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  • Leblanc4prez
    Originally posted by Usoki View Post

    *Spot check- success*
    *Bluff check- success*
    Hey, LeBlanc, you know what you'd like to do with that 45gp you just earned? Donate it to a charity! You give me the money, and I'll make sure it gets into the right hands. I know a really good one- it's called "Bathe the Whales".

    Damn... I love ya man!

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  • donteatpoop
    I'm going to (hopefully) start in the citadel. My character's name is Mikkel.

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  • ChubbyTeletubby
    Well. Ya. Awesome. It'd be fun to come up with some sort of mutual thing here.

    Everyone is talking about how the site has gone downhill.

    Just an idea. Some kind of collaborative effort. Just for fun.

    G' night.

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  • Usoki
    Chubbs- yeah, it's in all in a thread on this forum. Somewhere. Well, the fantasy stuff, anyway.

    Xnull...that sounds awesome! It sounds like a total bitch to code, but that doesn't make it any less awesome.

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  • xnull
    No promise on this software any time soon, but I have been (very slowly) building an online site with the rules of 3.5 built in. It will have a chat which turns things like "damage reduction" into a link that will display everything you need to know about damage reduction. Characters can sign up for adventures a DM creates and everyone has to have an account. Players are able to stylize their character sheets (which are auto-generated to only contain information related to the specific adventure) with CSS so they can have cool images and the like. DM gets logs of all character sheet modifications and can change/lock/lookup everything at any given time. DM will be able to roll dice publicly or privately. Users can set talk mode to any specific group of users, but the DM will always get a copy of any of their die rolls.

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  • ChubbyTeletubby
    Hahaha! I like it!

    Gulf of Ungolia should be bay, though.

    Anyway, funny you still have that on file. I had forgotten all about it until now.

    Fun times. What's wrong with making your own shit, anyway? Way more fun that way. More work yes. Tedious. But um. Did anyone save anything from the old forums?

    I remember Usoki contributed a lot and so did DEP.
    Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 03-25-2008, 08:29 PM.

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  • End Master
    We had an update of that map though, here was the most recent copy of it.

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  • Usoki
    If there's anything about that project you hated, it was probably somebody else's contribution. That's how I always look at it. Jeff in particular always seemed to manage to piss me off with what he'd write.

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  • ChubbyTeletubby
    Yes but humility is the key. A true RPer is not extending themself.

    They are taking on the life of another human...

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  • Usoki
    It's a matter of figuring out how to fairly determine what happens. A partial moderater stretches it enough as is...I mean, if you do straight up character developement, you tend to lose any sort of balance- people start metagaming the shit out of it.

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  • Leblanc4prez

    *Attacks Chubby with "Enchanted smiting stick of smityness" (My Warlock friend made it for me)*

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  • ChubbyTeletubby
    Well I just like the idea of creating your own thing.

    It can't be THAT hard. Maybe not focus so much on the mathematics, but instead on consistency.

    That would make the math all the more poignant. Sort of a minimalist interpretation of D&D.

    Maybe delve more into character interplay. Drama. Hidden agendas. ect.

    I'm SUCH a rookie, eh?

    EDIT: Well the lack of time is understandable, Usoki. Maybe something else, then.


    No idea what. I just like creative stuff. Whatever happened to that Xol nation/Empire/whatever the fuck thing we had going on. SUrely we could tweak it?

    I always loved the Xol nation of EM's. In fact, I think I still have the map. Maybe we could tweak it some more.

    That was just some drunken shit, there. But um...I've always been good with maps and stuff. We could decimate it all, as far as I'm concerned. I just always love the Xolan nation.

    Good one with that, End.

    EDIT 2: Sea of shadows should be sea of sorcery with that one. And Fath Decimus? Sound slike a star wars character. I don't even remember drawing up these maps but I'm sure I had something in mind.
    Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 03-25-2008, 08:31 PM.

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  • Usoki
    Originally posted by End Master View Post
    Aren’t you kind of doing Arena online already with the story on here though?
    There's something to be said for making somebody else do the work, though. XD

    It would be fun, Chubbs, but I really don't ever have a period of time that I can always devote to something- I'm stretching myself thin already, what with two parts of my weekend already planned in advance. I, at least, would have to reluctantly pass. Unless maybe it was a summer thing.

    *Spot check- success*
    *Bluff check- success*
    Hey, LeBlanc, you know what you'd like to do with that 45gp you just earned? Donate it to a charity! You give me the money, and I'll make sure it gets into the right hands. I know a really good one- it's called "Bathe the Whales".

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  • Leblanc4prez
    Neverwinter nights 2 is the best way I've found of D&Ding online...

    *Attempts slieght of hand on usoki... sucess*
    *Stole 45 gp from Usoki*

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  • ChubbyTeletubby
    This is all very fascinating.

    I might have to check this Tazlure site out.

    I dunno. DEP just seems like the ultimate DM. For whatever reason. EndMaster, too.

    We all have busy schedules, no? Can't we just agree on like 2 hours a week in which to have a live-action RPG using only dice?

    It'd be fun, I think. Sundays are best for me.

    I dunno. Just a thought.

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