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  • He was more of a voyeur in that film, though I'm sure he also molested children on the side.
    Click it now.


    • He wasn't a pedo in One Hour Photo, he was just a lonely anal retentive voyeuristic stalker that really wanted to belong to a "nice" family since it was implied at the end of the movie that his own family molested him when he was a kid (or had others do it) and took pictures of the acts.

      He's also derranged in Death to Smoochy, but in a more comical way.
      Last edited by End Master; 03-11-2008, 12:17 PM.
      Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


      • Death to Smoochy is a very underrated movie.
        Click it now.


        • Originally posted by ChubbyTeletubby View Post
          My words exactly. Lackluster, in other words.

          Cliched. Old. Done.

          Over with.


          So mainstream Hollywood. People still pay to see these movies. I saw it when a friend rented it from McDonalds for $1. Made it about 30 minutes into this piece of crap.

          And please! Someone tell me. What is so great about Denzel Washington and that stupid white Australian cocksucker I never cared about ever.

          I honestly don't know his name. He's white. He's Australian. He's an asshole. Somehow I know I don't give a fuck about his existence. I think I honestly care more about some aborted Chinese fetus than him.

          EDIT: Russel Crowe.

          His name is Russel Crowe.
          Russ is actuarly a native of "New Zealand". An easy mistake to make, but most of us Australians get kinda Pissed off if we are attributed to being the home of that peice of shit Russel Crowe!
          OH FUDGE!


          • Many apologies. New Zealand. Huh. Beautiful country. Mean natives. Luckily, as in all the continents the glorious white man conquered, they were subdued.

            Or 'pacified'. Slaughtered. Raped. Whatever.

            They liked shiny glass beads and whiskey here in America. It was pretty easy. Three beads and a bottle of whiskey (with a small pox laden blanket thrown in here and there) got you 500,000 acres.

            My heart still goes out to Steve Erwin, though. Maybe he was a little eccentric. But he was a pro. And he loved life. Great man.

            But I think he exemplified Australia. A very unique continent.

            RIP, Steve. I know not all Australians are a bunch of backwards hillbillies. But let's be honest. Most of you are.

            Australia is like Alabama.

            I would LOVE to visit it, though. Scary place! More venomous species than ANYWHERE!

            And what's this I hear? There's like 100,000 saltwater crocs on the north shore now. 20 years ago there were like 40.

            Queensland I think would be the destination of choice. Also the outback.

            Fuck the east coast. I want to see the RUGGED parts.

            EDIT: Speaking over underrated movies. Check out Land Before Time!
            Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 03-12-2008, 09:52 PM.


            • (fights back tears) You're talking the Disney movie, right? It was a formative part of my childhood. We'd always pretend we were the characters and since Petrie was my favorite, I would call out, "Yittle Foot! Yittle Foot!" It was one of my many cute speech impediments, since I was a moron baby who didn't really start talking until the age of four or so. It also makes me think of Pizza Hut...girlscouts...birthday party...Land Before Time favors...more of that pterodactyl...good time, my friends. And most of all: good pizza.

              Speaking of movies, something possessed me to watch The Remains of the Day yesterday. No degree of good acting could save it. It was just dreadfully dull, even by Merchant-Ivory standards. I was disappointed since I liked the book so much.

              EDIT: Seeing as this is my 777th post, I would like to mention that this is of course the house number of one Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. Now wouldn't THAT make an interesting movie?
              Last edited by Vesnic; 10-03-2011, 06:11 AM.
              My sanity, my soul, or my life.


              • Yay for Chubby rants and all, but you can't actually pass small-pox through blankets. They tried that during the Civil War- it's one of the first cases of biological warfare. They took the death-bed blankets of people who died from small pox and shipped them to the north. But it's actually completely ineffective.

                Land Before Time is amazing. The 3,942 sequels? Not so much.
                Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


                • Passing small pox through blankets is as American as apple pie and lynchings, silly. Was there ever a guy named Paul Revere? No. But that doesn't mean we don't teach our kids that.

                  Abraham Lincoln was actually named Mervyn Von Snarffengroppeler. George Washington was a Frenchie named Claude who designed clothes but knew nothing about leading armies. The Declaration of Independence was written in 1970 by Richard Nixon. The Constitution doesn't actually exist.

                  History is LIES, Usoki. But lies we choose to believe in. Just like your precious Christianity.

                  And I thought Land Before Time MMXXVII: The Museum Years was pretty good, actually. You gotta love those straight to DVD movies. I have like 40 different Little Mermaid flicks.

                  Seriously, though. Wasn't that movie great? I like the 'old' style animation. Too much computer generated crap these days.


                  • I've always been more partial to Land Before Time MMCLVIV: The Giant Meteor, myself.
                    Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                    Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                    And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


                    • My favorite was always MMMVIII, better known as Jurassic Park.
                      Click it now.


                      • I always thought Land Before Time MMMMMM: The Creationist's Side was when it jumped the Megalodon.
                        Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                        • Anyone seen the previews for Funny Games? I'm thinking about seeing it in the theaters.

                          Looks pretty demented! Heard the acting was swell.


                          • Yeah I want to see that too. I never saw the original version, but they said this remake is exactly the same as the original.
                            Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                            • Indeed. Apparently it's an adaptation from some old German flick.

                              From what I've heard there are no redeeming values in this movie, other than the fact that it's sick and twisted and the acting is superb.

                              Sounds like my cup of tea! I love the tennis uniforms.

                              I have to see this movie. Funny Games! Don't know that I'll have time to spare tomorrow but possibly Tuesday I might go see this.



                              • Originally posted by ChubbyTeletubby View Post

                                Queensland I think would be the destination of choice. Also the outback.

                                Fuck the east coast. I want to see the RUGGED parts.

                                EDIT: Speaking over underrated movies. Check out Land Before Time!
                                Good old "Hervey Bay", QLD, is where I hang my Lab-coat. Although I live out west at "Broken hill" for a while... Bloody hot there... But Back on track, I recently saw "Jumpers" Good movie, but nothing to the book. (Is there ever a movie that was better than the book? I'd like to watch one someday)
                                OH FUDGE!


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