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IWT 10 - The Overpowered Character

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  • mizal
    I guess now that I think about it it's pretty rare that I find myself actively wishing for the death of anyone here, at least on most days, so I guess that means I like you all too. We should hug or something.

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  • BatCountry
    You like me? You really like me?! Aww shucks Miss Ves! I don't know what to say.

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  • Vesnic
    Originally posted by Usoki View Post
    the pulmonary embolism has thrown off what would otherwise be an impressive Winter of Epic Writing.
    Are you seriously saying you had a pulmonary embolism? That's some serious shit. Glad you're not dead. In fact, I'm glad all of you aren't dead. I was reminiscing last night, as some absolutely Horrific Events of Family Catastrophe were falling down around my head, that it really is good when people you like don't up and die on you.

    And damn me, but I like you all.

    Good luck to everyone on the contest. It was sort of a crazy one, but thanks to Usoki's deft deadline bunting, we managed to squeeze some juice from the ole' lemon yet.

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  • Usoki
    Originally posted by End Master View Post
    Four out of six is a good turn out.
    That's true. Actually, it's a great turnout. Except for the part where none of us were anywhere close to meeting the original deadline. *sigh*

    Originally posted by mizal View Post
    I'm sure staying up till 2am on a work night was totally worth it.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one. (Any allegations that I chose pacific time for the express purpose of giving myself two extra hours are completely true. I have no shame.)

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  • mizal
    I'm sure staying up till 2am on a work night was totally worth it.

    Anyway my entry's not anything special, and doesn't even really count as a CYOA honestly, but this is only the second time I've managed an entry at all, and the first time that half of it wasn't frantic incoherent filler that brought me shame (even if I technically avoided SHAME), so I'm pretty happy.

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  • End Master
    Four out of six is a good turn out.

    After the voting is in, I'll be sure to update the list of the SHAMED and add Apoth. (And keep dreamshell on there)

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  • Usoki
    Yay! And thus, submissions are very much closed.

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  • mizal
    Here you go.

    (Sorry, had a retard moment trying to make it public.)

    Also holy shit, we actually managed to get four entries out of this? And it only took till mid-February to do it.
    Last edited by mizal; 02-10-2014, 01:05 AM.

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  • Usoki
    Originally posted by BatCountry View Post
    Maybe one day I won't write a contest story within three days. One day I'll start months ahead of time and pen an epic masterpiece of dizzying proportions. Today is not that day.
    Alas, that is all of us. Except maybe Ves. Given the appearance of her first room, I'm pretty sure she's going to knock this one out of the park.

    Four minutes, mizal. Your profile is still telling me that you have no public stories.

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  • BatCountry
    Boom. contest story

    Maybe one day I won't write a contest story within three days. One day I'll start months ahead of time and pen an epic masterpiece of dizzying proportions. Today is not that day.

    At least I can say I've never been SHAMED. That, is truly a fate worse than death.

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  • Usoki
    I'm still finishing up the text of room 21, but here it is.

    Not that it should take more than 20 minutes to write one quick room, but... yay paranoia.

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  • Usoki
    Yeah, I've got one hour to make three rooms. I'm solid.

    What about you, mizal? Is your story already public on your profile?

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  • Usoki
    Pssh. I've still got about three hours, and I'm halfway done. Even if I can't find the motivation to actually finish, I'll still be able to pump it full of filler rooms.

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  • End Master
    It says 25 rooms now, the stats are always a little slow to update properly.

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  • mizal
    Originally posted by Vesnic View Post
    Well, for better or worse, here it is. I don't know why Settings has gotten jammed on 16 rooms though. There's a ton more than that. Like, 25. Or somfin. More than 20 is all I know. I did it bitchez.
    Oh fuck you, I was supposed to be the only one entering.

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