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  • Going back to Avatar's linear plot and God-awful dialogue...

    Sometimes, especially in this day and age, you need a BLUNT plot in order to get whatever message you are trying to get across to the blundering masses.

    I saw this movie with my mom and step-dad (lame, I know). They came out of the movie wide-eyed, as I must admit I myself did as well. However, the words that came out of their mouth for the next hour were some of the most thoughtful and intelectually stimulating I've ever heard from the likes of them. I mean, if you only knew them. I think the movie's sappy, 'already-been-done' message came through and struck home with them.

    At least Cameron wasn't raping history like Costner did with Dances With Wolves. <-- Great soundtrack, by the way.

    Avatar's soundtrack was a little lacking. But who fucking cares!?!

    I think the moment I realized I was going to LOVE this movie was when he (the marine, I don't even remember his name now - I'm horrible with names) first gets his avatar and he's running across the yard. From then on it was just a roller coaster ride for the senses.

    It was a real delight, and worth the friggin' $11 I spent. The problem is, I think this movie was made to see in the theater. It will loose all it's excitement if you wait to see it on DVD, or even Blue-Ray.

    The last time I went to the theater it was to see Dark Knight. Whereas Dark Knight was great because of it's very LIMITED use of CGI in it's action sequences and the amazing performance of Ledger, Avatar excelled in it's over-the-top use of CGI. BELIEVABLE CGI!

    Both were great movies for very different reasons. Both should be seen in the theater.


    I was actually forced to sit through a Sandler flick. Funny People. It actually wasn't half bad. I was surprised. I would even almost recommend it. Almost.

    Saw Inglorious Bastards. The violence was amazing. Too bad WW2 didn't actually end like that. Although I imagine the race to Berlin would have still been won by the ruskies.

    That scene toward the end where Brad Pitt's character is trying to pose as an italian waiter is hilarious. There was too much outside interferance while I was trying to watch it, though. That's why i tend to like watching movies ALONE.


    • LOL! Jacob watches movies with his mom!


      • Ya but I didn't sit with them. I pretty much grabbed my ticket and raced ahead of them before they could find me.

        So it doesn't really count.


        • Saw The Book of Eli. It sort of loses something at the end, but over all it was entertaining.

          Wished they had a different girl than Mila Kunis since she's always annoying in anything she's in, but everyone else was alright in it and the setting was sufficiently desolate as well.
          Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


          • Hey End:

            I know you've been waiting for the Book of Eli for sometime now, as it's right up your little alley.

            Do me a big favor though, mmkay? I know you're pretty big on catching movies in the theater. Go see Avatar.

            It might help if you smoke a joint or eat a couple mushrooms first. I, myself, had to see it stone cold sober.

            And I STILL liked it. Now that's saying something.

            Katie, you need to go see it with him. If you watch it when it comes out on DVD it'll loose half of it's magic. And that's tragic.

            Okay. I'll quit rambling on about Avatar now.

            On a side note:

            I would've loved a hardcore sex scene, though. Is that wrong? I think that's wrong. I wonder if Na'vi semen glows in the dark? That would've been AWESOME. And so, SO wrong.

            I kept waiting for a nipple shot and I never got that either.


            • Katie already saw the movie, but I'll try to get around to it.

              Speaking of grand special effects, I saw previews to the remake of Clash of the Titans. Don't really care for their change in the basic storyline (Hades always gets labeled as an evil villain in Greek myth movies) but the monsters looked cool in it, and that along with the fight scenes is what it's really all about in those types of movies.
              Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


              • Whatever you do, DO NOT buy, rent, stream, illegally download, or even SEE the movie 2012: Doomsday... Oh My Zod is this thing horrible.

                Bad enough it's a bad disaster movie, but it's a pile of Christian preachy crap disguised as a bad disaster movie. The movie isn't even about the Mayan calendar ending in 2012 at all, it's about the Rapture and how only "God's love" will save you.

                I mean, it opens with a gold Crucifix (not a cross, a whole Jesus nailed to the cross) being found in a Mayan temple and ending with the second coming being born in another Mayan temple, without any resolution to the plot at all. Just a bunch of scenes of people claiming to not believe and others preaching to them about how they need to believe, or really already do and just haven't accepted it yet.

                Ugh... I feel sick for having sat through this... stupid completionist mindset. Can't stop a movie in the middle.

                And yes Avatar was great, but the "sex scene" was cut from it (and should be reinstated on the DVD). It was in the script (that part was "leaked" by the studio) and involves them kissing and then connecting ponytails for a deeper connection before doing it.
                Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                • Originally posted by Dragavan View Post
                  And yes Avatar was great, but the "sex scene" was cut from it (and should be reinstated on the DVD). It was in the script (that part was "leaked" by the studio) and involves them kissing and then connecting ponytails for a deeper connection before doing it.

                  And thanks for the heads up on 2012. I wasn't going to see it, anyway. But now I know my gut instinct served me right, once again.

                  I saw the preview for Clash of the Titans as well. It might have potential. MIGHT.

                  We'll see. Previews looked promising, though.

                  I think they (hollywood, ect.) are getting a little TOO knee-jerky with the 'revival of 3D' hype.

                  Avatar was a game changer, for sure, and a sneak preview of what's to come. I think movies in general are going to be a lot more immersive in the future. But eventually our senes become accustomed.

                  The novelty wears off. We'll see where this all goes. I, for one, wouldn't mind playing video games on a 100 plus inch LED TV with 3D and surround sound and an amp that shakes the ground with each explosion.


                  It's coming, folks. And we're all still young enough to look forward to it.


                  • Clash of the Titans, eh? Ugh. Wasn't a big fan of the first one. On the whole, I really find that I hate any sort of modern take on Greek Mythology. I'm a huge nerd, so whenever they change something, it hurts my very soul. Hercules (already an error in a Greek setting) pretty much always makes me cringe. He's more of a lunkhead fratboy than a hero. The TV show was awful (Ares? Really?) and the Disney movie is just as bad to me. (Though I'll admit Meg is one of my favorite Disney heroines.) And let's not even start with the video game adaptations... I know that porting Greek Myth straight with no changes wouldn't work very well for a mainstream audience... but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

                    Same reason I don't plan to see the Sherlock Holmes movie. I think it would be a lot better if they hadn't attatched the 'Holmes' name to it. If it had been two Victorian guys steam-punk-ing it up, it'd be fine. Pretty cool, actually. But Holmes? Like hell.
                    Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                    Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                    And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


                    • Originally posted by ChubbyTeletubby View Post
                      And thanks for the heads up on 2012. I wasn't going to see it, anyway. But now I know my gut instinct served me right, once again.
                      and 2012: Doomsday is a direct to DVD movie, not the one in theaters. There is no way a real studio would ever even attempt to release that piece of crap in theaters. Not even religious groups would attempt it, and that's who was behind the making of it... I watched it on NetFlix streaming and even there I felt ripped off. I was expecting a low budget pointless disaster movie and what I got was preached to for two hours.
                      Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                      • Hmm... This 2012: Doomsday sounds like something I'd normally hate, but judging by how much you dislike it, I'd say there's a pretty good chance I'll just love it!

                        This one's going on my rent list for sure!


                        • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                          Hmm... This 2012: Doomsday sounds like something I'd normally hate, but judging by how much you dislike it, I'd say there's a pretty good chance I'll just love it!

                          This one's going on my rent list for sure!
                          Go ahead if you want to be preached to about Jesus being the only thing that matters in the world for two hours.
                          Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                          • Haha. Naw, I guess I'll take your word for it this time.


                            • Silly Jesus people!


                              Is it just me or is late night TV suddenly interesting again? NBC is brilliant. I think this was all just a ploy.

                              Nothing to do with movies. Sorry.

                              Great stuff lately, though. Just great. Just me? feedback, anyone?

                              Shh. No, no. Let's not turn a simple rape into a murder.

                              Drugs are bad.


                              • I still haven't seen a good "Revelations style" apocalypse movie and I doubt if there will ever be one.

                                At best, mainstream film companies end up making a general "end of days" movie with gobs of special effects and superficial bits of religion throw in. Then Bruce Willis or whoever kicks the Devil's ass and the world is saved. Which is all fine for an action movie, but usually when the Anti-Christ shows up that's a general sign that the world doesn't have too long left and things AREN'T going to just go back to normal.

                                Religious film companies are better about sticking to the bible but then they suffer from bad acting, bad effects, and ultimately end up being boring due all the preaching and the fact that they aren't willing to go that extra mile to really show how fucked up things are supposed to be during the end of times.

                                Oh well, maybe Mel Gibson will make one someday. I'd imagine that he'd at least be willing to show graphic violence on a wide scale in a doomsday movie. (I'm guessing the Jews will be blamed for all of it though)
                                Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


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