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  • Saw Wolverine. Was disappointed. I reviewed it for my blog.
    Click it now.


    • Okay so the new Star Trek reboot wasn't bad. I take back most of my cynicism for this new series of movies and/or TV shows if they make more.
      Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


      • Just saw Star Trek tonight. Lots of big booms and flashing lights. I didn't think I would like Spock, because I had a baby crush on the original Spock, but this one is ok too. Didn't like his girlfriend. AWhore-ah? She annoyed me. Is her name supposed to be ironic? Much much love for Simon Pegg. He's so cool. I can't say much more, because I don't want to spoil things for anyone else.


        • My Grandmother and I are going to see that together when I get home from college. She's a big Trekkie and used to take me to see all of the star trek movies that came out when I was little.
          Click it now.


          • Saw the new trek and was pleasantly surprised.

            Not bad. Not bad at all. Not GREAT, in my view, but worth watching nonetheless.

            Some parts were very entertaining, and overall it didn't insult my meager intelligence. In other words:

            IT WAS GOOD!


            • Originally posted by Hi! My name is: Katie View Post
              Didn't like his girlfriend. AWhore-ah? She annoyed me. Is her name supposed to be ironic?
              Yeah they were pronouncing her name more like AH-WHORE-RA rather than AH-WHO-RA. Not sure what that was all about other than pointing out that she looked more like a whore than the original one.

              But I suspect they were giving her a lot more screen time since even though she's supposed to be an example that humanity has put aside racial issues (And gender issues), the original Uhura was never really in the forefront of the series or the movies and she's like the only character that you never see in a movie without all of the other original cast members. Even Chekov and Sulu got a scene in one of the TNG Era shows or movies. (Hell, even Yeoman Rand was in one of them)

              Then of course there was also the unspoken idea that Spock was supposed to be Uhura's mentor in the original series. So they just expanded on that idea and gave Spock jungle fever at the same time. (Besides it would be too obvious to hook her up with Kirk)

              All of which is still in-keeping with the whole breaking down cultural/color/racial barriers thing that Trek was partially supposed to be about, so they didn't have to make Spock gay after all.

              (Though I wouldn't be surprised if they end up making Sulu gay)
              Last edited by End Master; 05-15-2009, 05:06 AM.
              Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


              • Edit: I find the representation of Uhura distasteful on multiple counts. Nevermind.
                Last edited by Hi! My name is: Katie; 05-15-2009, 08:12 AM.


                • For those interested, The Road is coming out on October 16th and an official trailer has been released. It doesn't look like it retains the "vagueness" of the book as well as I would have liked, but I'm still pretty stoked.


                  • Too lazy to watch trailer, whats it about???
                    “When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked if I had any firearms with me. I said, "Well, what do you need?"”


                    • Too lazy to watch the trailer, yet not too lazy to read a forum post?


                      Anyway, it's about a father and his son trying to reach one of the coasts of America after an apocolyptic event (which is unnamed in the novel) wipes out most of the earth. Virtually all plants/animals/other living organisms are extinct (although they do stumble upon some morel mushrooms at one point) and most of the remaining humans are cannibals who will do whatever it takes to survive. On top of that, it's super damned cold and the air is so polluted that everyone's coughing their guts out.

                      It's a blast.
                      Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 05-19-2009, 07:28 AM.


                      • Damn that sounds really good I thought that it was going to be some kind of boring cross country killer that lives on a lone piece of highway breaking all cars down and slowly hunting each passengers. But hell desolation, cannibles, and a road to boot can't wait.
                        “When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked if I had any firearms with me. I said, "Well, what do you need?"”


                        • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                          most of the remaining humans are cannibals who will do whatever it takes to survive. On top of that, it's super damned cold and the air is so polluted that everyone's coughing their guts out.

                          It's a blast.
                          I like it already. Definitely one to add to my PA Collection when it comes out on DVD.
                          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                          • Yeah, End. I'm thinking you're gonna love this if the film does the book justice.

                            There's some scenes that... Well, I don't want to spoil them, but let's just say that I hope the movie doesn't hold back.

                            I'm looking forward to this.

                            By the way, Terminator 4 looks pretty cool. I'm thinking I might have to see this one.


                            • There's another straight to DVD Aladdin coming out called "Aladdin XVII - Jafar Saves Christmas"

                              Should be good, if the early buzz is right. I was talking with my 5 year old niece and she just went on and on about it. Apparently she saw an early preview.

                              Can't wait til this one shows up on piratebay!!


                              • I recently watched The Strangers, Pan's Labyrinth, Idiocracy, and The Wrestler. All of them (with the possible exception of The Strangers) were worth a rent. Here's my take:

                                The Strangers was pretty jumpy in the beginning, and I thought all of the actors did a really good job. To me, though, it just seemed like an upgraded Vacancy. Nothing special; just another scary movie.

                                Gets a 7.5

                                Pan's Labyrinth was good, but it wasn't my kind of movie. I was expecting more adventure and more fantasy. Most of the movie was focused on relationships among the characters, which is cool; I don't know.

                                Look, why the hell did she eat the grapes, okay? That dude specifically told her not to. And then those fairies died... So sad.

                                Anyway, it just wasn't what I was expecting.

                                Gets an 8

                                Idiocracy was cool. Basically it's about these two people who get frozen and preserved for 500 years. When they wake up, man has evolved drastically -- the world is filled with idiots (the beginning of the film explains how natural selection will tend to favor dumber people as our world becomes safer). For a comedy, it wasn't that funny, but it was very entertaining.

                                Gets a 8.5

                                The Wrestler was really good. It's brutal in some parts, but it's a powerful film. I felt awkwardness, sadness, happiness, frustration, and a plethora of other emotions while watching it. And everything is done so realistically. There's no glamor to the movie. It's just gritty and real. Kinda like No Country For Old Men and Napolean Dynamite. And yeah, the actor was good; believable.

                                Also, there's lots of nudity.

                                I give it a 9


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