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  • I thought she was sorta hot in an unconventional way before the whole giant belly thing. The movie was okay. Decent perhaps.

    See no evil hear no evil was one I recently watched. I wish new comedy took after the old stuff rather than just Will Farrel feigning mental retardation for 2 hours. Richard Prior and Gene Wilder are much better comedians than Will Farrel and that fuck ugly guy he costars with will ever be.
    Click it now.


    • Ya, dude.

      I'm sorta lost right now. Comedy is suffering.

      If you really look hard there IS many an oasis out there. You just have to sift through the bullshit.

      Will Farrell, Adam Sandler, and yes Ben Steiler (or however you spell his evil Jewish name)...

      Are all hacks. In MODERATION they might be funny. And in fact, WOULD be funny. It's just too much. And it's always the same template. Blame the herd of retarded cows we call our fellow Americans for their success. The mindless, bloated masses being led to the slaughter because they're too fucking stupid to have an original thought.

      I got friends who go crazy over Curb Your Enthusiasm. I'm like , "It's the same God damn show every episode! It's the same god damn show that Seinfeld was! LITERALLY! It's the same God damn plot every fucking show!"

      But really, there IS some decent shit out there. You just gotta work to find it.

      And Americans are really fucking stupid and fat and evil...but I still love them. Mostly because I have to be next to them and it's either accept them or shoot them up in the mall parking lot.

      Yay for movies!


      • Originally posted by Dragavan View Post
        I think the movie is a little too inside baseball and smart for the average fan of modern dumb comedies and too stupid for those who hate dumb comedies. For people like me who are movie fans in the middle, it was a perfect combination.
        The poor stupid audience today didn't understand that those previews at the beginning were FAKE and one guy leaned over and said to his bubblegum faced girl in a pink Papelbon tee-shirt, "Hey, that movie looks just like that one about the gay cowboys!" Fucking retards.

        But I agree, Tropic Thunder was hilarious. It was just so crazed, while also having a lot of wit and like you said, Drag, taking some very direct shots at Hollywood. I don't think Stiller is a hack, nor is Jack Black. Wow, that rhymed. Anyway, they do some really good work as well as some not-so good work, like anyone else in the business. This was a refreshing example of a movie that didn't try to hard to pander to its audience (achem...Juno..cough cough....achem), and I actually felt like I was seeing something original, so my hat is off to Stiller. And to Downey Jr., who I think brought home the best performance as the unbalanced Australian method actor who never breaks character while in blackface and has one of the most amusing nervous breakdowns I have ever seen filmed (except maybe the one I shot of my best friend who was crying too hard to notice that I had a camera in my hand, which I immediately thereafter plugged into the computer and posted on YouTube. Yuck yuck.)

        One more thought: BOOTY SWEAT!

        Go see it.
        Last edited by Vesnic; 10-03-2011, 06:14 AM.
        My sanity, my soul, or my life.


        • Quick! You must choose a famous person to play "YOU" in a movie!

          I pick Christian Slater.

          I also pick Christopher Walken to play the "older version" of me.
          Last edited by End Master; 09-06-2008, 09:09 PM.
          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


          • If I could cast anyone to play me in my biopic, I would want Jennifer Connelly to have the part.

            If we're going on looks alone, Catherine Zeta-Jones is probably my closest Hollywood lookalike.

            Just give Jen a boob job and brown contacts and we're all set!
            Last edited by Vesnic; 10-03-2011, 06:16 AM.
            My sanity, my soul, or my life.


            • Originally posted by End Master View Post
              Quick! You must choose a famous person to play "YOU" in a movie!

              I pick Christian Slater.

              I also pick Christopher Walken to play the "older version" of me.
              I have two picks. I pick Nikol from the Midwest Teen Sex Show OR Rachel McAdams.

              End will argue that Nikol is not famous enough, but I politely disagree. All the extremely famous females are relatively boring.


              • Or Helena Bonham Carter, or Vivien Leigh, or...

                Me me me me me me me me me
                Last edited by Vesnic; 10-03-2011, 06:20 AM.
                My sanity, my soul, or my life.


                • I'm not arguing anything, you pick who you like. I'm just glad you and Ves had the sense not to pick "Puffy Lips" to play either of you.
                  Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                  • Unfortunately I think Adam Sandler would be my closest look alike.

                    We both have the egghead look going for us.

                    And while Adam Sandler IS a hack... I'll admit, Ben Stiller actually puts out some pretty decent stuff. Sometimes hilarious. Haven't seen Tropic Thunder yet.

                    SPeaking of Robert Downey he did a great job in Iron Man, too. It's been a nice rebound year for him and a few others.


                    • Gilda (1946)

                      I usually can't stand old movies. They bore me to tears. This one, I liked though. I thought I'd give it a go since the digi-box description said it was a classic film noir flick.

                      I especially loved the dialogue. Smart and cocky, like in most movies of that era and genre. Still, why is it that nobody knew how to end a movie back in the "golden years"? The occasional stereotypes, chauvinism and corniness bothered me too. A tad too long, perhaps? If you have the opportunity and are interested in this sort of movies, watch it. I found it enjoyable enough.
                      more weight


                      • Recently watched Dark City. It was was a good piece of science fiction. It had a few flaws but overall I found it very enjoyable. It came out a year before the Matrix and after watching it I realized the Matrix ripped it off horribly.
                        Click it now.


                        • Doomsday

                          Saw this one a few weeks ago. They shoved references to just about every Post Apocalyptic movie they could in this one. Probably not the most original movie, but it was entertaining.

                          Masters of Horror Season 1&2

                          As to be expected some were good, some were bad. Season 1 was better overall.

                          One of the episodes was about this apartment where crazy writers live for free (Until they get published) and their imaginations actually brought their creations to life.

                          The episode (and the characters in it) reminded me of Infinite Story, if IS was an actual brick and mortar building.
                          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                          • 2001: A Space Odyssey

                            Perhaps the best movie I have ever seen. Brilliant except for the last 20 minutes (where they tried to act vague and artsy). I stopped coding on an adrenaline-pumping C++ project I was so engrossed in the film! And it was a low quality, square wave audio, pixelated ghost image video DVD rip too!

                            Watch it if you haven't.

                            "The Secret" was right. You were thinking about adding Megaman to your ignore list. And it almost came true! The universe sends you this hyperlink to make your job a lot easier. Click it now.


                            • Originally posted by End Master View Post
                              ...and their imaginations actually brought their creations to life.
                              That'd be pretty crazy. No one would ever be able to make it down the hallway to Apoth's room, the crack whores would be ridiculous, and End's apocalyptic pro/an-tagonists would come by on a weekly basis and destroy everything.

                              But it would kick so much ass once we all start on contest pieces.
                              Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                              Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                              And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


                              • Originally posted by Usoki View Post
                                End's apocalyptic pro/an-tagonists would come by on a weekly basis and destroy everything.
                                That's sort of what happens In the Mouth of Madness. (Which that episode also reminded me of)

                                This private detective gets hired to find this missing horror writer Sutter Cane, and tracks him down to this town called Hobb's End which originally only existed in his stories. Then of course all the bad stuff that went on there is real and the slurping lurking horrors he was writing about are also becoming real. Cane's imagination is basically opening a gateway for them and warping reality.

                                Definitely has a Lovecraft feel to it. Sort of references Stephen King as well. (Hobb's End is a small New England town like Castle Rock)
                                Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


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