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  • Saw Inglorious Basterds.

    Well Tarintino either decided to completely disregard history (Most likely) or this was set on a parallel earth.

    In any case it was also way better than I thought it would be.
    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


    • Yeah, the first half of Perfume was awesome. It seemed like at some point, though, they got really wrapped up in the need to have the guy start killing people and keep the plot moving; so much of the awesome cinematography from earlier in the movie goes away. It's still decent after that point, but if I were to watch it again, it'd only be for that first half.
      Last edited by Locke; 06-27-2014 at 12:16 AM.


      • I saw District 9, was very impressed, it exceeded my expectations. I recommend it highly if it is still on the big screen wherever you are.

        Inglorious Bastards was okay, but I thought a little disappointing. Tarintino draws out scenes for 15 minutes because he thinks he is being artsy, but the guy knows dick about art. It would have been better with shorter scenes and elaborate plot as a more straight forward black comedy-action thrill ride type of a flick. The first scene he did manage to build suspense though, but the later ones just dragged unnecessarily. And the whole Jewish revenge fantasy was to blatant. It made the whole thing incredibly two dimensional.

        I also saw the new Rambo recently. I had very little in the way of expectations so it managed to exceed them. It was a fun 90 minutes of watching people get brutally blown up and shot and stabbed and burned, ect.
        Click it now.


        • I LOVED Inglourious Basterds. There are few movies in life that really stay with me days or weeks after I have stepped out of the theater. IB is one that will definitely be with me for awhile.

          It is probably the most recent movie I have seen. I'm waiting anxiously for the new Alice in Wonderland movie in March- although it looks like Johnny Depp is just re-doing his Willy Wonka routine. I still have high hopes.

          Secretly I am also eager to see the second movie in the Twilight franchise. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm no "Twihard" but I read the books and hope to see the movie...

          Oh! And Lovely Bones. I haven't read that book, but I do want to see the movie.

          And The Road! Love the apocalypse. I used to think about the apocalypse a lot when I was a kid and filled with religious fervor. I was pretty sure Jesus would come back in my life time. I've considered checking out that animated movie 9. Haven't heard much about it.

          Well Infinite, is there anything in the theaters worth seeing these days?
          Last edited by Hi! My name is: Katie; 09-22-2009, 07:23 PM.


          • Last one I saw was District 9, and now I'm living up at Michigan Tech without my vehicle, so it looks like that will the last one I see until The Road comes out (thank God they pushed it back [for like the third or fourth time] to Thanksgiving!). The current trailer has some crap about global warming at the beginning, which I dearly hope isn't in the actual movie, since the book left the apocalyptic event unnamed.

            Everything else looks fantastic, though!

            Didn't see Inglorious Bastards, but I'll be renting it when it comes out, for sure.


            • Finally saw the sixth Harry Potter movie... about ten minutes ago.

              I feel violated to say the least.

              The guy who played Argus Filch did a great job, but he was only in like one scene.

              I will NOT be seeing the seventh one.

              I don't think.


              • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                Finally saw the sixth Harry Potter movie... about ten minutes ago.

                I feel violated to say the least.

                The guy who played Argus Filch did a great job, but he was only in like one scene.

                I will NOT be seeing the seventh one.

                I don't think.
                What about the eighth one? (The Deathly Hallows is being split into two movies.)
                Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                • Originally posted by Dragavan View Post
                  What about the eighth one? (The Deathly Hallows is being split into two movies.)
                  My god. They are money grubbing even more than the Saw Series. Hermione is hot though, so tis all cool.
                  Click it now.


                  • I still can't figure out what they're going to do with the seventh book. The entire beginning is right out, because the bride and the groom never really appear, and the wedding venue has been burned to the ground. Though, judging by the way the sixth one started, they're not really bothered by this. I guess they'll have Harry turn seventeen, bask in the action scenes, and then move on to something weird.

                    And I can see why they would want to split it into two movies... But all of the really good scenes are in the second half of the book. So just where, exactly, are they going to place the split? It would make some sense to end the movie at the point where Ron rejoins them, and they get the sword. Ron comes back, and now they can destroy the horcruxes. Good point of resolution. But on the other hand, it means the entire movie up until that point would be filled with hopeless desparation, and nothing they do actually accomplishes anything, other than getting the locket. And all of the really good scenes would have to be crammed in the second movie.

                    But if they don't place the split there, where could they put it? You have to provide some sort of resolution and closure...
                    Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                    Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                    And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


                    • I don't know, Dragavan; I just don't know anymore...

                      Another place they could place the split would be right after the trio leaves Bill's cottage with plans to rob Gringott's. Not the happiest moment of the book, all things considered, and it defenitely lacks complete resolution, but at least they'd be able to knock out a couple extra action scenes.

                      The movies don't exactly stick to the books that well anyway; the way things are going, I wouldn't be suprised if Dumbledore just flew out of his casket and pulled an Avada Kedavra on Lord Voldemort in the end.

                      Actually, yeah, that would suprise me.

                      Still, I can see them leaving out major chunks of the plot in order to make things simpler.


                      Also, I saw 21 later on last night, and I considered it to be a MUCH better film.

                      I give it a 9.


                      • Also, I ought to tell you guys -- five clips for The Road are now available, BUT I wouldn't recommend watching them; they seem to all be of the bests parts in the book.

                        It's supposed to be released in less than a month, anyway.


                        • I have no problem with them splitting it into two movie... I think they should have been doing this since Goblet of Fire, when the books got twice as long... In fact, I've been saying that since Goblet of Fire was in the works.

                          As for where to split, they don't need a happy ending point or even a resolution of any kind. They just need a point that will get people amped to see more... so any of the points where something is going to happen now would work.

                          But I view the movies as separate from the books anyway, since they don't really tell the same story. What they choose to include, add, change, and reorder will make the movie its own thing and I look forward to seeing it.
                          Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                          • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                            Also, I ought to tell you guys -- five clips for The Road are now available, BUT I wouldn't recommend watching them; they seem to all be of the bests parts in the book.

                            It's supposed to be released in less than a month, anyway.
                            I've seen some of the previews to it already, so yeah I don't want to see anymore until it comes out. I'm looking forward to "The Book of Eli" as well, which is another Post Apocalyptic setting. I think that one comes out next year. 2012 looks meh, but I'll probably see it anyway.

                            Anyway, I've seen a ton of movies since I last posted in this thread, but the only one really worth mentioning in detail is a bizarre Pakistani horror movie called Hell's Ground.

                            It was weird probably for the sole fact that I didn't expect to see a movie like this to come from Pakistan. It's been compared as a cross between Texas Chainsaw & Dawn of the Dead and that's a pretty accurate description, given that it's really gory, got zombies and a psycho killer in it.

                            Except instead of a violent retard wearing a human skin mask chasing teenagers with a chainsaw you've got a sexually confused freak wearing a burka chasing teenagers with giant fucking MORNINGSTAR.

                            Other movies that I saw recently that were alright are:

                            Dead Girl
                            2001 Maniacs
                            Where the Wild Things Are
                            Last edited by End Master; 10-26-2009, 09:25 AM.
                            Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                            • Watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, overall thought it was a pretty solid flick. A bit long, but it kind of needed to be for the pacing to work out the way it did. Was sort of like a slightly darker, slower, and deeper version of Forrest Gump. Like Forrest Gump's brother who is a moody artist. Make up was incredible, acting was pretty good. Could have done without the retarded minute at the end where it just runs through all the characters to show that people are different or whatever. Other than that part though, I liked it. Lots of fun symbolism and stuff put in to, more novelesque than most modern films.

                              Also, I recently watched Dr. Strangelove as a date movie. I have to say, I love the movie, but, I wouldn't recommend using it as a date movie.

                              That is all.
                              Click it now.


                              • Funny. I thought of Forrest Gump while watching that one, too.

                                But then, I thought of Forrest Gump while watching Slumdog Millionaire, too. And Forrest Gump is probably my favorite film, so maybe it's just me.


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