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IWT 10 - The Overpowered Character

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  • Usoki
    Originally posted by mizal View Post
    Okay, I think I feel comfortable officially declaring my intent to enter now.
    So be it. Your intent has now been etched into digital stone. Welcome to commitment.

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  • mizal
    Okay, I think I feel comfortable officially declaring my intent to enter now.

    I have 14 pages, if I can't manage another six by the end of the year, then I deserve that big ol' heaping helping of SHAME.

    Turns out that it's super easy to write a story if you do it in the style of a legend or fairy tale, and also when you deny your readers any meaningful choices.

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  • Usoki
    Originally posted by mizal View Post the hell do you write interesting conflict about someone who can turn invisible and fly and incinerate all enemies with a thought?
    Therein lies the beauty of the contest- it's a lot more challenging than it might seem at the surface. You have to figure out how to write a story involving overpowered characters, while still making it interesting and worthwhile to read. And also, because I'm apparently a sadistic bastard who feeds off of your misery.

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  • mizal
    I'm writing* about that most loathed of characters, the bane of all fantasy connoisseurs and roleplay chatrooms everywhere--the overpowered wizard.

    Except I've already had to scale the main character's power level waaaay back because how the hell do you write interesting conflict about someone who can turn invisible and fly and incinerate all enemies with a thought? WTF you faggot godmoders, this is why I haven't RPed since highschool. That and all the slutty anime girls with dicks for some reason.

    * and by that I mean outlining, I love to make outlines and story maps... actually writing is for losers and people with time management skills
    Last edited by mizal; 07-29-2013, 01:15 PM.

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  • Usoki
    Meh, I always assumed it was because we tend to be introverted people, and so unless someone is actively sparking posts, we're all contect to hang around and lurk. God knows that's what I do.

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  • BatCountry
    This website is soooo dead. What are people doing? Tanning!? Swimming?! Outside?!?! Pssshhhhhh

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  • BatCountry
    Throw my hat into the ring as well. This one sounds quite interesting. MOAR PEOPLE!

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  • apotheosis
    Holy shit, I've already started planning out my entry. I haven't written anything yet... but, I've started to storyboard my sci-fi epic.

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  • apotheosis

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  • Usoki
    The gauntlet has been thrown down! I've just been going with the assumption that I'll be taking part, but the surprise appearance by Apoth just further cements things. How could I say no?

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  • apotheosis
    Fuck it I'm in.

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  • Bear Bipolar-Bear
    Very well, my lord. Though I am loathe to leave behind that which I have already quite in earnest begun, I shall nonetheless comply with the rules of this most worthy tradition.

    Allow me to clarify, however. I am not yet committing my furry self to this contest, as I would not want to endure the above-threatened horrors, neither the SHAME nor even yet the SCORN, for my ursine sensitivities just would not BEAR up under such gruesome derision.

    Sometimes, as a knight errant and student of the joust, I feel as though I were born in the wrong period of time. Do any of you ever feel this way? I shan't highway-rob your thread, noble Usoki, but I found the following link to be rather interesting. I think I should prefer to live in the High Middle Ages, however, or perhaps the early Tudor period, certainly well after the Plague. I could never stand to lose everybuddy!

    Love and hugs,


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  • Usoki
    Well, I went through the IWT 8 logs to determine how we ultimately handled it then. Based on this, here's what I've decided.

    First, all of the rooms in the story must have been written in 2013. If it's any older than that, then you need to come up with something else. Second, you will need to make sure that at least 20 rooms were all written on or after after March 27th, which is when I announced the contest's theme in the IWT 9 Results thread. This way you're still having to do the same amount of work as everyone else. Third, however many rooms you have written before that date, you need to make sure that at least three times as many rooms are written on or after this date. That way, the majority of your story is written after the contest announcement and is therefore in line with the time frame.

    This goes for everyone, though I can't imagine that it will affect that many people.

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  • Bear Bipolar-Bear
    Mr. Usoki -- May I submit a work which I've already begun, but which has really only JUST begun, and which I have not yet published? Would this be permissible? Or must I start truly from the drawing board?

    Hello everybuddy! Nice to see you again!

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  • Usoki
    Originally posted by mizal View Post
    So I can basically dig up ANY random story I wrote in high school and convert it to a CYOA, awesome.
    This is intentional. After last contest's two and a half stories, I really want to make this one really easy to enter and participate. Because, let's be honest, most of us are going to haphazardly throw this thing together in the last two weeks anyway.

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