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Movies (recently seen)

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  • About the only Adam Sandler movie that I thought was funny was the one everyone else hated, even his fans. That was "8 Crazy Nights". But then again that was a cartoon and had midgets, so maybe that had something to do with it.

    Will Ferrel is okay in small doses. He's actually funnier when he's not the center of attention. Still don't care for him that much though.

    Borat was funny, and I imagine I'll laugh at Bruno whenever I see it, but I dunno, it seems like it'll just be a lot of fag jokes and making fun of homophobes. Not that I'm against such things of course, but it just seems like it'll be less "diverse" than Borat as far as insulting the group or groups its supposed to be targeting.
    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


    • Yeah, dude. Goblet of Fire was amazing when I first read it; the Triwizard Tournament and everything was awesome. Nowadays, my favorite book is probably Order of the Phoenix, but back when I was first reading the series, only the first four installments were out so Goblet of Fire was king.

      My least favorite books were the 2nd and the 6th, although I enjoyed those, too.

      Out of the first three movies I thought that The Prisoner of Askaban was easily the best, but even that one didn't live up to the book at all (in my opinion). None of them are bad movies -- I just kind of felt like they were ruining the books for me. Oh well.

      As for The Lord of the Rings, I liked the movies better than the books. But I also watched the first two movies before I read them, so that probably has something to do with it. Sam was so cool. I don't know why, but he was.


      Oh yeah, and The Hobbit was probably my favorite Tolkien book, also.
      Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 07-15-2009, 03:37 PM.


      • Finally saw No Country for Old Men- I liked it. In fact, I liked it more than I thought I would. I enjoyed the pace of the movie.

        Also saw Shawshank Redemption, I think I had seen bits of it on tv at some point, because it felt very familiar, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The only thing I didn't much like was the very last scene, because it seemed wrong. I'm probably the last person on earth that hasn't seen it, but I reckon I'd recommend it if anyone was looking for a good prison flick.

        End bought the Tales from the Crypt movies for me to see too. They were pretty good in their own campy little way. I consider them both great summer movies. I love Tales from the Crypt, because it hearkens back to my childhood when I used to creep downstairs and watch them with the volume turned down real low so I wouldn't get caught. I go back and forth on which one was my favorite. End found them in a $5 hamper at Best Buy- one of those 2 disk sets. Anyway, some days I like Bordello of Blood better and other days I like Demon Knight better.

        The Woodsman was basically how End said it was. Part of what made him the woodsman was that he was a carpenter a really talented one too. Yet, instead of doing little projects to keep his mind off pre-pubescent girls he sits at the window all day and watches the elementary school across the street. At the beginning of the movie he wasn't so bad, but by the end of the movie I strongly disliked him. Kevin Bacon's acting made it appear the guy was always thinking too hard, and whenever they revealed his inner thoughts it always seemed to be about taking advantage of kids. Freak. Didn't like it.

        Let's see, I also saw Sling Blade. That movie was pretty cool, it reminded me of Forest Gump except a lot less cheerful.

        Wet Hot American Summer- Drag recommended I check that one out. I'm glad I did. It is the kind of spoof movie that is actually amusing. If you've ever gone to summer camp 80's style, you'll probably like this one.

        I liked the Lord of the Rings movies. I was not into Fantasy at the time they came out, and the movies kind of opened me up to the whole genre. The books I couldn't even force myself to finish reading. Perhaps if I tried again I might muddle through them.... maybe.


        My favorite Harry Potter movie was the first one. I love the theme song. It makes me feel like there really is magic about to happen. I know some things could have been better in the first one, but it still remains my favorite.


        • Well, the Harry Potter movie really let me down this time. The plot seemed to focus a lot on teenage hormones. It was painful to watch actually. I remember enjoying the book, not sure why I hated the movie so much. Perhaps the anticipation was just too great. I even thought the music for this one sucked. I'll still go see the last one... probably. Although if the plot relies solely on snogging to move the pace along I might just skip it.

          Two thumbs down.


          • Originally posted by Hi! My name is: Katie View Post
            Well, the Harry Potter movie really let me down this time. The plot seemed to focus a lot on teenage hormones. It was painful to watch actually. I remember enjoying the book, not sure why I hated the movie so much. Perhaps the anticipation was just too great. I even thought the music for this one sucked. I'll still go see the last one... probably. Although if the plot relies solely on snogging to move the pace along I might just skip it.

            Two thumbs down.
            Do you not remember that one of the two main themes of Book 6 was hormones and snogging? The other being the learning of Tommy's past through memories. The movie didn't see fit to focus on Tommy's past as much as just the one important memory, so the hormone driven storyline was what seemed to take center stage. They even added the whole fight at the Burrow just to add some action to the middle of the movie, since the book really didn't have any between all the hormones and memories.

            For the most part I really liked it... and Tom Felton (Draco) did an amazing job with his part. I would have liked to have seen more of Tom Riddle's past, but you can't expect the entire book to be in these.
            Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


            • Yeah, Draco did a good job in this one.

              And I DO remember some snogging and angst in the book, but it just didn't translate over well on screen for me. It was annoying. I would have much preferred the Tom Riddle memories.


              Oh, and I loved Luna. She was great.

              ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

              Berserker Halflings from the Dungeon of Dragons- Epic, like any awesome B-Movie, but touching too... you know?
              Grave Robbers from Outer Space- Charming, plenty of gore, but an unstable plot, clearly low budget and proud of it.
              Grave Robbers from Outer Space 2: Skippy's Revenge- Because the first one wasn't enough.

              We just bought some new games. Those three are inspired by B-Movies, and each player creates his or her own cheesy flick using cards. Geeky, but actually pretty entertaining.
              Last edited by Hi! My name is: Katie; 07-18-2009, 02:52 PM. Reason: B-Movie Games.


              • I think the next one I want to get in that B-Movie card game series is either Kung Fu Samurai on Giant Robot Island or Cannibal Pygmies in the Jungle of Doom.
                Last edited by End Master; 07-18-2009, 03:15 PM.
                Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                • Finally saw The Watchmen. (Director's Cut)

                  It wasn't terrible and stuck fairly close to the original. I liked how they showed the passage of time of the world in the beginning of it. Even the different ending wasn't bad though they should've stuck with Dr. Manhattan's last discussion with Ozy rather than what Nite Owl does.

                  Speaking of which, the only thing that I thought messed up the movie was the casting of Ozymandias who just sucked. Especially since everyone else more or less got the rest of the characters down pretty well.
                  Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                  • Bruno was...

                    too gay?

                    Ya. Too gay.


                    • I saw Bruno with my Mother and little brother. Suffice to say it was an awkward viewing experience. While it was definitely not as good as Borat, I still found it quite amusing. The others I went with didn't have the same reaction. They both had an expression like they had just been raped after the film ended and regretted the experience. Some people just have no tolerance for irreverence.

                      As a warning for those of you haven't seen it yet, prepare to watch a comedic gay porno, literally.
                      Click it now.


                      • So, Bruno is a movie for Megaman? Good to know.

                        I understand the movie has to be different from the book, but I still found this one pretty disappointing. Luna was fantastic, as always- I loved seeing her in place of other character's actions, and the story elements they did have were pretty awesome, but... I dunno, it felt like they nixed the plot and put in more drama. The cave scene was okay, I guess, but I was extremely saddened to see the Order of the Phoenix nixed from the ending sequence, as I felt that conflict was far more interesting than the cave scene in the book.

                        I really hated that random Burrow scene in the middle. The only justification I can think of is "No Bride, No Groom, No Location- No Next-Film Wedding"
                        Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                        Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                        And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


                        • Katie said it translated better in the book, but I couldn't help except laugh uncontrollably when Harry was shoving that poison water with the Horcrux in Dumbledore's mouth and he was begging him not to.

                          Like I've often said I know next to nothing about the Harry Potter series but I was told that this book explored more of Voldemort and Snape's past. I would've rather seen more of that and less of "Harry's Creek".

                          Still, I liked Snape and Belatrix whenever they were on screen.
                          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                          • So, as I understand from heresay at work (given that I'm officially out of the loop for now, as my hatred for the media has reached a boiling point), the "random fags who wear towels" or the "Al Qaeda" bastards have put a hit on Sasha Cohen's head (aka, Bruno, Borat).

                            I think they are suffering from their own repressed homosexuality.

                            Come on, you stupid towlies. Shout, let it all out. Just let it all out.

                            Seriously, I'm so glad gays are socially acceptable now in America. They are so interesting and funny as people. I have met so many homos, and I love every one of them to bits. They are fucking hilarious. They're here, they're queer...

                            And more power to them.

                            And they now how to suck a dick, unlike half of the prudes I know. Also, they are down with fondling balls, but they know not to squeeze TOO hard. I'm not into the anal, but when that one dude the other day started fingering my asshole I started to slightly enjoy it.

                            Bruno had some HILARIOUS moments.

                            What I DIDN'T like:

                            1. In Borat, his accent was right on the money. He sounded like some sort of east europe/central asian foreigner. In Bruno, I could hear his English accent coming through too often. It ruined it for me. Small details are what make or break a movie for me.

                            2. Too many scenes were rehearsed and orchestrated. Half of the shit you saw in that flick were NOT honest reactions from random cock suckers. That's one of the things I've always enjoyed about Sasha's work; honest reactions from real people/cock suckers.

                            I work in sales in the mall right now and all I do for 50% of my time is fuck with people just to see their reactions. Today, my cohort and I danced to 80s music ALL DAY LONG. In the middle of the mall. Our collars popped. Music blaring. We got thriller down.

                            Sorta. We made up our own dance to Eddie Money's AWESOME '80s song, "Take Me Home Tonight". Toward the end of the day we started doing 2000's club hits. The '80s stuff was more fun, though.

                            I still can't moon walk, however. We got a LOT of negative reaction. From the haters. But the ones who appreciated it really appreciated it. Mall security is cool with us so we didn't stir up too much shit. It's like God damn, life is short, let's just dance and act like fools and fuck appeasing social reason cause this the season for pissing off squares for no reason.

                            Getting off track, as always, back to Bruno...

                            The gay shit doesn't "shock me" anymore. It's 2009. Everyone and their mom has seen (thanks, apoth, you were the first to introduce me to that).

                            Therefore, certain scenes just didn't do it for me. I've seen plenty of cocks, so it wasn't a shock seeing a few more. Wow. A cock. Neat. The shock factor just isn't there for me anymore.

                            My favorite scene was the one were he visited the medium or whatever you call them and he contacted the spirit of his ex. Funniest thing I've seen in a while.

                            It made the movie. The rest of the flick, to me, was boring and predictable. But him wiping imaginary ghost cum on his face was just priceless. He did such a good job with that scene.

                            I love him. I really do. Bruno was worth seeing.

                            Seriously though, apoth. YOU TOOK YOUR MOM TO SEE THIS!?!?!?!

                            What the fuck is wrong with you!?!?!

                            Dude. No. But wait. There you have it. The fact that your mom was horrified is AWESOME. The shock factor is hilarious. People need to lighten up. It's 2009. Some people are so fucking uptight. Fucking squares.


                            'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance then they're no friends of mine.
                            Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 07-23-2009, 09:10 PM.


                            • I think it's actually Sacha Cohen.

                              I think.

                              Great man.


                              • So I saw Public Enemies. It was pretty decent, though I wasn't crazy about the film (or method of digital video rather) they shot it in. Its that realistic looking very detailed but motion blurred HD Video crap.... which works for modern movies like Miami Vice but looks bizarre in time pieces like Public Enemies. Overall, if you are into that type of movie I recommended seeing it in theater, otherwise, wait until it comes out on DVD.

                                By the way, I'm kind of drunk, so I apologize for the lack of depth in my review.

                                And Bigblotbob says: Hand-held camera does not equal does not equal cinema verite...

                                Whatever the fuck that means.

                                Click it now.


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