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Movies (recently seen)

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  • Watched Bully recently, was done by the same guy who did Kids, Larry Clark. It was much more plot driven and engaging than Kids, but Kids has a more academic quality to it. I would definitely recommend both films, so long as you aren't squeamish about teenagers abusing drugs and having sex. Kids is at the very least worth it to see a character who looks like McLovin deflowering 12 year old virgins and giving them AIDS, while Bully is at the very least worth it for Donny's character, who plays probably the best stoner role I have ever seen (with Brad Pitt in True Romance as a close second).
    Click it now.


    • Isn't Bully the one where a bunch of kids decide to kill this other kid who is kind of their "friend", but who they don't like? I think I saw that one years and years ago...


      • Yes, but to be fair, the "friend" did rape and beat at least 3 of them.
        Click it now.


        • Saw Muffman Goes to the Market, starring Nicolas Cage as Muffman and Dakota Fanning as Mingy.

          The movie starts out strong, but by the time Muffman actually gets to the market the movie loses all of it's flare.

          Still, the scene where Dakota Fanning strangles that old lady almost makes up for the movie's lackluster finale.

          I'd give it 2 out of 5 stars.

          I think Ebert only gave it one.


          • Avatar did get me into watching movies again. Right now, I'm looking for something "deep" or with emotional impact (not sappy or like a chick flick, though). Any suggestions?

            The forum is underlining misspelled words here as I type them. Has it always done that, or is that new?
            Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


            • The underlining of misspelled words is caused by your browser; if you're using Internet Explorer, they won't get underlined, but if you're using Mozilla Firefox they will. Not sure about Safari.

              I don't really have any movies in mind for you... Maybe you should check out Bully.


              • Anyone ever seen Alpha Dog? That film was hardcore.


                • I just watched "Deliver Us From Evil" another documentary (I've been watching a lot of those recently). This one about child sexual abuse within the Catholic church, mostly around one priest who is interviewed throughout the whole movie... One of the most difficult and powerful movies I have ever seen. It was sickening how calmly he talked about what he did and even more so when you see how much the higher-ups in the church hierarchy did to cover it up, claim ignorance, and more.
                  Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                  • Did we already do this?

                    Top ten favorite movies, off the top of your head:

                    1. Office Space
                    2. Princess Bride
                    3. Pulp Fiction
                    4. Forrest Gump
                    5. Wizard of Oz
                    6. Star Wars, Episode IV, A New Hope
                    7. Airplane!
                    8. Dances With Wolves
                    9. Matrix (the first one, of course)
                    10. Sound of Music (Yes, I went there)


                    • 1. The Lord of the Rings (I'm counting them all as one)
                      2. Forrest Gump
                      3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
                      4. Kill Bill (again, I'm counting them both)
                      5. No Country for Old Men
                      6. Big Fish
                      7. Gladiator
                      8. House of D (Robin Williams was hilarious)
                      9. The Hangover
                      10. I can't decide between The Dark Knight, Juno (Michael Cera is just too cool), Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, or The Lion King
                      Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 01-31-2010, 09:54 AM.


                      • 1- Se7en
                        2- Children of Men
                        3- Fight Club
                        4- Goodfellas
                        5- The Matrix
                        6- Lawrence of Arabia
                        7- Dawn of the Dead (original)
                        8- Pulp Fiction
                        9- Dr. Strangelove
                        10- Blue Velvet

                        It was hard to narrow it down to 10... left off a lot of good ones such as Gladiator, No Country, Taxi Driver, Memento, Watchmen, Dark Knight, There Will Be Blood, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Requiem for a Dream, Trainspotting, Night of the Living Dead, Ghost Busters, American History X, Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, Aliens, The Godfather, Saving Private Ryan, 28 Days Later, Reservoir Dogs, Silence of the Lambs... and yeah I could keep going.
                        Last edited by apotheosis; 02-01-2010, 10:03 PM.
                        Click it now.


                        • I hate Office Space so much. It's amusing at best- I have no idea why people think it is so damn funny. It wasn't funny the first time I had to sit through it on a bus trip- the other five times made me loathe it.

                          1) The Muppet Christmas Carol
                          2) Spirited Away
                          3) Stardust
                          4) Dogma
                          5) The Emperor's New Groove
                          6) UHF
                          7) Bedknobs and Broomsticks
                          8) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
                          9) Bruce Almighty
                          10) The Lion King 1/2

                          ...Did I mention I don't watch very many movies? Slots 11-20 are pretty much just more Disney Cartoon movies. I guess Star Wars would start slipping in around there. I've never actually seen the Lord of the Rings movies. I guess I saw the first in theatres... but that was ages ago, and I haven't seen any of them extended. At least I've seen all six Star Wars, right?
                          Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                          Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                          And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


                          • My top 10...

                            1. Princess Bride
                            2. Amelie
                            3. Dawn of the Dead
                            4. The Notebook
                            5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
                            6. Repo! The Genetic Opera
                            7. You've Got Mail
                            8. [Insert a Tarantino Movie Here]
                            9. Sordid Lives
                            10. Bend it Like Beckham

                            It was pretty tough to narrow it down, and I feel bad that Tim Burton is unrepresented, but that's how it goes I guess.


                            • I'm lost for words, Usoki.

                              Actually... I feel about like The Pope would feel after reading one of ChubbyTeletubby's posts.

                              Yeah, that's about right.


                              • 1. True Romance
                                2. Road Warrior
                                3. Goodfellas
                                4. Dawn of the Dead (2004)
                                5. Devil's Rejects
                                6. The Thing (1982)
                                7. Re-Animator
                                8. Pulp Fiction
                                9. Scarface (1983)
                                10.City of God

                                Like Apoth though, I could go on about movies all day. It was difficult to narrow it down to ten and I could easily swap out some of the bottom five for other movies instead. (300, Sin City, Willow, Time Bandits, etc)

                                I almost hate to list Scarface as a favorite because the movie is now worshipped by every shitty rapper on the planet. It's like when you have morons constantly quoting Monty Python & the Holy Grail.

                                Still, I can't let a few idiots ruin my movie experience.
                                Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


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