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From Hell Vote

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  • Locke
    I've got my ratings pretty much sorted out; I just need to sit down sometime and type them up along with some comments.

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  • apotheosis
    I hope everyone is reading and formulating their votes...

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  • donteatpoop
    Originally posted by apotheosis View Post
    DEP, your ratings are the only ratings I've received I'm sorry to say. But I get the feeling people will always wait until the last minute no matter what.
    That's pretty much what I expected. No worries, though; I'll continue to talk shit all month.

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  • apotheosis
    DEP, your ratings are the only ratings I've received I'm sorry to say. But I get the feeling people will always wait until the last minute no matter what.

    I know I'm waiting until I have a solid break from school. Thanksgiving I plan on doing 25k for NaNoWriMo and reading all the stories.

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  • donteatpoop
    I'd like to take this opportunity to express how hopeful I am that all of you are rating the fucking stories. I hope I'm not the only one. I know it's still early in the month, but this could be a lot of fucking reading, so don't wait till the last week to rate this shit.

    I think I have two more stories to rate and I'm done. You should be farther along than me, at the very least. Dammit.

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  • apotheosis
    Alright. So, to clarify the rule, you must rate all of the stories.

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  • donteatpoop
    Originally posted by End Master View Post
    No, you don't rate your own story.
    Shit, so much for my tens.

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  • End Master
    No, you don't rate your own story.

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  • Vesnic
    I agree on all or nothing as well.

    Also, we don't rate our own story, do we?

    And again, I want to receive some substantive critiques on my story, not just a number.

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  • Usoki
    But it could. With a contest this close, we'll look for any excuse to try and overthrow results. Even if it didn't, Katie, End and I overthrow your opinion. 'Tis all or nothing.

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  • apotheosis
    I was just planning on counting all votes that came in. I mean, I could throw out anyone's votes who don't vote for all the stories but:

    Take this scenario. Someone reads and rates four of the stories. They didn't read them all, but at the same time, I do not want to just throw out all the effort they put in into rating the stories that they did.

    I really don't think that counting all votes rather than just the people who voted for every story will make any major difference.

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  • Usoki
    I hope so- I figure, if the story doesn't make a person try and pursue other branches, then that's the author's problem, and something that should be addressed in the critiquing.

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  • Hi! My name is: Katie
    Just to clarify: are judges responsible for reading the story completely. I mean to say, do they need to follow every thread of the story, or just pursue it to one end destination. It is my understanding that one end is acceptable. Is that how we are doing this?

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  • End Master
    In the past all the contestants voted for everyone's story, so I figured that's how we were doing this year too. Shouldn't be unbalanced since every story should get 5 votes.

    If we get that rare non-contestant that votes, it still won't unbalance things. They just vote for every story.

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  • Hi! My name is: Katie
    I agree, everyone needs to read and rate all the stories, or step down as judge. Apoth could suggest that everyone hold their ratings until they have read them all. I don't know, I just feel that it is important to hold the judges to a mimimum measure of consistency.

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