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  • Just saw "Shootem Up" recently. It was completely over the top, but it was meant to be. I found it entertaining. My mother rented it because she wants to bang Clive Owen, which is kind of awkward knowing thats the reason she's watching a movie but I had nothing better to do so I watched it as well. IMDB's 7.1/10 is a pretty accurate rating I'd say.

    Fun fact, the movie has a body count of exactly 100.
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    • My favorite genre is Sci-fi... Anime Sci-fi is better, but Hentai Sci-fi? Effing awesome!
      OH FUDGE!


      • Just watched Return of the Jedi again.

        As much as I think George Lucas should have gone into retirement in 1985 (or been shot in the face, in front of his entire family), I still love episodes IV-VI (the ORIGINALS - not the supposed 'digitally enhanced' abominations that are equal to the creative terms)

        Maybe it's because I lost a father this last year as well, but I particularly found this saga all the more true to life. In some ways.

        The musical scores. Somehow...the subtlety of Darth Vader. Hon Solo. Yoda. It's all so classic.

        It was a strange period in Hollywood, I think. Old meets new. Some of the acting is reminiscent of the 'old era'.

        I've never been a Star Wars geek. In fact, I think anyone who delves further into Star Wars beyond the 1977-1983 films is a total retard. (that goes for you Dragavan)

        George Lucas is given far too much credit. Star Wars was a brilliant trilogy. End of story.

        Less is more, as any good chef will tell you. And any director/producer who shouldn't be shot in the face.

        Less is more.

        EDIT: Although I should clarify that I think Drag is brilliant and represents the best of the best when it comes to the...whatever you call them.

        Seriously, drag. No offense, man. I think maybe you know where I'm coming from, though.
        Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 04-13-2008, 06:58 PM.


        • I'd probably rank the original in this order:

          1. Empire Strikes Back
          2. Return of the Jedi
          3. A New Hope

          Then if we include the prequels...

          4. Revenge of the Sith
          5. The Phantom Menace (This could've been better without stupid ass Jar Jar and the Gungans)
          6. Vader's Creek AKA Attack of the Clones (THE WORST of the lot)
          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


          • So much about the last part of Revenge of the Sith felt so forced, it completely killed the movie for me. I never even saw Attack of the Clones in full.
            Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


            • You aren't missing much with Vader's Creek. It's basically a lot of emo whining on Anakin's part while he fumbles around trying to impress Amidala. (However you spell her name)

              Even Jango Fett couldn't save that movie. The only entertaining thing in it, is seeing Yoda flip around like Sonic the Hedgehog in the end.

              I felt like Revenge just suffered from mediocrity when you compare it to the originals. Though it earns a few cool points for making some sensitive people get outraged and upset when Anakin killed all the Younglings.
              Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


              • Just saw Snatch. It was fun. Recently watched Eyes Wide Shut. It was a good movie but could have easily had an hour cut out of it without losing anything.
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                • Originally posted by End Master View Post
                  You aren't missing much with Vader's Creek. It's basically a lot of emo whining on Anakin's part while he fumbles around trying to impress Amidala. (However you spell her name)
                  Ugh... the whole comparing her to NOT being sand thing was just so lame...ugh.. I wanted to shoot them both in those "romantic" scenes. Lucas just can NOT write dialog to save his life. Horrible.

                  And I pronounce it "I'm a Dollar" ... because that's all any character in that movie is worth. They even made Samuel Fucking Jackson a pussy who looks like he can't act. Now THAT takes some anti-talent on the director's part.

                  As for Chubby... I am not offended. I am just trying to figure out how or why I was singled out in that tirade. I don't own any of the toys and it's not like I am some Star Wars freak who dresses as a Stormtrooper or something. I'd rather dress as a more historical Stormtrooper and tell everyone I was dressing up as an Indiana Jones fan than connect myself to Star Wars. I hate the prequels (although I do own them on DVD, but then I also own all Batman movies ... I am just a completist) and most of the extended universe stuff is mediocre at best.

                  Was it just because I am a general Sci-Fi fan and know a lot about a lot of sci-fi, which includes all the Star Wars extended crap? Plus, I lived with a roommate for a couple years who was a Star Wars FANATIC. So I heard a LOT of stuff I never would have looked into otherwise. Well... I did play the card game for a few years, but that's more because I am a gamer than because I am a Star Wars fanatic. I also played lots of other non-SW card games too (and refused to play the other THREE Star Wars card games they came out with because they were crap games compared to the first one, which was actually good).

                  I guess what I am asking is if you are calling me retarded because you think I am a Star Wars geek or you are just saying any sci-fi fan that does more than just watch Sci-Fi Friday on the Sci-Fi channel a retard? Because either way I think you are wrong... because if I was retarded I'd be a hell of a lot happier (I'd be "Retard Happy" as Ralphie May would say).
                  Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                  • The Return of the Jedi is easily my favorite movie. Admittedly, I haven't seen the movies in years. The last time I saw all of them, I was still a fairly small child. And I had a horrible attention span as a child. I usually only watched the first 30-45 minutes of a movie before wandering off and doing something else. Non-Jedi Tatooine? Boring. Hoth? Boring. Jabba the Hutt's Palace? Completely and totally bad-ass.

                    It's also interesting to note that, even as a child, I knew that Chain Bikini Leia is pretty much the best thing ever, as far as Star Wars goes.
                    Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                    Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                    And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


                    • Originally posted by Usoki View Post
                      It's also interesting to note that, even as a child, I knew that Chain Bikini Leia is pretty much the best thing ever, as far as Star Wars goes.
                      On that note I will add that I am actually looking forward to the upcoming episode of Deal or No Deal with the Star Wars theme... ALL the models will be in that outfit. They showed a teaser of it the other day and I was suddenly a drooling teen again. Of course they gave no date for when THAT episode will air... so I have to keep checking.

                      EDIT: It's been announced... Monday, April 28th... so two weeks.
                      Last edited by Dragavan; 04-14-2008, 11:48 PM.
                      Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                      • The funniest thing to me was Amidala was playing games and flip flopping between “Oh yeah I really like you too!” to “But we can’t do anything because of our responsibilities” the whole time Anakin was pulling out all his Jedi romance tricks.


                        After he cries about Obi holding him back, screams about how he deserves more power and goes on a rampage of killing a village of sand people (well they did kill his mom, so they probably deserved it) she suddenly stopped playing hard to get and instantly falls for him.

                        I guess the lesson is act like a psychopath and you get the girl a lot quicker.

                        (Okay so we all secretly knew that already)

                        EDIT: I always felt like Darth Maul should’ve at least got to stick around for 2 movies. They hyped him up like he was going to be a major villain in the new prequel trilogy, so I was disappointed that he got killed so quickly and barely had any screen time.
                        Last edited by End Master; 04-13-2008, 10:31 PM.
                        Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                        • Originally posted by End Master View Post
                          I always felt like Darth Maul should’ve at least got to stick around for 2 movies. They hyped him up like he was going to be a major villain in the new prequel trilogy, so I was disappointed that he got killed so quickly and barely had any screen time.
                          And he only got one short line of dialog... which wasn't even voiced by Ray Park...

                          And now it looks like he's going to play Snake-Eyes in the G.I.Joe movie... a non-speaking role. He seems to be getting pigeon-holed into these super-athletic silent roles. Even his stint as Toad was relatively quiet (and way different from the comic version of the character... but then so were most of the villains in those movies).
                          Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                          • I'm totally excited about the G.I.Joe movie. The casting seems a bit weird to me though. The Rock playing Shipwreck and Brendan Fraser playing Gung-Ho and Sienna Miller playing The Baroness. Eww. I hope they don't fuck it up. And some major characters are missing from the cast list. Where's Wild Bill, Road Block, Stalker, Lady Jaye, Major Bludd, The Dreadnaughts?
                            Devils are the bagel's favourite breakfast food!


                            • Originally posted by thoric View Post
                              I'm totally excited about the G.I.Joe movie. The casting seems a bit weird to me though. The Rock playing Shipwreck and Brendan Fraser playing Gung-Ho and Sienna Miller playing The Baroness. Eww. I hope they don't fuck it up. And some major characters are missing from the cast list. Where's Wild Bill, Road Block, Stalker, Lady Jaye, Major Bludd, The Dreadnaughts?
                              There has been no official word on The Rock or Brendan Fraser being in the movie... those were two of the earliest rumors (before they even had any casting done) and they have just stuck around. So we don't know if they will be in there at all. I really hope the old rumors finally die. What is strange casting to me (and official) is Marlin Wayans as Ripcord. The rest of the official cast (aside from Sienna Miller) sounds pretty good, although I would have liked to see Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Road Block instead of Heavy Duty.

                              Official Casting as of last week (when the article was released): Dennis Quaid, Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller, Ray Park (who is now offical, with pics released of him in costume), Rachel Nichols, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Said Taghmaoui, Marlon Wayans, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Arnold Vosloo, Byung-hun Lee, Jonathan Pryce, and Christopher Eccleston (yes, Doctor Who #9 as Destro).
                              Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                              • I'm watching Pink Flamingos for the second time tonight, this time I'm going to have a few drinks before hand and see if I can actually sit through the transvestite blow job scene. If you haven't seen it it is a great movie. The only movie in fact, that I walked out of not because it wasn't good but because it was so nasty I just couldn't bear to continue, and that was only for a few moments.

                                This was a long time ago though and I've seen dozens of shock sites since then so I might find that it is actually pretty tame. If that is the case then I have been fully 100% jaded. I guess once you see a guy castrate himself with a hatchet, 2 girls vomiting shit into each others mouths and a guy getting screwed to death by an Arabian Stallion, nothing seems repulsive or offensive anymore. I find that bad acting bothers me more than watching horrific things happening. Also happy mushy endings. Blehck.
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