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Puzzle Stories

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  • apotheosis
    Thanks and good luck with writing the story. Escape Artist was incredibly dull in parts to write because a lot of repetition was involved, but I'm pleased with the finished product (though it is still a work in progress, though I'm not sure if the last two difficulties will ever be finished...). I wish they had strings on this site or some memory storing device, it would make puzzle stories a thousand times easier to write.

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  • Ryan_DuBois
    Yes -- I have played Visual Epic and Maze in the past. I thought Visual Epic was really cool... it was kind of complicated, but enjoyable. As for Maze...

    Anyways, thanks for the link to Escape Artist. I thought the game was clever and enjoyable. I also liked the animation a lot.
    Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 07-17-2008, 01:49 PM.

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  • End Master
    There was that "Maze" story too that was over 700 rooms of mind numbing dullness. Got deleted though. I think Shabti was the only one patient enough to actually find the exit.

    So whatever you do, just try to make it interesting.

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  • donteatpoop
    Not that radically different, really. Apotheosis did one like that (Escape Artist), and there's another one that was done by Morathi (Visual Epic)

    Still though, because of the work involved it's pretty rare that anyone takes this task up.
    Last edited by donteatpoop; 07-17-2008, 12:58 PM.

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  • Ryan_DuBois
    started a topic Puzzle Stories

    Puzzle Stories

    I'm currently working on a story, which could be described as an "escape the room" game crossed with a classic Resident Evil game... in the form of a CYOA. Right now I've got it set up so that you can navigate fully through one bedroom, and even perform a few simple tasks (such as drawing back a curtain or turning on a light switch).

    I intend to place items throughout the story, which are required to progress further. Also, I intend to have a "battle system" set up so that when you encounter an enemy, you must roll a di (or is it die?) that will decide your fate. Right now I'm considering adding "combat items" to the battle system (such as knives or guns), which will make your odds of a positive outcome much greater during each roll.

    I have no plans to add statistics, like "health" or "luck", to the game.

    In order to help you navigate through the game without being bored or confused, I've added in a map (complete with a compass), which will appear in every room.

    Here is a map of the first bedroom, used in the story:

    In this map, you are standing at the door. Your position on the map will change as you move around the room.

    I'm not going to make any promises about this story being reeased any time soon (or ever); it appears that it's going to require many rooms, many maps, and much fancy looping (especialy if I include the "combat items"). I was just interested in your thoughts... I understand that this idea is quite radicaly different from what you're used to.
    Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 07-17-2008, 12:33 PM.
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