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  • donteatpoop
    Originally posted by xnull View Post
    DnD takes little creative endeavor. I know this because I get two hours of sleep, wake up and prepare an adventure in an hour and a half (most of which is crunching creature states and building their feats so they are challenging but balanced) and then we play the game. The players love it. There are twists and double meanings, but this is all things I think up on the spot knowing everything that has happened so far and the additutes of my players and NPC's. My players find each session delightful, and got angry and depressed last weekend when I cancelled the game for Easter dinner.

    Now, I was thinking about this earlier. It would be cool as a DM you forced your players to blog in the first person of their characters after every DnD session. I was thinking of doing this to force my players to get into roleplay mindset (there is only one true roleplayer amoung them).
    If I lived near you I'd totally be the second true roleplayer among them. But I always get stuck with the DM position because no one else can come up with anything. I miss getting to play as a character.

    I once belonged to an online RPG site that was done entirely in written submissions; no rolling the dice just writing what you planned to do and the game master/admin would write what happened. It was required that you write decently in order to play. It was fun, my character died at only level 3, but I caused a lot of havoc for the other players in the mean time, killing what was supposed to be a major NPC in the mean time. The admin said he wasn't prepared for a character like mine. And then he killed me off... I don't know if that was coincidental or not, but it was fun.

    I keep thinking about starting a new character but I just don't have the time... The site is tazlure if anyone is interested. Let me know if you are as that might actually inspire me to start up a new one. Maybe we can play the same area...

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  • apotheosis
    Well, my amazingly awesome adventures took much preperation even though I frequently would move off the script and improvise. Then again, no DM could ever approach my awesomeness.

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  • xnull
    DnD takes little creative endeavor. I know this because I get two hours of sleep, wake up and prepare an adventure in an hour and a half (most of which is crunching creature states and building their feats so they are challenging but balanced) and then we play the game. The players love it. There are twists and double meanings, but this is all things I think up on the spot knowing everything that has happened so far and the additutes of my players and NPC's. My players find each session delightful, and got angry and depressed last weekend when I cancelled the game for Easter dinner.

    Now, I was thinking about this earlier. It would be cool as a DM you forced your players to blog in the first person of their characters after every DnD session. I was thinking of doing this to force my players to get into roleplay mindset (there is only one true roleplayer amoung them).

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  • Leblanc4prez
    I'm working on both "Eternal Shere" And "Mahem on Mobius".

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  • donteatpoop
    I've been working on a play of mine called refills... It's posted on here. It's completely written in a spiral bound notebook; I'm just working on editing and adding some details, and taking away some stupid details.

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  • Usoki
    Well, yes, but not much of which can be proven. Most of what I write is linear, so I don't bother to put it here on the site. And then I've recently become DM to a group here at the hall, so a fair bit of creative planning is taken to that endeavor as well.

    Though, after a year (and three days, funnily enough) of stagnant work on Rentyre's sequel, I discovered that a change of setting made all of the contrived and ridiculous plotlines (stupidly unbelievable even for fantasy) make much more sense once the setting was altered. So, hopefully, I'll have something to show for my efforts within a few months.

    It always bothers me to be so active on this site and yet produce so little...but rushing myself only results in shit, as Love Song and Hellstone have proven to me.

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  • End Master
    Over the months there's been more stuff in real life cropping up, so the writing has been on hold until further notice. (Still got portions of unfinished stories laying around though) That's sort of why I finished up Legend when I did. I figured I could at least have all my current stories completed, even if I don't write anything else on here for awhile.

    My forum posting has been a little less frequent too, but I'm still around.

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  • apotheosis
    started a topic So...


    Does anyone here still write?

    I haven't produced anything in a long while, but I was wondering if anyone has.
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