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IWT 7: Epilogue (Ratings!)

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  • donteatpoop
    It sounds like you're plotting something, Triple J.
    Last edited by donteatpoop; 02-20-2011, 11:02 PM.

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  • JJJ-thebanisher
    I'm thinking about majoring in math next year. Either that or physics. If Usoki and Ryan (and apoth) are all dead by January 2012, I'll do it.

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  • Usoki
    I'm not nearly as skilled in the subject as Ryan and Apoth seem to be... but I did squeak by with a BA in mathematics. I would be perfectly okay with doing the ratings for the next contest.

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  • End Master
    He might have, he just might have.

    I picked Ryan last time because Apoth disappeared, Ryan was posting a lot at the time and he used to have a lot of mathematical conversations with Apoth and Xnull, so I figured it would be fun for him, ha ha. I'll probably stick with Ryan, unless he disappears/dies or if Usoki really wants to do it.

    If that happens, then as Chubby's mom once said: "Ryan you're out, Usoki you're in."

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  • Locke
    If you've got that kind of time, perhaps you should be the rating poster person for the next one.
    Here, here! I think you may have just nominated yourself, lol.

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  • donteatpoop
    Originally posted by Usoki View Post
    Oh, well- okay, that makes a lot more sense. I'd believe that. In fact, I'd agree completely.

    ...and yes, I've always found it irritating that the person who sorts the ratings can't even be bothered to shuffle the order each time, let alone try and make the formatting consistant.
    If you've got that kind of time, perhaps you should the rating poster person for the next one.

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  • Usoki
    Originally posted by mizal View Post
    ...I stretched the definition of 'grammar' a bit to be more like 'general writing style'...
    Oh, well- okay, that makes a lot more sense. I'd believe that. In fact, I'd agree completely.

    ...and yes, I've always found it irritating that the person who sorts the ratings can't even be bothered to shuffle the order each time, let alone try and make the formatting consistant.

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  • mizal
    Yes, mine were the #2 comments. (Are we still calling Ryan an asshole for no real reason? If so, Ryan, you are an asshole for not randomizing the feedback.)

    I feel like I should probably explain how I came up with my scores since the grammar rating was mentioned a couple of times. I always have a difficult time tacking a hard number to subjective things like 'enjoyment', so with all the categories I just started at an average of seven and then added or subtracted points based on anything that caught my attention. I stretched the definition of 'grammar' a bit to be more like 'general writing style', so I could add or take away points based on more than just typos, for instance if a story felt rushed in places or had a particularly awesome scene.

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  • End Master
    Well, you mentioned your comments were brief, but they turned out to be actually longer than most. So, I figured number 5 was Locke since it was long and written with an air of politeness to it and out of all the "old members" on here, he's probably known as "the nice one." Though Ves (another old member) really didn't like him for some reason. Lol.

    In retrospect, the word "niggle" probably should've tipped me off though, I've heard it used more by people from England than over here in the US. Probably due to the overly sensitive inevitably jumping to the silly cries of "YOU'RE RACIST!" for using the word.
    Last edited by End Master; 02-12-2011, 01:48 AM.

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  • Crunchyfrog
    Originally posted by Locke View Post
    And Crunchy, I'm disappointed. You still put Ryan at #7, when I explicitly referred to him in my review for DEP's "Mystic Elevator."
    Nope... I'm still not convinced... :P

    And yep, End, you're right this time. I'm surprised I wasn't more easily guessed. Being the uninitiated noob that I am, my ratings were presented in a distinctly different way from everyone else.

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  • End Master
    Fuck, I never guess right.

    If we're going in order though I'm guessing Mizal is number 2 (Who was my first guess for that number!), she sent in her ratings after JJJ who is number 1. Then me, DEP, Dreamshell, Crunchy, Usoki, Locke and Ryan.

    So I'm guessing here's the final list for me.

    1. JJJ
    2. Mizal
    3. DEP
    4. Dreamshell
    5. Crunchy
    6. Usoki
    7. Locke
    8. Ryan

    Well at least I got DEP correct.

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  • donteatpoop
    Usucky, for clarification: the 'rushed' comment wasn't about the story being sloppy or anything, I was referring to the tempo. Page 2 and I was already posessed by a demon and met a vampirate and an angle. It kind of all just happened real real sudden. It was like "hi, i'm in highschool. those chicks are kind of hot. BAM! BATTLE! [strike]NINJANGELS[/strike] SAMURANGLES! VAMPIRATES! DEMONS AND SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??!??!??!?!.

    Still though, great story.
    Just left me a little dizzy is all.

    edit: the 'not fully realized' part though... I'm not really sure what I was talking about there. Ha. I was drinking a bit a the time. I remember thinking it was something.
    Last edited by donteatpoop; 02-12-2011, 12:17 AM.

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  • Usoki
    Originally posted by Locke View Post
    In fact, I think all of you thought Ryan wrote my reviews except Katie.
    It occured to me sometime earlier today that, since you had been shifting through old threads for MRH things, it was entirely possible that 7 could have been you- especially since they were longer, which would better explain the time it took you to write your critiques. But I was away from my computer, and, anyway, it was more of a thought than a concrete guess. 's what I get for agreeing with End, I guess. XD

    I guess that puts Ryan at either 2 or 8, then. Probably 8. It would make sense that he never sent critiques to himself, so of course they would appear at the end.

    I would argue that the crudeness is more influenced by male dorm college humor more than anything else- but I will freely admit that such crude humor is a classic staple around here, and it's definitely a part of the site's charm. Where else can one feel no guilt about being so blunt and offensive?

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  • Hi! My name is: Katie
    Originally posted by Locke View Post
    In fact, I think all of you thought Ryan wrote my reviews except Katie. I gave everyone except her an "MRH score" somewhere in the Grammar category; I left her out as a nod to tact, given the history, figuring it'd been long enough that I could use his name for a mutual laugh with everyone else (though I apparently forgot End's long-standing vendetta).
    You are ever the gentleman.

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  • Locke
    Okay, that's got the entertainment value covered, so I might as well go ahead.

    It's nice that you think I'm not an asshole, End. I guess you're mostly right, but I've been a member long enough that it comes out in my posts occasionally. And Crunchy, I'm disappointed. You still put Ryan at #7, when I explicitly referred to him in my review for DEP's "Mystic Elevator."

    In fact, I think all of you thought Ryan wrote my reviews except Katie. I gave everyone except her an "MRH score" somewhere in the Grammar category; I left her out as a nod to tact, given the history, figuring it'd been long enough that I could use his name for a mutual laugh with everyone else (though I apparently forgot End's long-standing vendetta).

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