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Conditional Choices ready for testing

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  • severenz
    I think I got all the case sensitivity issues fixed.

    I also went to 10 choices

    Also simplified the admin/conditional choices experience by making the choices work the same way as they do for non-admins. To give visibility and aid in crafting your story, I added a list of all conditional choices in a room. I also show a dump of any current placeholders or variable values.

    Let me know if you see any issues.

    At some point, I will probably clean up the placeholder/variable dumps and also make the choice list start off with 5 and require a button to add more options.

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  • severenz
    TheChef - thanks for catching the case bug. I'll take a look and get in a fix asap.

    Let's keep brainstorming how to make the UI work for admins on conditionals. I planned on there being enhancements after users started to use it. That's how we get the best engine and features. Thanks!

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  • TheChef

    Made a test story to see if I could replicate issues that Mizal was having, and I couldn't. I don't doubt that perhaps it's the admin view trickery (making a current conditions section is almost a necessity, so writers can make sure the variables are working as intended), or another issue that my rather basic testing game didn't pick up on. A purely cosmetic change I'd recommend is, when imputing a variable name with a capital letter, the error not show up asking that:

    Variable names can only contain letters, numbers, underscores and dashes. (Choice #1)
    Variable names must start with a letter. (Choice #1)

    This confused me greatly, until I switched it to lowercase, and then it was fine. That, plus the current conditions should help alleviate confusion. Thanks!

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  • severenz
    I tested the exact scenario described above and it's working as I expect. If you post a link to your room I can take a closer look.

    Keep in mind that if you restart the story, it resets all conditionals. Are you doing that?

    Simply reloading the first page doesn't cause the conditionals to be cleared.


    I'm not sure how to approach the admin view so that you can not only see all conditional choices but also know that due to your current conditions, it is visible.

    Personally, if I want to test, I just use another browser but that isn't possible if it's a private story. Any ideas for visually how to do this?

    I could always show the current conditions in a list near the choices. Would that be sufficient?

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  • mizal
    It's possible something (everything?) broke when conditionals went in, because set, display, and alert all did work when I originally checked them out.

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  • mizal
    Just spent some time testing this, and it's not just returning to old pages that's the issue. If a variable condition is set on a link at all, it will hide that choice from the player.

    I'm using Firefox and haven't tried it with anything else, but that seems to be the outcome in every situation I could come up with.

    [display variable] also seems to be broken, unless I just fundamentally misunderstood something about how all of this works. The [display whatever] is plainly visible on the page even when logged out. Although [set variable=whatever] hides itself for the player as it should...the thing the variable is set to is just ignored in conditional links.

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  • severenz
    Wildblue send me a link to
    your room.

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  • severenz
    I can add an admin feature that makes it clear a choice is showing because the condition is met.

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  • Wildblue
    I'm not going to test it right now, I'm busy writing.

    I did discover that you can't just remove the link restrictions and save the page, you have to delete the link and then add it again because without that the changes won't save.

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  • mizal
    Wildblue, I can't test it right now but have you tried link restrictions on new pages? It might be something about the fact you're reloading a page you've already been to that's confusing it, and it would be useful to narrow down the cause.

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  • Wildblue
    It took me awhile to even figure out how to test these because I had to set the game to public and then log out, and then log back in to make sure I had it right. I wish there was a way to just preview it.

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  • Wildblue
    I'm having trouble with these.

    The first two links go to pages that have [questionzircon=2] and then a link back to this page.

    Only the first two questions show up the first time I got there so that part works. But when the page is reloaded those are still the only ones that show up, you never get the other three that were supposed to appear.

    Last edited by Wildblue; 01-21-2020, 02:54 PM.

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  • Lightning_11
    Ok, that sounds great. Thank you for the clarification and all the hard work updating the site.

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  • severenz
    That is correct Lightning_11 - you are seeing the rules because you are viewing it as an admin. You can corroborate this by simply logging out and viewing your story. At some point, I may create a "non-admin" toggle for admins.

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  • Lightning_11
    Thanks for the info! Thanks for that other post that told me how to set variables: "New Features+ Room Variables are here..."

    Ok, so when I set an option to require a variable ("knife should be y"), it just appears in red text under the option ("Variables: knife, Values: y"). I thought that the option would be invisible if you didn't have knife set to y, but I can still see it. Is this only because I am an admin, or will others see this too?
    Last edited by Lightning_11; 12-13-2019, 06:28 AM. Reason: New Info

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