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IWT 13: The Resurrection

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  • Shadowdrake27
    I have not written anything in months... I have two pages done though! I plan to finish... ehh... yeah, yeah I do.

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  • mizal
    So how's everybody's progress coming along?

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  • mizal
    Well I've seen Larimar write plenty of coherent things, I have full faith in this ramzi. I'm not one of those disgusting robophobics.

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  • End Master
    7 people so far and only one of them is an OG ISer. Guess the CYStian colonization is going as planned.

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  • TheMHD
    I'll join! :~)

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  • megumeme
    Fuck it, I'll participate. Surely with 3 months to write I can't mess this up.

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  • Triclops
    I think this will be cool to spectate!

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  • mizal
    It's looking like I'll be the only native ISer in this thing...

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  • Shadowdrake27
    Took me a while to figure this out. I didn't activate my account through email the first time. I'll enter. Posting my story here before it hits CYS also won't be a problem. Going between the sites is just a copy-paste thing.

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  • Wildblue
    My story is called The Dryad's Revenge.

    I'm supposed to read all of your stories Endmaster, but there are a lot.

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  • End Master
    A bunch of reasons really.

    But it doesn't really need to be on CYS at this point, Rogues is basically a much better story reboot of Legend.

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  • Wildblue
    I'll join. I wasn't going to but I had a bunch of good ideas, and it's easy to write with my phone on this site.

    Endmaster, how come Legend isn't on CYS?

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  • End Master
    No, nothing co-authored. One author, one prize.

    As for the other question, if you look back into the archives of these forum threads, one of the main obstacles of why there was never a CYS/IS contest any time I attempted to unite the tribes as it were is because inevitably CYStians ALWAYS wanted to write their story on CYS rather than here and enter it.

    Which in turn always ended up causing a lot of bitching and arguing and ultimately everyone remaining in their own separate enclaves exclaiming loudly that the other tribe were a bunch of dumb poopy heads.

    And while I know you’re suggesting on still writing the story on here, I’m going to say you really need to write the story on here first. (I don’t care what you do with it after the contest)

    If you want proof readers feel free to just harass CYStians to drag their asses over here to read it. It’s a simple enough task even for them.

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  • poisonmara
    My question is would it be accepted, coauthor works? And can I first publish the game on Cys to get feedback from people there and later on publish here the final version? Because I don't want to be blunt. But I will have more feedback from a profaned Egyptian hippopotamus mummy than from anyone from this site.

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  • mizal
    I'm in.

    ​​​​​​I know I swore off contests this year, but that was on CYS.

    And if I can't manage twenty pages in four months I deserve all ridicule possible.

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