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IWT 10 - The Overpowered Character

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  • End Master
    Originally posted by Vesnic View Post
    With Mizal and Locke duking it out over Master Troll Status
    If it helps in throwing my own hat in the ring for the title of Master Troll Status I could write a three way sex scene between Ves, Mizal and Locke.

    Highlights could include Mizal staring into Ves' eyes saying that she doesn't know how to handle her where upon Ves seductively lifts up her gypsy skirt and shows Mizal exactly how to handle her (Just like in the old country) all the while Locke looks on slack jawed at the hawt gurl on gurl ackshun and masturbating with a spatula. (In juggalo make up of course)

    Then I guess I could say "UR MOMZ TROLOLO" and have Megaman anally and orally gang raped by My Little Ponies or some shit at the end.

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  • Vesnic
    Hey guys! Still here (kinda). I have made 0% progress on the story since last I posted but about 236% progress on the total number of hours most normal people sleep. Horray! I am a champion. Thanks for the well wishes.

    And thanks for the cake, although I've never gotten any cake from any of you.

    With Mizal and Locke duking it out over Master Troll Status, it makes me wonder...isn't a troll a sort of overpowered character? I mean, in the confines of a little forum community, a skilled troll can even readjust one's sense of reality. That's pretty powerful stuff. Way beyond the scope of a mere lady-hating Porifera.

    Why won't this sticking pain on my left side go away? Glurb. I feel nauseous. That' why I'm going to a friend's for beers. Having this much work to do really isn't good for my delicate constitution. I wish I had made myself the hero of my own story so, like the comic book creators of yore, I could make myself into something so very much greater than I am. And then that little Transformer twit can send me sky messages about how sorry he is that he blatantly plagiarized my work. Shia is a Shithead!.

    This post made some modicum of sense, right?

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  • mizal
    Also, one week left!

    Does anyone actually have a story ready to submit yet?

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  • mizal
    Yeah Ves that sounds pretty serious. I'm not sure I quite know how to handle you (or anyone else here) being serious, I kept scanning your post over and over again for the jokes. Anyway get better soon because this is kind of weirding me out.

    oops I mean UR MOM SUCKS LOLOLOL

    (i'm the Threadkiller, it's me, no really, I had you guys fooled all this time with my clever pony disguise)

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  • End Master
    I'm guessing Sponge is another Chubby alt.

    Could be Threadkiller I suppose, but the drinking and cryptic speak point more towards Chub Tub than TK.

    TK generally tends to just splatter UR MOMZ SUCK LOLOLOL all over the place like a fucktard and has a really difficult time typing without misspelling every goddamn word on his shitty cell phone.

    Anyway, feel better Ves.

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  • dreamshell
    Is it possible Sponge is a literal sponge (whether the animal or household object being up for argument) or some sponge-like entity? Who somehow became superintelligent (as far as sponges go) and is trying to communicate with humanity through its limited grasp of the English language?

    And also maybe is a bit of a misogynist? (It's not his fault, sponges are asexual hermaphrodites, so there's bound to be self-loathing and gender issues.)

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  • Vesnic
    Originally posted by Sponge. View Post
    I dont think God loves you, not after what you did to the boy.
    After what I did to the boy? What on earth are you talking about?

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  • Sponge.
    T'is time to ask the Good Lard for His assistance!
    doubt that 's help , I dont think God loves you, not after what you did to the boy. probably your shamlessness brings you here

    , , dont know how your prayer came to God, but if it was me ID hit you with somthing else really quickly , then the third thing because they come in threes . I do not get a lot of enjoyment of life , but seeing people like you get what comes to them helping me with the line .

    maybe next time , when God will burn your house .

    That'll teach you.

    I'm a roll now and feeling great
    ha ha

    Still not doing very well... no choice then but to accept SHAME
    heres the truth get shit right or maybe die?


    ha ha , , maybe get wasted and will help and through
    Last edited by Sponge.; 01-23-2014, 12:00 PM. Reason: meaning drink

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  • Vesnic
    Still not doing very well. I should be healing, but for some reason I'm just not. I went to the doctor and was told that if this infection spreads to my kidneys I'll have to go in to the hospital. That would suck for a lot of reasons, not least of which is this contest deadline. I guess I would have no choice then but to accept SHAME.

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  • mizal
    Endmaster that's really mean, I'm going to break that pointing finger off and shove it directly into your eyeball.

    ^^That's what I would say if I was still upset, but I'm not, I rewrote the part of the story the site ate and I'm a roll now and feeling great. I am doing this, I am actually coming along with a IWT entry in a satisfactory manner and all I needed was a one month extension to the year long deadline. I repeat, I am DOING THIS.

    Also I"m getting a little tired of writing about magical wizards and their bullshit superpowers but none of that will matter when it comes time for sweet sweet victory

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  • End Master
    *Points and laughs*

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  • mizal
    fuck this site so hard

    why would you log me out

    just why

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  • Vesnic
    Glad to see we've got Ernest Hemingway on board...

    Anyway, I am one sick puppy. I mean, I am one prostrated motherfucker. I mean, I am one ailing alleycat.

    How the fuck am I supposed to get this story done? There ain't but one thing for it, boys and girls, and do you know what that one thing is?

    Hold on just a minute! I'm back in my room and it still hasn't occurred to me to take my 2x3 cocktail. What the fuck is wrong with me? Be right back.

    That's better. Don't ask. You don't want to know. Just don't give a 2x3 to the family elephant unless you want to see it fall over stiff as a board (but not light as a feather).

    Yeah, so I'm sick. Really sick. Achoo, etc., etc. T'is time to ask the Good Lard for His assistance!

    Pray with me, if you want to be saved-uh!

    Dear Lord in Heaven, this is Veshy. I know I've been one helluva sinner and pretty unrepentant too. I keep eating your crackers yet I never leave you a note saying "Thanks, Lord, for all the crackers". I ain't no saint, and it's true, I've done some horrible things to kittens in my time, but Lord would you please spare me just this oncey shmuncey so I can do the writey bitey thing? (Does it work to talk to God in Motherese?) Puh-lease oh puh-lease Lordy! Pretty please! Achoo! Amen!

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  • Sponge.
    It really is not.

    what I do is open the Sixpack & just start to drink, somewhere between then and the time when I pass out, writing occurs

    not saying that is good, but shit done, just pages and pages while I'm sitting there laughing and being drunk on my ass

    sometimes I listen to music, but if the music I just get pissed off suck

    I mean, just try it out to get drunk and think about Whatevers happening. then sit down and write it down and go until you have to take a piss break, that is, when you kill an idea

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  • mizal
    Man, I've got to get back on this. I wish I could just tell you guys all my cool ideas and then automatically win, because ugh this 'writing' thing is so haaaard.

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