existence. Yet these little girls prance around on campus, protesting over their “emotional security” as if they would curl up and die if life were a little less pampering of them? What do they think will happen once the bubble bursts? I’ve seen people like this inhabit the same guarded, supposedly safe spheres for their entire lives, never once venturing forth to see how the other half lives, partially from fear and partially from arrogance. And then these very same people wonder why their cries for diversity ring hollow and why they can’t make decent art. Their vision, their common sense, is completely blocked out by their agenda.

                The ego-centrism in all of this is truly astounding. Just look at the wording in this article: how something works for YOU, what means happiness for YOU, how YOU relate from the perspective of YOUR gender identity. If this constitutes emotional safety, then it certainly doesn’t constitute reality. With all the bona fide catastrophes in the world, with all the real insecurity affecting a majority of our planet, this is really going to become Wellesley’s crowning issue of utmost importance? I call that arrogant, callous and selfish. I don’t deny that grappling with one’s own nature can be a challenge, and one whose successful resolution is worthy of being talked about or presented to first-year students (once called freshmen). What about the other infinity of experience out there, though? What about the countless remaining challenges that have nothing to do with being a man in a woman’s body who really wants to be neither and both? Does it make even mathematical sense that a sixth of each of these talks about overcoming challenges is now automatically dedicated to someone with gender-identity issues? I don’t believe for a minute that anywhere close to this percentage of people experience a crisis of this kind. It even makes me doubt the legitimacy of some of these claims, which surely can’t be helpful to the movement. But in an age when self-image and self-aggrandizement reign supreme, is it not necessary to look even more critically into situations which could, at their worst, just be about someone pawing for their fifteen minutes?

                Maybe this is just what happens when you take strictly nominal democracy and mix it with the most cannibalistic and deceitful form of capitalism yet known to humankind. We’re all pawns, but hey, baby, we’re all stars. That’s right. Every one of us is special. Don’t ponder too hard on the logical impossibility of that statement. And if you’re not really special in any way, well then, get an operation and make yourself special! I’m sure that will be remembered centuries from now when man, yes, man, has eliminated himself from the planet and the only thing left for the Vulcans of the Beelzebubs or whatever they are to find, will be a few slim volumes of Tennyson locked away in a fallout shelter, together with the Wellesley 2014 Yearbook featuring Mr. Poon. Naturally.

                And since this began on a funny note, I think it should end on one too.

                “Too many professors assume all their students are women.”

                At Wellesley College.

                Hilarity ensued."
                My sanity, my soul, or my life.


                • #9
                  Oh, my god, it's everywhere in that article! >_< "Transmasculine?" Fucking "masculine-of-center genderqueer"? What in the name of surgically-applied male genitalia is this??

                  And it's so bad, it's cannibalizing itself! Transman "Timothy" tried to get elected to a student govt. position, but didn't due to the technicality of being a 'white man,' an unspeakable thing to have in a position of 'power' at a women's college.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dreamshell View Post
                    Oh, my god, it's everywhere in that article! >_< "Transmasculine?" Fucking "masculine-of-center genderqueer"? What in the name of surgically-applied male genitalia is this??
                    Hey if some people want to make their new sex organs out of pig assholes and hot dogs because genetics fucked up somewhere, who are you to judge? Check your fucking privilege CIS scum. Lol.

                    Anyway, very well stated Ves.


                    Hey here's a video about that cannibalizing, dreamshell was talking about.

                    Bull Dyke vs. Tranny


                    Last edited by End Master; 11-20-2014, 03:40 PM.
                    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                    • #11
                      All I can think of while watching this video is that if I had my tits out like that chick does for all and sundry to see, and they were met with the same absolute apathy, I would probably have to kill myself.

                      As to the rest, I am absolutely aghast. Knowledge hurts.
                      My sanity, my soul, or my life.


                      • #12
                        The Muslims in Youngstown are mostly cool people. Their women work, show their faces, and are seemingly treated equally. I've only been to on Muslim family's house, but the mom seemed very typically mom-like.

                        But on the whole, yeah the Muslim culture is ridiculous in its suppression of women. How fucking crazy do you have to be to allow "honor-killings"? How fucking insane and morally disgusting can you be to justify killing your daughter or wife for being raped while the man who raped her plays the victim card?
                        The organ is grinding but the monkey won't dance.


                        • #13
                          But but but you don't understand, it's totally always the woman's fault, I mean if she hadn't caused the dude to have sexy thoughts somehow than he wouldn't have been able to get it up and then she couldn't have been raped in the first place, now could she?

                          It's just like how everyone was all upset about those girls being gang raped and murdered in India a few months back, but then the prime minister explained that sometimes rapes happen by accident. Boys will be boys after all, there's no sense in getting mad at them. I mean if you think about it a certain way they're really completely helpless in those kind of situations, their dicks just wind up in these places of their own accord and maybe they accidentally force a couple 15 year olds to drink acid and then hang them from a tree, it happens to most guys at some point in their life probably, it's really nobody's fault and can't be prevented. (Also they were Dalit girls so who cares. Certainly not the police.)
                          Last edited by mizal; 11-22-2014, 01:42 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mizal View Post
                            sometimes rapes happen by accident.
                            Bill Cosby should totally use that as his defense.
                            Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                            • #15
                              I just saw a traditional performance of the ballet La Bayadère, which utilized an absolutely unholy amount of politically incorrect blackface. Brilliant.

                              Art is the only thing that makes sense.
                              My sanity, my soul, or my life.


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