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  • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
    I'm lost for words, Usoki.

    Actually... I feel about like The Pope would feel after reading one of ChubbyTeletubby's posts.
    You have not been the first, nor will you be the last, to be stunned speechless by my tastes in movies. It is my firm belief that the point of a movie is to make a person walk away with a certain set of emotions. If the movie does not force you into certain emotions as you watch it, it's doing a poor job. As such, I do not see any point in watching a movie that will make me feel something other than various forms of joy. I am big on comedies, and I avoid romance, tragedy, and horror on principle. I have been forced to broaden my horizons on occasion, and though I can appreciate why people might like those movies- I was not a big fan, and I wouldn't want to watch them again. In particular, I loathe Dead Poet's Society.
    Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
    Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
    And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


    • It's understandable... I've just never met someone who didn't like "Office Space" before.


      • Oh, that? Augh, I hate that movie. It's just not that funny. The restaurant is amusing, the managers are amusing for fifteen seconds, and the hypnotism is an interesting plot device. That's it.
        Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
        Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
        And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


        • It is hard to narrow it down to ten.

          I have no idea why I listed Sound of Music as number ten, other than the fact that I was posting on impulse (as usual).

          I think I'd actually have to replace it with either scarface or...yes, monty python and the holy grail. <--That movie was for me the funniest thing I'd ever seen when I was 11.

          Thanks for reminding me, End. BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!

          Wizard of Oz I've always felt is just one of the best ever. It will be a great movie 200 years from now.

          "Office Space" I've always loved. Can't quite put my finger on it. "A movie should make you walk away with a certain set of emotions," says Usoki. I can't help but agree. Office Space always leaves me with a smile. It's all the little moments combined, I guess.

          And the '90s gangster rap all throughout just seals the deal. Peter Gibbons struggle is my struggle. He has just enough imagination and brains to know that life should be more than this, but not QUITE enough motivation to make it come about.

          What would I do if I had a million dollars? I would do nothing.

          I would literally do nothing. Case in point.

          replay value matters too. And office Space is one I watch a few times a year.

          EDIT: Nice lists, everyone. Usoki, even you. I guess. Sorta.
          Last edited by ChubbyTeletubby; 02-03-2010, 09:07 PM.


          • Wizard of Oz makes me cry inside. However, I will fully admit I am biased for two reasons. One- I read the book first. The book is pretty much always better than the movie, especially when the book in question is one of the fourteen Oz books that Baum wrote. Two- I'm from Kansas. Any Kansan on vacation whose origin is discovered cannot possibly hope to escape that damn movie quote, or any pun thereof. I too, do not think I am in Kansas anymore. Where is Toto? He got eaten on my last vacation- I went to China.
            Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
            Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
            And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


            • Saw District 9 yesterday.

              It was okay, but I think in this case they should've stuck with the whole documentary style of storytelling since it was working better for this movie. I was enjoying more of how it was showing the aliens intergrating with the population, but then it sort of degenerated into a typical action movie after the protagonist started turning into a prawn.

              Some of the stuff was a little silly as well. I doubt if the prawn would've been attempting to wear any sort of human clothing, let alone bothering with human hookers. (Though I'm sure there would be human pervs wanting to fuck prawn) And given that the humans and prawn couldn't even really talk to each other (At least it seemed like the humans had no idea what the prawn were saying) I'd venture to say that hostilities would've been even worse than they were in the movie. Humans aren't known to be a patient species and probably would've nearly wiped out all the prawn as soon as one of them killed a human, then took the rest as experiments and sent more people to the mothership to strip it down for its tech.

              Still liked Alien Nation better.
              Last edited by End Master; 02-05-2010, 09:30 AM.
              Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


              • I saw Couple's Retreat and Zombieland recently. Couple's Retreat was predictably stupid, but it was actually a little better than I thought it would be. It had a couple funny moments.

                Zombieland wasn't necessarily great, either. Still, it wasn't bad. It's not one one to see in theaters, but it probably is worth a rent.


                Oh, yeah. I saw Clue again last night, too. I never realized it before, but man the maid in that movie is SMOKIN'. Wow. Drives me crazy just thinking about it.

                Anyway, it looks like after that film she kinda let herself go. It's a shame.

                Last edited by Ryan_DuBois; 02-05-2010, 12:23 PM.


                • I remember Alien Nation.

                  I always liked the concept of Aliens integrating with human society. One of my earliest stories was about mankind living as second class citizens in a world dominated by aliens.

                  We were still allowed certain technologies, like trains and refrigerators. Microwaves, computers, and phones were restricted, however. We were actually allowed to govern ourselves - to an extent (ie puppet regimes).

                  It was kind of like Alabama before the '60s, with humans of course being the coloreds.

                  Anyway, Zombieland looked like it might be kinda cool. Gotta love the zombie flicks. I'll download it illegally tonight.

                  As far as Wizard of OZ - well of course the book is always better. The film is a stand alone piece of work, though.

                  If I've read the book I usually don't see the movie.


                  • Originally posted by ChubbyTeletubby View Post
                    It was kind of like Alabama before the '60s, with humans of course being the coloreds.
                    OH NOES! You can't say that word! It's BLACK history month!

                    That reminds me, I have to give District 9 credit for pissing off the Nigerian government since it portrayed them as violent criminals.
                    Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!


                    • Men Who Stare at Goats. It's one of the weirder films I've seen, and I'm not totally sure what the point of it was, but it left me feeling pretty good!



                      • Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois View Post
                        Men Who Stare at Goats. It's one of the weirder films I've seen, and I'm not totally sure what the point of it was, but it left me feeling pretty good!

                        No point other than a recounting of the author's (it was based on a book) experiences with the REAL PEOPLE it was based on... that's right, it's a true story... these events really happened and our government did it.
                        Dragavan: Dragavan Games - Lootin' Wizards - The Land of Karn - Central U (adult) - Dragavan's Adult Stories


                        • Yeah, I looked it up on Wikipedia before I actually went to see it, so I knew a big part of it was the experiments the government was doing on the goats, prisoners, etc. The actual plot itself, though, which I don't think was entirely based on real events, felt really odd. For instance, there were a lot of times when I really had to go over the story in my head, just to make sure I had everything right.

                          I guess it ended up making the movie more interesting, though.


                          • Watched Sherlock Holmes.

                            illegally downloaded it, of course. DVD quality, as always.

                            Elementary, really.

                            Loved the setting, Victorian era London. Loved Robert Downey's acting, loved Jude (whatever his last name is) as well. The movie was lacking in many regards. Still...

                            One worth watching. Starts off strong, gets weak halfway through, redeems itself in the end.

                            I would have seen this one in the theater if it weren't for avatar. On that note, I'll never watch avatar again. It was meant to be seen in the theater, in 3d.

                            I'll probably give Holmes another go. Robert Downey is one of my favorites.

                            Anyone on these forums who hasn't seen his performance in A Scanner Darkly needs to be shot.

                            Men Who Stare at Goats? I'll give it a go. Thanks for the reference, ryan, other guy.

                            EDIT: Go Saints!


                            • Originally posted by End Master View Post
                              OH NOES! You can't say that word! It's BLACK history month!

                              That reminds me, I have to give District 9 credit for pissing off the Nigerian government since it portrayed them as violent criminals.
                              All of my 'colored' friends call me their 'nigga'.

                              In fact, one of my best black friends ever used to pound on my front door and exclaim, "It's that dumb NIGGUR!"

                              Nigger. Nigger. Nigger.

                              Get over it, folks. Nigger. NIGGER.


                              I've had MANY black friends. Guess what I called them? Nigger. Short of going to jail and saying it there and getting shanked, I hope the word is losing it's poison. Nigger, nigger, nigger.

                              Guess who sold niggers (to europeans) into slavery on the ivory coast?

                              Answer: Niggers.

                              Guess what blacks are called when whites are talking amongst themselves?

                              Answer: Niggers.

                              Guess what word still holds power even though it shouldn't.

                              Answer: Nigger.

                              Nigger, nigger, nigger. Get over it.

                              Oh, I saw Don't Be a Menace in South Central While Drinking Juice in the Hood again.



                              • Originally posted by ChubbyTeletubby View Post
                                Anyone on these forums who hasn't seen his performance in A Scanner Darkly needs to be shot.
                                I'll add that to my list of offenses against humanity.

                                I can't bring myself to watch Sherlock Holmes. Near as I can tell, they completely ruined the character. If it was just a movie in Victorian England about two guys? It'd seem pretty good. But to throw Holmes' name into it? Ugh. Why not remake Chronicles of Narnia... but instead of having Azlan representing Jesus, he's just a huge battle lion who tears the shit out of his enemies. Or maybe remake Foundation, with less focus on that boring 'rebuilding society' element, and just focus on all of the battles.
                                Originally posted by Ryan_DuBois
                                Usoki, you're the crankiest asshole we know. Not that it's a bad thing, it just means that you smell funny and are best left hidden in darkness.
                                And it's embarrassing when you make any noise at all.


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