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  • Originally posted by End Master View Post
    Saw Stranger Than Fiction and despite Will Ferrel being in it, I actually liked it. Of course he wasn't trying to be funny in it, so that made a difference.
    I agree... He proved he can actually handle himself in a movie when he isn't trying to be goofy Will Ferrell. This is one of the very few movies I've seen him in that I actually enjoyed... I am not sure how he will do in Land of the Lost though.
    Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


    • Watched 'Blue Velvet'.


      How did I miss this one?

      GREAT '80s FLICK!!!!!!!!!

      Possibly my favorite '80s

      CRAZY. Truly.

      Great flick. Thank you, Apoth. Thank you, Ves.

      I love you both. In a completely non-actual way.

      Actually, I hate you both, factually. Hmmm.

      At least I don't feel indifferent about you.

      Nah, I love you. No but seriously I hate you and I want you to hit me and fuck me in my ass with a strap on or actual cock.

      Please. Hit me and fuck me like a ragdoll. With an actual cock, PLEASE.

      Thanks for the tip, though. Really. Great 80's flick.

      (Please hit me)


      • Every one of you needs to see The Grand, and soon. Best comedy I've seen in years.

        Also, you must watch The Lookout. Not a comedy, but damn good.
        The organ is grinding but the monkey won't dance.


        • Magnolia was pretentious and incredibly overrated. It tried to be artsy and ended up being psuedo-art. The only redeeming quality was Philip Seymour Hoffman and Tom Cruise's ridiculous hair.
          Click it now.


          • Originally posted by apotheosis View Post
            Magnolia was pretentious and incredibly overrated. It tried to be artsy and ended up being psuedo-art.
            I am so glad I'm not the only one who felt this way after seeing it... I got into so many arguments with friends who thought it was brilliant.
            Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


            • Saw Friday the 13th

              It was one of the better remakes/reboots mainly because there’s not much you can do with ol’ Jason Vorhees. He wears a mask, runs around in the woods killing people in various ways, and that’s about it. Actually attempting to deviate from that simple concept usually makes the movies even more ridiculous. (Going to Manhattan or his “spirit” shifting bodies, etc.)

              They did “upgrade” him a little. What they did was make him more cunning, like he’ll set up traps and will actually use wounded people as bait to kill other people when they try to help for example. This was alright since it made sense within the scheme of things. He’s hanging out in the woods and abandoned camp for years stalking and killing folks, so it would be a given he’d know how to use the layout to his advantage. Not to mention all the wilderness survival stuff he probably was learning at camp before his watery “accident”.

              Most importantly it had a respectable body count which is basically what those movies are all about anyway.
              Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


              • The Curious Case of Benjamin Button:

                Touching. Funny. Sobering.


                Worth a watch. Bravo, Brad. And all the other geniuses involved.

                I'm a man who's not afraid to say I have a total crush on the Pitt.


                • Originally posted by ChubbyTeletubby View Post
                  I'm a man who's not afraid to say I have a total crush on the Pitt.
                  Chubby I completely agree. I've had the biggest man crush on Brad Pitt since I saw Se7en. It wouldn't be gay to have sex with Brad either, because if I did, I know that about 50 beautiful women would immediately have sex with me after just so they could be with him by proxy.
                  Click it now.


                  • Religulous:

                    Once again Bill Maher takes the words right out of my filthy mouth.

                    Thank God, forgive the pun, that we have an agnostic willing to put himself out there on the chopping block like Bill in this age of utter Insanity.

                    Religion is a pox on the mind of men.

                    Enough said.


                    • Originally posted by ChubbyTeletubby View Post
                      Religion is a pox on the mind of men. Enough said.
                      I always find it ironic when you cite the world's religions for intolerance, then post this sort of thing.

                      ...this age of utter Insanity.
                      I assume, since "religion" and "insanity" are apparently more or less the same thing to you, you mean "this age of excessive religion"? Secularization is an upward trend; there are more atheists - at least, atheists by choice - now than ever before, and they comprise a larger percentage of the world's population; you ought to be happy.

                      Instead, by "age of utter insanity," you appear to be trying to pin the blame on a group which - if it caused, single-handedly, every human misfortune throughout history - is less to blame now than it ever has been. I wonder, if the number of believers dwindles to a comparative handful in your lifetime, who you'll find to point the finger at?
                      Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


                      • Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
                        "Let me tell you something. If you're a real conservative, if you're a real patriot, if you're a real American patriot, DON'T VOTE FOR SARAH PALIN! SHE'S A DUMMY"


                        • I watch movies all the time. Here are some of the movies I just recently watched for the first time:

                          Suicide Club aka Suicide Circle
                          Howl's Moving Castle- lots of fun
                          Chocolat- I enjoyed it, but thought it was going to be subtitled.
                          Zombie Strippers
                          Friday the 13th- loved it. It is exactly what it is supposed to be, campy, and thrilling.
                          Life- in celebration of Black History Month?
                          Tropic Thunder
                          Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
                          Godfather 1- awesome
                          Godfather 2- excellent
                          Godfather 3- What the fuck?!
                          Child's Play

                          Now I am pondering what I should watch next, here are some choices.

                          A) Nightmare on Elm Street 1-4
                          B) Sukiyaki Western Django- a Takashi Miike western flick hopefully without parasite-siblings
                          C) Emma- with Gwyneth Paltrow!

                          Any other suggestions??


                          • A good movie.

                            (Sorry, just had to be a dick here)

                            "The Secret" was right. You were thinking about adding Megaman to your ignore list. And it almost came true! The universe sends you this hyperlink to make your job a lot easier. Click it now.


                            • If you do the Nightmare on Elm Street series enjoy the first one a well done scary movie, but push on passed the second one... it's really not good... but the third one re-invents the series into something fun again (although not the same as the first).
                              Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                              • I also re-watched New Jack City in celebration of Black History Month.

                                The 2nd Nightmare on Elm Street does suck the most out of those first four, but I told Katie that she may still get a cheap laugh out of the homoeroticism running rampant throughout the movie.

                                Tropic Thunder was a lot funnier than I expected. Tom, Ben, Jack and Robert are all actors that I can take or leave most of the time, but they all did a good job in this.
                                Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


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