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From Hell Vote

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  • Vesnic
    Ok, this is cool. Isn't there also going to be feedback in written form so the writers don't just end up with a random number that they're not sure how they got? Is there something in place so that the entrants can get some in-depth commentary at least from the people who read the stories?

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  • xnull
    I haven't even seen my story in about 4 months. Since it was intended for the competition, I'm opening it up to the public right now. It's going to be just another unfinished story.

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  • apotheosis
    I already have 29 pms on this forum one, and I don't like deleting things, so I'd much prefer the other messaging system.

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  • End Master
    There’s 50 messages allowed on the forum PMs, I doubt if there’s going to be that many votes let alone any arguing about it.

    The stories that I know of:

    Infernal Gate- Apoth
    Youngstown Demon- DEP
    Death Song- End Master
    Odalisque Paradise- Katie

    And if she gets it in by midnight, some story by Ves.

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  • apotheosis
    started a topic From Hell Vote

    From Hell Vote

    I know this thread is several hours early, but I figured I should make it now because for the most part people seem to have released there stories.

    Voting: Here is how voting works. You rate the story on a scale from 1-10 on three categories. These categories are:



    -Writing Quality

    Star the rating you believe is most important, and that rating shall be double weighted. If you do not star any rating, each rating will be weighted 1/3 more than normal.

    Example Rating:

    Enjoyment: 7*
    Plot/Originality: 8
    Writing Quality: 5

    I will then do the following calculations:

    Enjoyment: 7* x 6 = 42
    Plot/Originality: 8 x 3 = 24
    Writing Quality: 5 x 3 = 15

    Then lets say the next ratings are 6,4 and 5, respectively with none starred, I would then do the following.

    Enjoyment: 6 x 4 = 24
    Plot/Originality: 4 x 4 = 16
    Writing Quality: 5 x 4 = 20

    If these were the only two ratings submitted for a story, to determine its final overall score, I would do the following.

    (42 + 24 + 15 + 24 + 16 + 20)/(6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4) = 5.875 overall rating.

    Highest overall rating wins.

    I will also provide many other pointless statistics. Ratings will be anonymous unless requested otherwise. I will however list the names of all of the raters.

    Personal Message your votes to me on the sites regular messaging system, NOT the forum message system because the inbox is of limited size and I'd like to archive the votes in case there is any argument about the results. So, send me a personal message with your ratings of each submission.

    I will provide advanced statistics for all the votes once they are in. The rating period lasts until Midnight, December 1st.

    Feel free to ask any questions you have about the rating system.

    I don't want to miss a story, so End or Dep, could one of you do the next post and list all the stories that have been submitted?
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