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  • Saw Outlander

    It's possibly the best two warring Aliens crash land on Earth during the Viking era movie ever.

    Combines elements of Beowulf and the Predator.
    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


    • Saw Ernest Saves Easter.

      Kind of disgusting.

      I'm scarred.

      Beyond life...

      Combines elements of modern and ancient Christianity...

      Please erase me.


      • You don't like Ernest? Come on, now. Everybody loves Ernest. In fact, they should make a TV series with that exact name. Everybody Loves Ernest. They could use it to replace that Raymond stuff.

        I saw Year One and liked it. It's pretty much what you would expect; Jack Black and Michael Cera are the same as always. The movie isn't terribly funny, but Cera always cracks me up and Jack Black is the closest thing to a modern-day Chris Farley I've seen. Also, each of them have a special surprise actor that makes an appearance in the movie... so that was cool.

        One person who isn't funny, is that guy who plays Cain. Good Lord.

        I'll give it a generous...


        [EDIT] Oh, and Halloween 2 is coming out (again) in two months.
        Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 06-21-2009, 05:41 PM.


        • I watched The Woodsman, a touching tale about a guy who likes to touch little girls.

          Kevin Bacon plays this pedo who just got out of jail and he's trying to fight his urges and get on with his life. Basically anytime he's not interacting with an adult, he's either checking out little girls or imagining them.

          Obviously you can't really feel sympathy for a character like this, even if the goal of the movie was to "humanize" the pedo. The thing was, he was so boring that you couldn't even be bothered to dislike his character. If he hadn't been a pedo, he would've been completely uninteresting. Katie basically felt the same way I did.

          Anyway, I guess it was an okay movie to watch once, but that's about it.
          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


          • Saw Gran Torino and thought it was good.

            Also saw The Cell 2 and Mirrors, but I didn't like either of those. Especially The Cell 2. What a retarded movie. Seriously. I'd give it like a...


            Gran Torino gets an...


            I want to see Bruno, but a bunch of brainless protestors have prevented it from playing at any of the theaters near my town. I mean, come on, what's not to like about Bruno?! Anyway, I've made plans to see Public Enemies tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.


            • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
              Saw Gran Torino and thought it was good.

              Also saw The Cell 2 and Mirrors, but I didn't like either of those. Especially The Cell 2. What a retarded movie. Seriously. I'd give it like a...


              Gran Torino gets an...


              I want to see Bruno, but a bunch of brainless protestors have prevented it from playing at any of the theaters near my town. I mean, come on, what's not to like about Bruno?! Anyway, I've made plans to see Public Enemies tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.
              Gran Torino was a fun movie. Worth watching. Clint Eastwood was graceful in his parting role.

              Worth watching.

              Bruno is just Sasha whatshisface doing his thing once again. Great guy. Or...funny, at least. Hilarious. Havent seen Bruno yet, either.

              But Sash Baron Cohen, or whatever his name is, is a comedic genius. Quite in tune with whats going on.

              Clever man.

              Child porn is fun, too. Sometimes.


              • Child porn is fun.


                • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                  I want to see Bruno, but a bunch of brainless protestors have prevented it from playing at any of the theaters near my town. I mean, come on, what's not to like about Bruno?!
                  Umm... to me, just about everything.

                  I'd rather watch an Adam Sandler movie with Will Ferrell co-starring... and if anyone who knows me heard me say that they would really know what that means.
                  Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                  • I'd rather watch an Adam Sandler movie with Will Ferrell co-starring
                    Wow, that would be a pretty bad movie.

                    The only thing I can think of that would be worse is a movie starring Pauly Shore with Tom Arnold co-starring.

                    Not surprised to hear that The Cell 2 sucked, considering the first one wasn't any good.
                    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                    • Anyone else planning to see the newest Harry Potter flick this week? End wants to see Public Enemies, so I suspect we'll have a double feature weekend. I'll post my reviews later.


                      • Public Enemies is one of the best films I've seen this year.

                        Bruno was actually very funny. Just a bit... ugh, y'know.
                        Tears make the best lubricant


                        • Public Enemies was pretty good. Not as good as I was hoping for, but still pretty good. I thought Christian Bale's "I'm a 1930s American!" acting was little bit corny for some reason.

                          8 from me.

                          By the way, were the last two Harry Potter films any good? I actually gave up on them after Sirius stole some of Dumbledore's lines in The Prisoner of Askaban (plus Dumbledore was slapping Ron's injured leg and stuff in the Hospital Wing; what's up with that?), but this next one looks pretty cool. Maybe I'll catch up on them.
                          Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 07-14-2009, 01:22 PM.


                          • See, Drag, the thing I like about Sasha Cohen is the fact that he puts himself out there and really FUCKS with people. He sometimes puts himself into some fairly dangerous situations.

                            He has balls.

                            I, myself, love fucking with people. I do it all day long. It's wonderful. I feed off peoples shock and anger. It gives me strength.

                            People take themselves and this world WAAAAY too seriously. It's funny to see their reaction to his irreverent behavior. I just see a lot of myself in him.

                            I've been a fan of his for quite a while now, though.

                            As far as comparing him to Adam Sandler? Wow. Wow, dragavan. That was uncalled for.

                            That was completely uncalled for.

                            I demand an immediate apology, sir.

                            AN IMMEDIATE APOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!!

                            EDIT: And unlike Adam Sandler, Will Farrell actually used to be funny. And sometimes still is. Sometimes. I liked him in Old School. You can hate me for that. It's okay. I think I liked Waterboy. But I was like 15 when that came out.

                            I've always despised Adam, though. He's not funny. At all. I think they both represent generic 'mainstream' humor. Whereas 'Borat' and 'Bruno' are two characters Sasha developed YEARS ago. Hardly mainstream, even IF Borat was a surprise hit and Bruno is building off that success.

                            Have you seen Borat, Drag? There were some genuinely funny moments in that flick. I think you and I have some pretty polar opposite tastes when it comes to humor.

                            We both liked Harold and Kumar, though. So I haven't lost all hope for you.
                            Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 07-15-2009, 04:14 AM.


                            • Ryan

                              My favorite Harry Potter film so far was The Order of the Phoenix. It got a bit darker. The fight scenes were a bit cooler. I really like the girl they cast as Luna, she's cute and ditsy.

                              I was a bit disappointed with the Goblet of Fire, because that book really captured my imagination and took me places. It was one of my favorite books in the series, and yet my least favorite movie. I felt like they missed a lot of opportunities with the movie.

                              If you DO watch them I'd be interested in your take on how good/bad they are.



                              • Katie

                                The harry potter fan base is pretty impressive, that's for sure. People from EVERY walk of life get into that series. Both the books AND the movies.

                                I think it's a good thing. I met a guy at work just a couple days ago who is into the series. I was truly shocked. He was NOT the type I figured for a Harry Potter fan. But he'd read every book of the series and was looking forward to the movie. He admitted it was the only fantasy he had ever got into, and it had taken him by surprise as well.

                                I never got into the books. Well, I never even bothered to read on paragraph. They'd probably ruin the movies for me. Which I do actually get into. A little.

                                A little. They're watchable and fun.

                                I got into the Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings as a kid. The Lord of the Rings makeover was as GAY AS YOU CAN POSSIBLY GET in the theatres. Gayer than even Bruno.

                                I'm looking forward to the two-part Hobbit movie, though. The Hobbit as a stand alone piece, in my opinion, is Tolkien's best work. I have a feeling it's going to be AWESOME!!!!!!! If they're doing it in two parts then I have a feeling that they're going to stay true as blue to the book. It's not a complicated book. It's just whimsical and hilarious.

                                The Chronicles of Narnia have been butchered in theaters, as well. Although I LOVED the fight between Peter and Caspian's uncle in the movie. There was a sci-fi series that Lewis wrote as well, that is VASTLY under appreciated.

                                I need to re-read those. I need to read more in general.

                                So the Harry Potter movies must be doing SOMETHING right if so many fans of the book still get into the movies.


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