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IWT5--The Allegory of my Cave

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  • apotheosis
    Well, I haven't started, but I think a story about Mudkip having anal sex in Georgia and this somehow representing a biblical story. I'll write it an hour before the deadline as usual.

    Though seriously I might give this one a whirl.

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  • donteatpoop
    TTTTTThis is ttttttthe tttttthirrrrrrd keyyyyyyboarrrrrrd i've gone tttttthrrrrrough since tttttthe tttttttheme was changed. And some of ttttthe keyyyyys on tttttthis one arrrrrre alrrrreadyyyyyy stttttticking again.

    TTTTThis conttttestttt is costttttting me a forrrrrttttttune.

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  • Vesnic
    The contest deadline for the IWT5 has been changed from Halloween to December 29. That's almost two extra months!
    Last edited by Vesnic; 10-04-2011, 06:23 PM.

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  • Hi! My name is: Katie
    So it's a porn challenge? Hmmm... I'm intrigued.

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  • Vesnic

    This is the link to the regrettable changes to this year's contest.
    Last edited by Vesnic; 10-04-2011, 06:22 PM.

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  • Leblanc4prez
    Sorry, My bad, I just found out after asking. So. I'm gunna start now!

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  • Vesnic
    *exasperated sigh* It's all at the top of the thread, Leblanc. There's also this really handy thing called a dictionary that's always at your disposal. You could also wiki it and see what you get. No more ass-wiping. Uncle Mikey has left, after all.
    Last edited by Vesnic; 10-04-2011, 06:22 PM.

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  • Leblanc4prez
    Ok. Err, what is an allegory exactly? The only one I know is "Animal Farm" But I can't just copy that. So Could you explain? Then, I'll definatly try to write a sirious story!

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  • Vesnic
    I don't see why you wouldn't have a chance at this category, Leblanc. It's really very open-ended, just like many of the others have been. If you apply yourself a bit, I'm sure you could swing it.
    Last edited by Vesnic; 10-04-2011, 06:21 PM.

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  • Leblanc4prez
    When can we have a catagory I could have a chance at?

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  • KaticaLocke
    Ah, got it. Thanks.

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  • Locke
    When it gets nearer the deadline, you throw a story up on the site, and announce that it's your entry. It's complicated stuff, I know. Forgive us

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  • End Master
    You basically just "sign up" here by announcing that you're interested, which you've sort of done already.

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  • KaticaLocke
    Where do I sign up? This contest sounds neat, but you'll have to excuse me if I forego the tacos. I prefer sausage

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  • Usoki
    I always forget we're supposed to sign up for these things. Like always, I proclaim interest in the subject, but I will not actually submit my participation into the contest until I'm sure there will be some level of completion occuring.

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