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IWT 10 - The Overpowered Character

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  • Vesnic
    And there was much rejoicing!

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  • Usoki
    Oh, all right. The 31st it is.

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  • Vesnic
    Well, what'll it be?

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  • Locke
    How about the 31st? That way no one can complain. I also feel like Ves announced her entry in the contest - given that deadline - so if nothing else, it seems like a good opportunity to subject someone to SHAME.

    And it's true that Usoki did announce the theme much later than usual. I'm sure no one started writing at that point, but it does also make sense in those terms.

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  • mizal
    Happy new year faggots, try not to guzzle too many strange cocks mmkay?

    And did we ever decide on an official new deadline?

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  • mizal
    oh right this site still exists

    I should probably see if I can still find the first part of my story, it's been a few months

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  • Vesnic
    I just farted. It's pretty bad, actually.

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  • End Master
    Usoki should make the deadline the 1st now just to force BatCountry to shit himself.

    And writing a story consisting of just the lyrics to a Miley song still wouldn't put you anywhere near being the most despised member of the community. You wouldn't even be at Megaman level.

    Hell, you probably wouldn't even be at Threadkiller level.

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  • BatCountry
    I'd be down for the 31st of January. But If it was the 20th of January I wouldn't cry about that. If it was the 15th I'd tear up a wee bit. If it was the 6th I'd be balling, curled up in a cold shower.

    If it was actually the first, I'd shit myself and write the worst never ending story in the history of this site. Probably just recite the lyrics to Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball" for 25 rooms, just to solidify myself as the most despised member of this community.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely Kwanzaa season

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  • Vesnic
    Well, you can either have an entry from me or not have an entry from me, that's pretty much what it boils down to. I was always under the impression that more entries were considered a good thing.

    I can't say for sure if the 14th will be sufficient, but it would certainly be better than the 1st of January, which at this point is looking totally impossible for me.

    Oh, and just for information's sake, I do have the somewhat valid excuse of simultaneously having to write several monster papers for a graduate degree in a foreign language at the same time as I'm trying to figure out what the hell an overpowered narrator is. So any extra leniency would be much appreciated.


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  • Usoki
    Eh, it seems like we extend the deadline every year. Who am I to break tradition? Granted, January 31st seems a bit much- I'd rather shoot for the 14th or so- but if other people also request it, I shall certainly consider it.

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  • Vesnic
    Dear Mr. Contestmeister,

    Is there any teensy-weensy chance you, in your overpowered wisdom, would consider extending the contest deadline to, shall we say, the 31st of January, 2014?

    Would this be acceptable to you and your minions?

    Thank you,

    Your dribbling plebe.

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  • dreamshell
    Is anyone doing it that way, though? I don't recall reading so, but it's been a while.

    Anyway, understood. For whatever reason, that makes the concept a lot easier for me to approach. I'm going to brainstorm and see if maybe there isn't a story to be had out of this.

    EDIT: Alright... I have an idea.

    Twenty rooms minimum, right? Fuck it. I'm in.
    Last edited by dreamshell; 11-06-2013, 09:46 PM.

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  • Usoki
    Originally posted by dreamshell View Post
    The overpowered character doesn't have to be the POV?!
    The overpowered character doesn't have to be the POV narrator. This is intentional. They must still be a main character, but they do not need to be the main character.

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  • dreamshell
    Originally posted by Usoki View Post
    I present to you: The Infinite Writing Tournament Ten! This year's theme? The Overpowered Protagonist. All stories should be completed by Dec 31st, 2013, although we'll probably end up with an extention. Your story must [have] at least one main character who is overpowered in some sense of the word. Failure to do so will result in eventual disqualification.
    Wait. Waitwaitwait...

    The overpowered character doesn't have to be the POV?!

    Did I just discover some crazy, overlooked loophole or was this obvious to everyone? Or am I reading too much into a typo/poor wording or something? Nonetheless, if signing up legally binds one to SHAME and SCORN upon failure to properly complete the contest, then I argue I should be able to legally bind Usoki to allow conditions as they're typed, not as they may have been intended.

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