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  • Originally posted by Usoki View Post
    I'll add that to my list of offenses against humanity.

    I can't bring myself to watch Sherlock Holmes. Near as I can tell, they completely ruined the character. If it was just a movie in Victorian England about two guys? It'd seem pretty good. But to throw Holmes' name into it? Ugh. Why not remake Chronicles of Narnia... but instead of having Azlan representing Jesus, he's just a huge battle lion who tears the shit out of his enemies. Or maybe remake Foundation, with less focus on that boring 'rebuilding society' element, and just focus on all of the battles.

    Well, why not?

    Usoki, you have high standards. TOO HIGH.

    In this day and age that's quite unfortunate. If you're going to watch movies, that is. LOWER your standards, and enjoy these movies.

    Find little points, little elements, that make a movie for you.

    In this day and age of corporate greed, all we can do is download movies illegally and watch them in pristine clarity. Oh wait, that's me.

    ALL MOVIES SUCK. that's a given. I feel for you. I really do. I feel your pain.

    Robert Downey is still a great actor. Sherlock Holmes is still a watchable movie.

    I feel your pain.


    • Yeah, I wasn't feeling the new Sherlock movie either. I don't mind changes here and there (Adding in steampunk stuff for example), but I really can't take Robert Downey seriously as Sherlock Homes. The only thing it looks like they got right is the fact that Watson isn't the bumbling sidekick that he's usually portrayed as.

      Guy Ritchie hasn't made a good movie since Snatch. It's not really surprising that he's been sucking ever since he married Madonna.

      But if it makes you feel any better I thought Office Space was okay.
      Last edited by End Master; 02-08-2010, 07:31 AM.
      Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


      • Saw "The Informant!" T'was alright. A little weird and hard to follow, but I think all that was intentional.

        Anyway, the real reason I'm posting is because I think I've found DEP's mortal enemy (in the comments, not the video).


        • Saw Muffman 2.

          Dakota Fanning gets freaky.

          Charges still pending.



            Maybe the only thing that will make everyone love avatar.
            How we paid such close attention
            To each sweet and stuttered breath,


            • What?!

              I'm lost for words, right now.


              • I had to reply to them... they are nuts... here is what I posted:


                OMG... Do you protest nearly EVERY major movie that comes out? I mean, not many movies openly feature gay, lesbian, or transgender characters unless the movie is about that subject. In fact, the sexuality of MOST characters in movies outside of romantic leads is rarely even known in movies.

                I agree that it's not a good thing to actively exclude gay, lesbian, or transgender characters and do agree with you that more should be seen in lead roles in movies, but to protest a movie because of this doesn't make much sense unless you are just as strongly against nearly every movie that Hollywood makes. Star Trek, Where the Wild Things Are, Earth, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, Sherlock Holmes, Moon, Coraline, Up, and more all were released in 2009 too... and I can't think of one openly gay, lesbian, or transgender character in any of them (although some of them wild things might be questionable). Did you protest every one of these movies too? Do this weeks other currently released films Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief or The Wolfman have openly gay, lesbian, or transgender characters in them? I kinda doubt it.

                I would have included Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in this list, but technically it does have a gay character in it (Dumbledore), they just NEVER mention or make note of it even once in the books or movies. The only reason we we even know he's gay is the author (J. K. Rolling) said so once she was done with the books, and it makes sense for the character, but isn't an important piece of knowledge at any point in the story.

                So how do we know that NONE Of these other movies don't have gay, lesbian, or transgender characters in them, just that part of their life is of NO IMPORTANCE to the plot of the movie and the story they are telling. In fact, I think Trudy Chacon (Michelle Rodriguez) from Avatar could very well be a lesbian, but her sexuality has no reason to be known since she is a fighter/transport pilot and her role in the movie is to shoot things and save people. And how do we know that Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) isn't either? She never showed any sexuality one way or the other in the movie, as her focus was on her job, scientific study, and helping the people of the world. You know, the PLOT of the movie.

                I know posting this is pretty much pointless since you are not going to listen to reason and just go on with your crazy drum pounding, but I had to say something.
                Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                • Lol, there's someone by the name of Tanya calling all the heteros "Fucking Breeders."

                  I would've thought they would've been focusing their energy to something like reversing Prop 8 rather than bitching about something silly like this.

                  (And Brokeback Mountain? Sheesh, that was 2 fucking years ago. It lost to Crash, get over it already!)
                  Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                  • At least you tried, Dragavan. At least you tried. That's all a man can do.


                    And what the HELL could they mean by "apparent denial of evolution"? Am I forgetting something?

                    Nevermind... I see the point they're tryng to make now... They obviously don't understand how evolution works at all.
                    Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 02-17-2010, 08:58 AM.


                    • Getting excited for Alice in Wonderland, Dragavan? The trailers look promising... Hopefully it will top Big Fish.


                      • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                        Getting excited for Alice in Wonderland, Dragavan? The trailers look promising... Hopefully it will top Big Fish.
                        The 3D trailer I saw when I went to Avatar worries me... the whole trailer felt like it had forced exaggerated perspective on all the angles. It actually made my head hurt after only a few seconds of it... In fact, it was the first 3D thing they showed and I was worried that if all of Avatar was like that I wouldn't be able to watch the whole movie. Luckily, Avatar was done brilliantly with the 3D and had none of the horrible overly long forced 3D shit that was in the Alice trailer.

                        Still, it is Burton and Depp, so I will have to see it and it will most likely be good... but if the 3D is like that I won't be seeing it in 3D... I just hope the whole movie doesn't have those kinds of "we posed this way to make 3D look cool even though it makes no sense" type shots that ruin most 3D movies. Up and Avatar did it right. Hopefully Alice will too.
                        Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                        • Originally posted by Dragavan View Post
                          The 3D trailer I saw when I went to Avatar worries me... the whole trailer felt like it had forced exaggerated perspective on all the angles. It actually made my head hurt after only a few seconds of it... In fact, it was the first 3D thing they showed and I was worried that if all of Avatar was like that I wouldn't be able to watch the whole movie. Luckily, Avatar was done brilliantly with the 3D and had none of the horrible overly long forced 3D shit that was in the Alice trailer.

                          Still, it is Burton and Depp, so I will have to see it and it will most likely be good... but if the 3D is like that I won't be seeing it in 3D... I just hope the whole movie doesn't have those kinds of "we posed this way to make 3D look cool even though it makes no sense" type shots that ruin most 3D movies. Up and Avatar did it right. Hopefully Alice will too.
                          This is EXACTLY what I think.
                          How we paid such close attention
                          To each sweet and stuttered breath,


                          • Oh yeah, that would suck. I haven't seen a 3D trailer for it, yet (I'll probably have to see it in regular theaters anyway, since they don't do 3D movies near my hometown), but that sounds like a bummer. What I have seen definitely reminds more of Big Fish than Burton's earlier stuff, though.

                            Still, if the 3D version turns out to be surprisingly awesome, I just might have to take a trip to Traverse City!


                            • The Boondock Saints 2

                              It was so cheesy that it was almost good. Almost.


                              • Pirate Radio or The Boat that Rocked.


                                Wow. Can't believe this film didn't get better reviews or at least more attention... It's hard to pinpoint exactly what made me like it so much; basically it's just about a group of guys who broadcast rock music to the UK from a ship, while the government tries to get them off the air. They party, listen to good 60s tunes, and have lots of sex (with women -- not with each other).

                                I just don't know... Maybe it's because the main character (or the closest thing this movie had) was likable?


                                Anyway, I'd say that it's an enjoyable film for anyone... At least worthy of an 8. Something put it over the top for me, though. I feel like my heart has been in a deep slumber for ages and this movie woke it up and gave it a shot of espresso.

                                Something like that.

                                (So if you don't hear from me, you'll know I died of a heart attack.)


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