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Movies (recently seen)

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  • I did see True Grit around Christmas with the family. One of three I've seen this year (I think it was three) at theaters (two if you discount Salt - I do - which I saw with a friend as a popcorn flick). I'm not stingy; it's just that I feel like I've already seen most of the stuff that comes out in theaters (half actually are remakes or throwbacks of some sort), and of the movies that seem at least somewhat original, few have anything in the way of true plot/depth. Inception had potential, but to really fulfill it would've taken at least three hours, probably closer to four.

    All the 3d stuff is enough eye candy to start bringing me in slightly more often, at least, although the big 3d movies seem to somehow concentrate so hard on it they have no plot even when compared with other blockbusters.

    Anyway, True Grit was at least something I hadn't seen, and breathed a little life into the Western genre. I felt like some of the dialogue, particularly the girl's, sounded so unrealistic (not completely sure if that's the writing or her delivery - probably each could've been tailored a little better to the other) it spoiled the movie a little, as witty as some of it was. I also didn't remember the names of anyone but LeBeef; I think they said his a few times past the beginning, and it's odd enough to stick. Worth a see if you've got a few hours to kill, but only just.

    Haggard was the only thing I've liked of Bam's (guilty pleasure), but I find it oddly cool that slackerskaters like his crew can still make it in the world.

    I wish I knew where to see more indie movies, other than flying/road tripping to a film festival, or Netflicks/piracy. An indie theater would be so cool, particularly in a college town like mine, but I've never actually seen a decent one.
    Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


    • Over Christmas break, I saw the new Narnia movie. It was okay, didn't really need to be in 3D though and added nothing to the movie.

      Saw Megamind too, liked it. The 3D worked better for that one probably due to it being animated.

      I'm basically already sick of the 3D rebirth, it doesn't make me enjoy the movie any better, if anything it's more likely to drive me away due to the inflated pricing and wearing the annoying glasses. If there's a choice between seeing it in 3D or "normal" I'll go for normal every time.

      Other movies I saw over Christmas:

      Paranormal Activity 2: I liked it about as much as first one.

      Cloverfield: After watching PA2 I figured I've seen all of the mainstream "found footage" movies except this one, so I caught this one on TV. Better than I expected.
      Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


      • The men who stare at goats.



        • Thanks, Crunchy. I'd actually managed to forget that one, you know? Not in the same league as "Minghags" or the Wesley Willis documentary, but not good by any stretch of the imagination.
          Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


          • Saw that Piranha 3D movie at the college theater. I still prefer movies in 3D, although I'm not so sure it's worth an extra $4 - $5. Luckily, they only charge $3 (in 3D or not) here.

            Anyway, I loved the over-the-top gore and all the hot people, but the plot is pretty much what you'd expect and almost all of the characters are easy to get annoyed with.


            • The three movies I've seen in 3d were all enjoyable and more importantly well done (Avatar, Tron, and Jack Ass)

              There was a moment in the beginning of Tron where I felt like I was RIGHT THERE. It was pretty amazing. Both Tron and Avatar were AWFUL movies, don't get me wrong. They just rocked in the theaters. Total eye-candy. I'm a convert.


              • Yeah, I just got done watching Jackass 3D. It was pretty damned disgusting (probably the worst out of the three in that area), but I ultimately liked it and still thought it was funny. It's at least better than the first one, although Jackass 2 had more hilarious scenes in my opinion.

                I'm kind of hoping they'll show Tron here, since I've seen quite a few 3D movies, but never one that really focused on making "eye candy".


                • Don't watch Exam. One of the worst endings I've seen in a while. A really good premise destroyed by a beyond idiotic, almost nonsensical ending.
                  Click it now.


                  • I saw 'A Serbian Film'. Definitely the most disturbing thing I've ever witnessed. I came into it thinking, "nothing I see on screen can phase me" but by the end of that movie, I felt legit disturbed. I'd rather watch a major motion picture of Love SICK.

                    Also have a bluerayrip of Fight Club and it's an orgasm to watch.
                    How we paid such close attention
                    To each sweet and stuttered breath,


                    • Originally posted by JJJ-thebanisher View Post
                      I saw 'A Serbian Film'. Definitely the most disturbing thing I've ever witnessed. I came into it thinking, "nothing I see on screen can phase me" but by the end of that movie, I felt legit disturbed.
                      Okay, now I gotta put this one on the list. After Human Centipede failed to live up to the hype (though still okay in parts), let's see if those crazy serbs live up to the challenge.

                      I'm guessing they probably will. I imagine they don't play up any sort of humor in the film and is probably unrelentingly grim in its content.
                      Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                      • Originally posted by End Master View Post
                        Okay, now I gotta put this one on the list. After Human Centipede failed to live up to the hype (though still okay in parts), let's see if those crazy serbs live up to the challenge.

                        I'm guessing they probably will. I imagine they don't play up any sort of humor in the film and is probably unrelentingly grim in its content.
                        No humor. Not one scene of it. It's thoroughly disturbing. Very well done but exceedingly damaging to the psyche (at least temporarily). It's also the most censored film in history. Before it was allowed at midnight screenings in the UK, they took nearly 5 minutes of the film out. If you think about how long a disturbing scene lasts (in the realm of seconds), that's a fucktonne so make sure you get the uncensored version.

                        Subtitled as well. It's meant to be an allegory for the way the Serbian government causes good people to do horrible things through various means of manipulation. Not sure if I was able to get that out of it, I was too engrossed by the brutality.

                        Yeah. Just make sure you actually want to see it. Haha.
                        How we paid such close attention
                        To each sweet and stuttered breath,


                        • Yeah, I think the internet stripped away any last remaining vestiges of shock value, due to footage of actual murders and suicides or the famous past time of people inserting various objects inside themselves that they really shouldn't be inserting.

                          Still, I do like to see if there are genuine movies that can manage to push that shock value level while still maintaining a watchable story, since I tend to try to collect these movies. I find they usually fall into three categories.

                          1. It's gruesome and disturbing, but it has that element of dark or gallows humor so it makes the movie less shocking than it might be. (Probably is still too hardcore for the average person though)

                          2. It's gruesome and disturbing, but it's ultimately boring because the story is nonexistent. At best, the shock value and gore are good enough that it's worth watching once, but afterwards I don't really have any desire to sit through it again.

                          3. It's an "average" movie, but it has that ONE scene (or maybe two) that goes so over the top that it skyrockets the movie into that "shock movie" zone, when it wouldn't otherwise be there.

                          So far most of the hardcore shock movies I've seen that tend to avoid these pitfalls are a few european or asian ones. Though even as brutal as some of the asian ones are, they still tend to have some of that dark humor injected into them too.
                          Last edited by End Master; 02-03-2011, 08:22 PM.
                          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                          • If it's going to fall into one of those categories, it would be number 2. The plot isn't spectacular. The political direction, impressive cinematography and solid acting might make up for it though. Not sure. It definitely didn't bore me, but I'm not sure it's worth watching again.
                            How we paid such close attention
                            To each sweet and stuttered breath,


                            • Originally posted by End Master View Post
                              It's gruesome and disturbing, but it has that element of dark or gallows humor so it makes the movie less shocking than it might be. (Probably is still too hardcore for the average person though)
                              Old Boy comes to mind, but I'm sure you've seen that one. Gore just doesn't matter; there's a creepy kind of existential or psychological horror that affects me if done right, but it's rare, and most of the rest of the genre doesn't interest me. I thought the first Cube movie had some good moments in that way.

                              There's a perfect scene where they're thinking that what's happening to them might not have a purpose (the whole scheme was put together in such a decentralized way that it's possible nobody specifically "planned" what happened or is "in charge.") Then there's the "deja vu" moment, of course, but that's exquisite, and I don't want to spoil it on the off chance someone hasn't seen the Cube series. Gave me chills at the time.

                              There are other movies that incorporate such things - "Avalon," for example, had a couple of good existential moments - but aren't horror/shock flicks themselves; sometimes it's best when worked in like that.

                              Couldn't hurt to mention it if anyone's seen some good examples of the above.
                              Last edited by Locke; 02-03-2011, 09:14 PM.
                              Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


                              • Back in the '90s it was Faces of Death for me. Back before the internets gates had been fully opened.

                                It was just raw footage. 1. Some of it was funny. 2. Some of it made you sit back and ponder the greater meaning of things. 3. Some of it made you want to throw up.

                                Most of it was a blend of all three. In a sick way. I remember sitting in the computer lab (while the teacher wasn't looking) watching that shit.

                                Good times. Good times.


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